New Build Progress

We are still hoping for an APRIL 2016 move into the new school

The builders are working very hard now to ensure the building is fit to use. Most of the external work has been completed and now they are fitting out the rooms with power and water, ready to begin putting in the doors and carpets etc.

The Big Move!

It won’t be long until we start transferring equipment, once the doors and the alarm systems are fully in place.

Temporary entry and exit

I am currently working with the builders to work out a safe entry and exit strategy for all during the summer term. This is when we will be in the new building, and the old building will be partially demolished. The Nursery and Reception classes will probably have an entry that is separate from the rest of the school for this period.

Events and Trips

TheMobile Planetariumvisit certainly stimulated excitement and learning about the solar system and beyond.

Year 3 enjoyed their visit the Museum of Science and Industry on the 22ndJanuary.

On Monday 18th and Tuesday 19th January, we had a very special visitor from Liverpool. Mr. Terry Caffrey, author and poet wowed the children with his readings and everyone enjoyed taking part in his poetry sessions.

Miss Tillmanns and Y3 are currently working with Peter Kennedyon a writing project and will be sharing some of their excellent work after half term.

Assessment Week

January 25th saw the start of our Assessment week. This is when the children take a series of tests and assessments. We do this to give the children experience of tests and so we can gauge how well our regular assessments match test data. The children have all tried hard and the results will be shared with you at the Parents Evening in March.

Beat The Bell.

We hope you enjoyed beating the bell. We will have another of these weeks once we move into our new building.

New Staff

I would like to welcome our new Midday Assistant, Mrs. Hashmi. She will be supporting the younger children initially during the lunch break. We also have a temporary Teaching Assistant supporting in Y5 (Mrs. Clark) until Easter, to give the childrenextra support and a boost in their learning in the run up to the busy summer term.

PE, Sports and Swimming

We have managed to keep the PE and sports curriculum provision as a priority throughout the New Build Process. Currently Y4 go swimming on Mondays and we hope to get our inter school football matches up and running again soon.

Governing Body Update

We have a full complement of governors now, the parent representatives are Mrs.Shahid, Mrs. Skopek and Mr.MacInness.

Attendance so far 2015-16
R / 90.1%
Y1 / 95.7%
Y2 / 94.5%
Y3 / 95.5%
Y4 / 93.5%
Y5 / 97.1%
Y6 / 95.5%
overall / 94.8%

Attendance Update

Well done to Y6 and Reception class who both managed 100% attendance for the week ending the 22nd of January. We are hoping to break records with the whole school attendance at the end of this term.

Attendance so far this year

Early Finish for Easter

We will be finishing early (2pm) on the 1st of April. This is to allow the staff to finish off packing the boxes and crates ready for the move into the new building!

Choir at Bamford Grange

Following our lovely carol-singing at Bamford Grange Care Home in December, Bridge Hall Choir was invited back to sing on Monday 1st Feb and gave a fabulous performance of lively songs to entertain the residents.

Some key dates for your 2016 diary

(Please note this is for information only, these dates can change.)

February 2016

Thursday 11thYear 3 Residential to Castleton

Friday 12thBreak for half term

Monday 22ndChildren back in school

March 2016

Thursday 24thParents Evening 3.30 – 7pm

Good Friday 25thBank Holiday- Day Off

Easter Monday 28th Bank Holiday- Day Off


Friday 1st AprilBreak for Easter Holidays-2.00 finishto allow staff to do packing.

We are hoping to be moving into the new school building during the Easter Holidays.

Monday 18thExceptional Closure Date – (All staff in - unpacking furniture)

Tuesday 19thChildren start back in New School- new temporary entrance to the playground.


Monday 2ndBank Holiday- Day Off

Monday 9thYear 6 SATs test week

Friday 27thBreak for Whit (two weeks)


Monday 13th Children back in school


Friday 8thSchool reports out

Wednesday 13thYear 6 Residential Trip- Isle of Man

Monday 18thYear4 and 5 Residential - Todmorden

Tuesday 26th July Attendance assembly and break up 2:30pm

27th /28th July Staff Training Days


School Holidays Building work completing the school grounds


Thursday 1stStaff training day

Friday 2nd Staff training day

Monday 5thChildren back in school

Friday 9thPossible Grand Opening event – Afternoon / After School .