Missing Documents and Incorrect Notification

Q:I have a PO for an Asset that will be capitalized due to the cost. Do I include Shipping Costs too, or just the Accounting Information for the Line the Asset was paid for under? Tried to get the CO to tell me and he was no help.

A:Shipping cost are included in the total acquisition cost of a capital asset. Below is from the Capitalized Personal Property Policy:

In determining the acquisition cost, the Line/Staff Office (L/SO) should identify how the capitalized asset was acquired. The acquisition cost of acquiring property, plant, and equipment may include:

  • Amounts paid to vendors (i.e. purchase price)
  • Transportation charges to the point of initial use (i.e. shipping and handling costs)

Q: Are shipping costs included in the acquisition cost?

A:Yes as per the Acquiring Personal Property Policy at:

Q:Could you show an example of entering the transaction # and 3 digit line #?

A:Please refer to the Document Number Format, reference the Purchase Card format at:

Q:For assets purchased via the DOC laptop/desktop portal, the warranty is embedded in the recommended configurations. There doesn't appear to be a way to determine the cost of the warranty options. Can these warranty services be included in the asset price (object class 3123)? If not how, are we to separate this cost out to the appropriate 25XX object class?

A:The amount for the warranty is not to be included in the acquisition cost. If the amount for the warranty is not listed, then reach out to the vendor and have them provide an itemized warranty cost. If you have additional questions please contact your PPMB LOR.

Q:For CWIP requiring travel for installation in the field, do we include salaries of NWS civil service employees? Do we include salaries of contractor salaries?

A:No, Contact PPMB Finance Team for CWIP questions at

Q:Does the Acquisition and/or Responsibility date need to be updated for transfers?

A:No. Refer to page 20-23.

Q:The signature or initials on the in-store receipt should be the PC's signature or initials, not the purchaser/GPC cardholder. Is that correct?

A:The signature / initials and date should be of the government representative that inspects, accepts, and receives the asset.

Q:We have items entered into Sunflower years ago without documents attached. How do I correct a serial number that entered incorrectly with no documents to support it?

A:A photo of the asset’s serial number with barcode should be uploaded in Sunflower to support the serial number correction. The PC can make the necessary change in Sunflower.

Q:How do we find the line number for a purchase card from the BC-704?

A:As it pertains to the BC-704, the document number is a three part number comprising of the last 6 digits of the Purchase Card Number, the 7 digit transaction number (add leading zeros if necessary), and the 3 digit line number (add leading zeros if necessary). Please refer to the Document number Format at

Q:The transaction number is found on the credit card statement and the UPR. IS that correct?

A:No. The transaction number is found on the BC-704 or equivalent. Please refer to the Document Number Format, reference the Purchase Card format at:

Q:If the model is not in sunflower, can you select a model that is close to it and then submit a catalog request to add the correct number, and then change it when it the correct model number is available?

A:No. If the exact model number is not found in Sunflower, submit the Sunflower Catalog Management Form to have the new model added to the system. Once the new model has been added to Sunflower, create the asset record.

Q:Is the document # the same thing as the Trans. # on the BC 704?

A:No. As it pertains to the BC-704, the document number is a three part number comprising of the last 6 digits of the Purchase Card Number, the 7 digit transaction number (add leading zeros if necessary), and the 3 digit line number (add leading zeros if necessary). Please refer to the Document number Format at

Q:Can the serial number be changed using maintain assets later, after the asset has been created, if it had been incorrectly entered initially?

A:Yes, the serial number can be changed in the Maintain Asset Details screen. Be sure to provide supporting documentation (photo, invoice, etc.) to support the changing of the serial number.Please refer to the Change Asset Detail policy at:

Q:What format do we use when we manually load document numbers, not waiting for the UPR? Also, once the item hits the UPR, we have to place the correct document number from the UPR in its place, correct? That has to be suppressed by our LOR correct?

A:The correct document number should be entered at the initial event. Please refer to the Document number Format at

Q:PC's are not notified at this FMC when there is an accountable asset ordered. What do we do because we do not know until it hits the UPR that something has been ordered.

A:This is an internal issue. Contact your Property Manager so that an internal process can be arranged.

Q:Tip 18-01 said to include accessories. Does that also include service contracts for that item (i.e., extended warranty purchased just for that item) even though accessories and service contracts have separate OCC's.

A:No. Service contracts/warranties are not computer accessories and shall not be included in the acquisition cost.

Q:NOAA link and fee for services are not reflected on a PO, just in CBS. Was told unless it is listed on PO, do not include fee - is that correct?

A: Yes. Additional guidance can be found in the Acquiring Personal Property Policy at: