Gaines Greer
The Talented and Gifted Magnet
English I, Pre-AP
2016– 2017
Dallas ISD Core Beliefs
- Our main purpose is to improve student academic achievement.
- Effective instruction makes the most difference in student academic performance
- There is no excuse for poor qualityinstruction.
- With our help, at risk students will achieve at the same rate as non-at risk students.
- Staff members must have a commitment to children and a commitment to the pursuit of excellence.
Course Goals
Writing skills
- To eliminate errors in spelling, grammar, usage, and mechanics (capitalization and punctuation)
- To eliminate run-ons and fragments in compositions
- To use higher-level thinking skills in the writing process, understanding that writing is a visual representation of one’s thinking
- To write for a variety of purposes and audiences, using increasingly more sophisticated sentence structure and variety
- To edit both formal and informal writing, correcting for grammar, punctuation, and style
Reading and literary skills
- To increase vocabulary through independent reading; to enhance understanding of vocabulary related to literary selections through context clues; to raise the awareness of higher-level vocabulary through direct instruction of SAT vocabulary; to understand how the study of Latin and Greek roots and affixes and their derivatives aids in attacking new vocabulary; to learn through structural analysis how words are formed.
- To improve the identification of figurative language in literary selections and the effect of the use of such language
- To improve skills necessary for literary analysis (application of literary elements and terms)
- To increase knowledge of literary genres, works, authors, and universal themes addressed in literature
- To increase reading speed through focused, active reading
Speaking skills
- To learn to speak with clear, carefully enunciated, appropriate English
- To gain confidence in speaking before one’s peers or larger audiences
Study skills
- To increase dependence on oneself for learning and acquisition of knowledge and skills
- To develop independence as a learner with an understanding that a broad knowledge base is beneficial for a wide variety of reasons and that learning is a life-long endeavor
Required materials
- Flash drive for saving research work and assignments
- EITHER a 3-ring binder with loose leaf paper and pockets OR a notebook with perforated pages and a separate folder
- Writing utensils, including a highlighter and red pen
- Index cards: 125 (3" x 5") per six weeks
- Spiral notebook (single subject)
Behavioral Expectations
- Arrive on time.
- Bring all necessary materials to class.
- Cooperate with the teacher and other students.
- Participate in classroom activities/discussions.
- Hand in completed assignments on time.
- Know and follow class rules.
- Always put forth your best effort.
Grading Categories
Reading and Writing40%
Six Weeks Test20%
Make-up Work
- Quizzes: If a student has not made up a quiz within one week of the day it was given, he or she will receive a maximum of a 50 for the test.
- Missed Assignments
- Any assignment due when a student was absent is due the day that he/she returns to class.
- Any assignment given when a student was absent must be turned in within one week of the day it was given.
- Exceptions will be made for extended absences, but they must be approved by Ms. Greer as soon as the student returns to school.
Late Work
Assignments 1 – 2 school days late will be graded for a maximum of a 70.
Assignments 3 – 4 school days late will be graded for a maximum of a 50.
Any assignment not turned in within one week of its due date will receive a zero.
Academic Dishonesty
Academic Dishonesty includes but is not limited to the following behaviors:
- Cheating during quizzes or tests,
- Sharing the contents of quizzes or tests,
- Plagiarism of published works
- Copying another student’s work, and
- Allowing another student to copy your work.
The consequences of Academic Dishonesty in English I, Pre-AP are as follows:
- A zero for the assignment,
- Notification of parents/guardians,
- Notification of your other teachers,
- Notification of the principal,
- Potential disqualification from admission into honor societies, and
- No recommendation letters from Ms. Greer for college admissions, scholarships, internships, etc.
Bonus Point Opportunities
- Wall of Grammatical Superiority
Students who find grammatical/mechanical errors, misspellings, or other mistakes in documents that were intended for mass consumption and that should have been carefully proofread may receive 1 – 2bonus points per error. Students may submit their errors via email or in a hard copy (preferred).
- Vocabulary Sightings
Students who keep up with their vocabulary units will notice that their vocabulary words make appearances in many places besides the classroom. Any vocabulary word found in print, outside of this class’s assigned reading, may be submitted for 1 – 2 bonus points.
All bonus points are “first come, first serve.” This means that only the first person to submit a specific error/sighting will receive bonus points for it.
Students may use the above opportunities to earn a maximum of 20 bonus points per six weeks. All bonus points will be added to a student’s participation grade.
For more information on bonus point opportunities, see the handout entitled “Earning Bonus Points.”
Scheduled tutoring opportunities are as follows:
Mondays4:20 – 5:15
Wednesdays 4:20 – 5:15
I am also available during C-lunch and at any other time when I am in my classroom and have the door open.
Course of Study
First Semester / Prologue to The Canterbury Tales and selected tales by Geoffrey ChaucerThe Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka
Persepolis I by Marjane Satrapi
Second Semester / A selection of Imagist poetry
Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare
Life and Death in the State of Texas (using contemporary long-form journalism)
Research Paper on topic of choice (subject to teacher approval)