Advice Statement
Advice No.1/2017

Protocols for the ACTPS when interacting with backbenchers


  1. A backbencher is a Member of the Legislative Assembly of the Australian Capital Territory (MLA) who holds any office in that Assembly that is not an executive office.
  2. Following the 2016 general election, the Leader of the Australian Labor Party, ACT Branch (Mr Andrew Barr MLA), the ACT Greens Member for Kurrajong (Mr Shane Rattenbury MLA) and the ACT Greens Member for Murrumbidgee (Ms Caroline LeCouteur) signed the Parliamentary Agreement for the 9th Legislative Assembly for the Australian Capital Territory.
  3. Under the Agreement, the ACT Greens Member for Kurrajong (Mr Shane Rattenbury MLA) was appointed as a Minister. The Cabinet Handbook provides that Cabinet confidentiality may be waived only by the express, written agreement of the Chief Minister, to allow appropriate information sharing within the ACT Greens, particularly between Minister Rattenbury and Ms LeCouteur MLA, who is a backbencher. It also specifies that the Greens Minister will remain solely responsible for maintaining Cabinet confidentiality when consultation with the Greens MLA occurs.
  4. For the purposes of these protocols, and in line with the Agreement, a member of the ACT Greens who is not a government minister is a backbencher.
  5. An MLA who holds an executive office is defined as a Minister.
  6. The ACT Public Service (ACTPS) is defined as any person who is employed under the Public Sector Management Act 1994.


  1. To assist a Minister with briefing a backbencher on a government matter.


  1. At the commencement of the 9th Assembly, the number of MLAs grew from 17 to 25.
  2. In light of the expanded Assembly, it is prudent that protocols be established for appropriate use of ACTPS resources in the event a Minister wishes to provide briefing to a backbencher.


  1. There is a public interest in governments having robust and authoritative information on the performance of taxpayer funded policies and programs.
  2. The ACTPS assists Ministers in undertaking their ministerial duties. This assistance may include the provision of briefing to a backbencher – with the Minister’s agreement.
  3. It is appropriate for a Minister to seek the provision of briefing to a backbencher provided that the information relates to the responsibilities of the respective Ministerial portfolio.
  4. Requests for briefing can vary considerably depending on portfolio responsibilities, the priorities of Ministers, and the availability of robust data.


  1. It is not appropriate for the ACTPS to provide briefing directly to a backbencher (or a staff member of a backbencher), without the request and approval of the respective Minister’s Office. Should the ACTPS receive a direct request for briefing from a backbencher (or a staff member of a backbencher), the request should be referred to the relevant Minister.
  2. Any briefing provided by the ACTPS to backbenchers, or their staff, will not include political commentary.
  3. If the provision of briefing is by means of a verbal briefing, the respective Minister’s Office Chief of Staff or Portfolio Policy Advisor would be in attendance, usually with a high level member of the ACTPS.
  4. The ACTPS will provide briefing notes for ministers to brief caucus on Bills.
  5. The Chief Minister may request the ACTPS to brief all MLAs in relation to extraordinary events such as natural disasters, emergency management or terrorist incidents.
  6. The ACTPS should be aware of MLAs’ obligations under the Code of Conduct for MLAs, specifically that where they are in receipt of information which is either confidential or unavailable to the general public, MLAs are privileged to receive this information. It is provided to assist them in their decision making for the benefit of the Territory. The status of this information should not be compromised. MLAs are not to misuse any confidential information received, particularly for personal gain or in the personal gain of others. MLAs should make only proper use of those public resources to which they have access.
  7. The ACTPS will assess requests for briefing in line with Caretaker Guidelines during a Caretaker period in an election year.
  8. This protocol does not apply to standard briefings required under the Electoral Act or the ACT Self Government Act (Clth) such as where ACT Treasury Officials brief non government MLAs on the state of the Territory’s finances in the lead up to an election. Any other direct briefing (not requested by a minister) of a non executive MLA must be approved by the Head of Service.

Bronwen Overton-Clarke
Deputy Director General

Workforce Capability and Governance Division

Chief Minister Treasury and Economic Development Directorate

on behalf of
Kathy Leigh
Head of Service

June 2017