Faculty of EHSEVisiting Scholar Grant
The overall aim of the Visiting Scholar Program is to support research activity by encouraging research active staff from other universities to engage in joint projects with the CDU. The purpose of the grant is to support an extended visit by a visiting scholar with a view to an application for a nationally competitive grant. An example of an acceptable grant would be an ARC Future Fellowship or an ARC super science fellowship. The outcome of the program will be
- An application for a significant externally funded nationally competitive grant
All applications must identify the above outcome in order to be considered. Encouragement is given to research involving studies consistent with University priorities. Support may be given to research overseas, taking into account the University’s geographical areas of research foci. Visitingscholar grants are available for individuals or groups of researchers. The administering organization of the nationally competitive grant must be the Charles Darwin University.
Support under this Program is contingent upon:
- Successful achievement of specified outcomes in any previous Faculty or University small research grants held by the applicant(s);
- Satisfactory completion of reporting requirements on funding received previously from CDU Research Panel Programs (e.g. CDU Research office or Faculty small grants and Faculty of EHSE UTROP projects).
Eligibility for Funding
The VisitingScholar Grant is open to staff who are on a minimum 12 month contract for at least 0.5 full-time equivalent to be eligible (staff on contracts which would normally be expected to be renewed will normally be eligible). Casual, honorary and other staff are ineligible for funding as potential Chief Investigators under the Visiting Scholar Grants Program. They may, however, be named as participants in a project for which funding is sought.
Eligible Chief Investigators should anticipate being located at CDU while the visiting scholar is present.
Staff must have a Ph.D. to apply for this grant.
External Collaboration
This grant specifically involves collaboration with an external chief investigator, i.e. the visiting scholar. Up to 80% of the track record can be taken from the track record of the visiting scholar.
Selection Criteria for Grants
The selection criteria and relative weighting for all applications is as follows:
- Track record of the CDU potential Chief Investigator(s) – 45%
- Track record of the Visiting Scholar – 45%
- Area of Research focus – 10%
The research foci of the Faculty are:
- Environment and livelihoods
- Energy, renewables, materials and resources
- Human health and well-being in challenging environments
- Science and technology pedagogy
Information about the CDU research foci can be found at
How to Apply
The EHSE202 – 2016 Visiting Scholar Applicationmust be completed and signed by all potential Chief Investigators. Please read the Guidelines carefully before completing the application form. The form must be submitted to the PGResearch Office (Blue 5.1.67) six weeks prior to the proposed visit. Late applications will not be accepted.
Assessment of Applications
Assessments of the quality of applications will be made by a sub-committee of the Faculty of EHSEResearch and Research Training Committee.
Amount of Grant
It is envisaged that grants in 2016 will be for amounts up to $5,000.
Budget Items
Justification: Each budget item should be fully justified.
Travel and daily expenses: It is expected that travel related costs for the visiting scholar to spend an extended period of time at CDU will be a significant part of the budget for this category of grant. Airfares must be at the economy rate via the cheapest route. Accommodation and living expenses incurred by the visiting scholar will be reimbursed by production of receipts.
Reporting on Visiting Scholar Grants
Recipients of Visiting Scholar Grant must report on the outcome by 4.00pm on Friday 16 December, 2016 and attach:
A financial acquittal, at that time, any unexpended funds will be recouped by the Faculty unless a request for carry forward of unexpended funds is justified and approved.
Awarding of the Visiting Scholar grant is on the condition that the grantee and visiting scholar will apply for external funds within 12 months of receiving the grant.
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