Surrarrer PTA Meeting

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Multi- Purpose Room 9:30 a.m.

1. Call to Order: 9:35 a.m. by president Allison Applebee

2. Recording Secretary: Lisa Goldberg

November minutes were accepted as written.

3. Treasurer’s Report: Stephanie Murray

Beginning Balance: $24,236.35

Total Income: $5,712.75

Total Expenses: $2,531.92

Ending Balance: $27,417.18

o Kendra Jeske made a motion to take $75.00 out of donations so Lici Hoover

could pay for the Chick-Fil-A party for Mrs. Friedman’s class, blood drive.

Marie Costanzo second and motion passed.

4. Principal’s Report: Dr. Raso

o Thank you for the salad lunch, the staff really enjoyed it.

o End of quarter is December 18th

o I was in Columbus with three of our teachers sharing what we do at

Surrarrer. This went very well, others wanted to know how they could

bring ideas back to their schools.

o January 15th at 2:30 will be our next early release day.

o You should be receiving an E-mail once we have Lockdown drill this week.

The law has changed, we need to have four drills a year. Staff training

counts as one so we will have two more this year. We will also be getting

plastic sheeting on our windows for protection. The Middle and High

School will have bullet proof sheeting.

5. Corresponding Secretary: Brian Jungeberg

o Mrs. Candow sent a thank you for the lanyards.

o Mrs. Gory sent a thank you for the staff lunch.

o Mrs. Massa sent a thank you for Bookfair start up.

o Strongsville Police sent a thank you for the Bob Evans gift cards for Dare

role models.

6. PTA Council Report: Kelly Clark

o December 10th @ 6:30 will be a public hearing to discuss calendar for the

next two years. The board will vote on January 21st to adopt calendar.

o Zellers will become the Strongsville Administrative Offices. We are about

50% moved in.

o Reassignments will be given to Drake families this coming week. The

students will be going to Muraski, Surrarrerr or Whitney. There is a link

on the website with maps. All you have to do is type in your street and it

will link you to your new school.

oThere are committees working on the Honors program at the Middle

school for 6-8. There will be 4 teachers per team in the sixth grade. The

committees are deciding on keeping the program as is or altering the

course work in a different way, possibly extra packets in regular class. The

Math track will stay the same regardless of the decision. The committee

will report to Mr. Ryba after break. This will stay the same.

o Mr. Ryba has made a decision to change the location of the H.S. trip to

Quebec for French class and Peru or Ecquador for Spanish. Meeting will

be Monday night at the High School.

7. Committee Reports

o Bingo: Leslie Hilliard Bingo will be January 20th(K-3) & 21st (4-6) 6:45-8:00

o Kalahari: Kendra Jeske We are thinking of booking a date for May 22nd

at $119 a room. We need 10 rooms booked to move forward.

8. New Business

o A discussion was held about scaling back on fundraising and spending the

money that we do have in account. Swings for the playground, an

author visit and an assembly for the last day of school were mentioned.

Security cameras was another idea.

Important Dates

December 18 Classroom parties

December 18- January 3rd Holiday Break

January 7th Candid Photo Day

January 13th PTA Meeting

Adjourned: 10:35 a.m.

Attendance: 17