Bapchild and Tonge Village Hall has been on its present site for 25 years. It is a very well maintained Hall and is reportedly one of the best halls in Kent. It aims to meet its day to day running costs from the charges made from hiring the Hall. However, in recent years, the number of people and groups hiring the Hall has decreased. Many other halls have also seen a decrease in bookings. It is acknowledged that the economic situation has been a factor.

The Hall also requires a certain level of maintenance andrecent work has seen a new boiler installed, the interior repainted, and roof insulation provided. In addition, a new exterior and door sign were erected and the design has received many compliments. Theaim is to meet the cost of such work from fund raising events but many events are poorly supported despite advertising in the Village Newsletter and leaflet drops to every house.

The Hall’s Management Committee would therefore like to hear your comments on what sort of fund raising events you would support. Recent events have included – Wine and Wisdom, Gardeners Question Time, Pamper Night, Summer Lunch and Auction of Promises. We would also be interested to hear what groups and organizations (eg Pilates, Line Dancing, Indoor Bowls and Sugar Craft) you would like to see hire the Hall that you or your children might attend.

On the next page are some questions about the Hall. Please could you spare a few minutes to give your views.

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On SATURDAY29 MARCH, the Hall will be open between 10.00 and 12.00 for everyone to come and see what the Hall has to offer. So whether you are interested in joining one of the Groups that hire the Hall or are considering hiring the Hall yourself for a wedding, party or some other event, please come along for an informal chat and a cup of coffee to view its facilities. Villagers also get a preferential hire rate.


Q. What fundraisingevents would you consider attending from those mentioned overleaf in the list of recent events?

Q. What other type of fundraisingevents would you like to see and support?

Q. Would you be prepared to help organize or help run these events or any newfundraising events?

Q. Are the current fundraising events well advertised ?

Q. How could we advertise the fund raising events better?

Q. How do you think we could improve theVillage Hall’s facilities?

Q. Are there any groups or organizations that you would like to run events in the Hall for you or your children?

Q. Do you believe the new Website offers all the information that you need when considering whether to hire the Hall or attend a function of group event there? If not, how could this be improved?