Autumn 2 2017, Phase 2; ‘Can party food be healthy?’
TopicActivities / Week 1
30thOctober / Week 2
6th November / Week 3
13th November / Week 4
20th November / Week 5
27th November / Week 6
4th December / Week 7
11th December
Mathematical Understanding / YEAR 1
Geometry: properties of shapes / Geometry: position and direction / Number and place value / Measurement / Number and place value / Addition and subtraction / Problem solving
Geometry: properties of shapes / Geometry: position and direction / Number and place value / Measurement and statistics / Number and place value
Addition and subtraction / Measurement
Statistics / Problem solving
Understanding English, communication & languages –
English, Sp&L, reading, writing & MFL / Traditional Tale – imitate Cinderella / Traditional Tale – Innovate – childrens choice of transformation / Traditional Tale – Invent – childrens own transformation tale / Explanation Text – How can we keep healthy? / Explanation Text – innnovate / Speaking and listening – Christmas play
Daily handwriting, spelling and comprehension
Understanding the arts –
Dance, Music, Art & Drama /
- Choose music for the party
- Sing food songs
Practise songs for the Xmas party / Reherse Cinderella pantomime including Cinderella dance
Practise songs for the Xmas party / Cinderella Pantomime / Sing songs and perform dance at the Xmas party
Physical development, health and wellbeing – PE, / Focusing on games with PE coach
Playground Games / Focusing on games with PE coach
Roll the ball accurately at a target. / Focusing on games with PE coach
Throw accurately using an underarm throw. / Focusing on games with PE coach
Aim and throw accurately using an underarm throw. / Focusing on games with PE coach
Catch using the correct technique / Focusing on games with PE coach
Further develop throwing and catching skills. / Focusing on games with PE coach
Apply catching and throwing skills in a game situation
Scientific and technological understanding – science & DT; /
- Sorting anclassifying materials (according to material names)
- Properties of materials
- Use of materials - linking to topic – which materials are best suited for party utensils?
- Healthy eating & exercise
- Explore food types
- Plan healthy food for the party
- Changing shape ofmaterials e.g. rolling dough, squashing a banana for a sandwich
- Party menus
Why are some places special? / Recognise Christian symbols and pictures and talk about them / Explore features of the Christian church / Talk about what Christian do at church / Compare and contrast Christian and Hindu places of worship / Recognise Christian and Hindu symbols / The Christmas story / The Christmas story
We are app designers (Switched on Computing) /
- Choosing a photograph to fit a purpose
- Search safely for images
- Know what to do if an inappropriate image appears
- Learning about the camera
Spanish / Spanish numbers / Colours
Becoming better learners / Developing independence and responsibility
I can dress and undress myself / Developing independence and responsibility
I can decide when I need to wash and keep my body hygienic / Developing independence and responsibility
I can make simple decisions about who has access to my body / Developing independence and responsibility
I can ask and answer simple questions to help me understand / Developing independence and responsibility
I can identify ways of making unfair situation fairer / Developing independence and responsibility
I can take responsibility for simple jobs in the classroom / Developing independence and responsibility
I can offer simple reason about why something is right or wrong
Special Events & Visitors / FILM AFTERNOON: watching Cinderella – Writing link / Cinderella Christmas Performance