SUPVC 1st meeting of Spring Quarter

April 1, 2009

Meeting Minutes

Dr. Bouley opened the meeting by extending congratulations to this academic year’s veterinary medical school applicants: David (going to Illinois State), Lisa (going to UC Davis), and Willie (going to UC Davis). Stanford and SUPVC Alumnus Kate Ferrell will also be attending UC Davis as part of the class 2013.

The SUPVC is also planning to host the second Pre-Vet Expo next Spring Quarter 2010. More details to come, but please make a note of it while planning for your activities next year.

It is time for more submissions for the second Pre-Vet Newsletter of this year! Get excited to share about your animal-related experiences with your fellow SUPVC members as well as to the broader community (President Hennessey has received the first Fall Quarter newsletter as well as an honorary club T-shirt). This is a great chance to not only keep each other updated on our individual exciting adventures, but also to raise awareness about the veterinary medical profession for others. Students that did not contribute an entry for the Fall Quarter Newsletter are REQUIRED to submit one for this upcoming newsletter. Of course, those that already submitted to the previous newsletter are more than welcome to write again. Submissions need only to be one paragraph in length, and the due date is TBA.

Another new development for this spring quarter is Dr. Stephen Felt’s first-ever “Globally Emerging Zoonotic Diseases” introductory seminar. There are several familiar SUPVC member faces in the class, but there are still a few spaces available for anyone that would like to join the class. If you are interested, please add the course ASAP on Axess (COMPMED 84Q).

There is also new activities off-campus: a Menlo-Park grade-school teacher is requesting pre-vet students to work with at-risk youths (3rd to 5th graders). If you are interested in speaking to students about the experiences that prepare you for veterinary medical school, please talk to Dr. B for more details.

Spring Quarter also means that we need to pick a date for the End of the Year Party to send-off the seniors and for another chance to hang out with fellow SUPVC members before yet another academic year comes to a close! May 16th is the tentative date, so mark your calendars or suggest another available date to Dr. B. Lori will not be able to attend the party, so Dr. B wished her the best and gave her a Senior Gift.

The meeting concluded with a discussion of the veterinary medical school application process. Willie gave a presentation on the VMCAS application, while both Willie and David spoke about interview questions and gave general preparation advice.