Supporting PPGs to develop and enable healthy and active communities
Criteria and application form
April 2017
In the Southwark Five Year Forward View (FYFV) we state that we need to reimagine our ‘workforce’ and recognise that our citizens – as service users, parents or carers – are members of resourceful communities that can help others, and that people as individuals want to feel in charge of their own health and wellbeing. We feel that Patient Participation Groups (PPGs) are well placed to support this.
Through discussions with local people at the Southwark PPG Network, its steering group and at the Engagement and Patient Experience Committee, we have decided to develop a best practice model for PPGs that is based on the altogether better model whereby practices see patients as assets and harness their skills to develop health and wellbeing initiatives locally either at their practice or by linking into wider initiatives taking place in the neighbourhood.
The model could contain some of the following elements:
· Time banks –setting up time banks at GP practices to enable patients and residents to volunteer their time at practices / in the community hubsand receive time credits for the time and skills they contribute. Each hour spent helping out earns participants an hour of help in return from other time bank memberswithin the community hubs and potentiallythe Southwark time banks. TheTime4Southwark projectwill support PPGs to set up a time bank toenable patients, residents and organisations to work together toexchangeskills and time.Time4Southwark will provide bespoketraining andsupport including use of a database to record hours and exchanges.
· Reaching Communities project – working with Community Southwark to enable PPGs to set up their own community projects to improve the health and wellbeing of their local communities, or to enable PPGs to work with other groups such as gardening, walking or arts projects for the benefit of their patients.
Chair: Dr Jonty Heaversedge Chief Officer: Andrew Bland
The CCG has funded Community Southwark and the Time4Southwark network to work with a small number of practice PPGs to develop and pilot initiatives which we can evaluate before rolling out further.
We are seeking applications from practices and PPGs who are interested in piloting initiatives these areas, using the short application form over leaf and who meet the following criteria.
1. Your practice / PPG engages with a range of people reflecting the diversity of your patients.
2. Your PPG has a patient chair or patient leader.
3. PPG members attend the relevant Locality PPG meetings and feedback information to and from the CCG.
4. Your PPG has members who have attended the training that Southwark CCG or NHS England have provided.
5. The practice hold health education events for your patients (talks on diabetes, dementia).
6. The practice has a variety of ways to communicate with your patients (newsletter, website, comments box).
Applications to be submitted by Friday 26 May 2017 to:
Rosemary Watts
Head of Membership, Engagement and Equalities
NHS Southwark Clinical Commissioning Group
Fax: 020 7525 0450
Postal address (no stamp required): FREEPOST RSCY-ACYH-CAZL, Hub 5, 1st Floor, NHS Southwark CCG, PO Box 64529 London SE1P 5LX
The decision panel will meet in early June and applicants will informed by 9 June at the latest
Chair: Dr Jonty Heaversedge Chief Officer: Andrew Bland
Patient Participation Group (PPG) and community wellbeing pilot: enabling healthy and active communities
Application form
Name of practice:
Name of practice staff supporting PPG:
Title of practice staff supporting PPG:
Name of patient chair of PPG:
Please describe how you meet the criteria laid out on page 2 or your plans to meet them
Please indicate whether you would like to:
· Develop a timebank scheme in your surgery, and / or
· Develop a project to improve health and wellbeing through work with the PPG and /or local community
Chair: Dr Jonty Heaversedge Chief Officer: Andrew Bland
Please provide some details below of what you would like to develop in your practice?
Please note: Your ideas do not have to be compete at this stage. If you would like to develop a project for wellbeing at your surgery, part of the work with Community Southwark would be turn ideas in to practice, and part of the work with Time4Southwark might be to use timebanking credits to help develop ideas and facilitate relationships between people and organisations so that your initiative is co-produced between the PPG and the practice.
How do you think your ideas might make a difference in your local community?:
Please note: If you would like to develop a project for wellbeing at your surgery, part of the work with Community Southwark would be to explore how this can have an impact in your community and part of the work with Time4Southwark might be to use timebanking credits to develop the outcomes.
Has this initiative been discussed and agreed at your PPG meeting?
Yes: Date of meeting:
Please expand:
Patient chair of PPG
Practice member of staff
Chair: Dr Jonty Heaversedge Chief Officer: Andrew Bland