Supporting a Person to Eat and Drink – Multiple Choice Questions (with anwers)


Segment 1 – Instructions

Segment 2 – Importance of Instructions

Segment 3 – Keeping a person Safe

Segment 4 – Aspiration Pneumonia

Segment 5 – Assistive Equipment

Segment 6 – Social needs and Preferences

Segment 7 – Observing, recording and Reporting

Segment 1 – Instructions

1)Why does each person need to be treated as an individual?

  1. They do not, everyone should be treated the same
  2. Because everyone will have their own needs and dietary requirements
  3. People can be grouped according to general dietary requirements
  4. People will have different expectations of how they should be served
  5. It’s the nice thing to do

2)Where will you find the information for the individual needs of a client?

  1. They will tell you
  2. You will get to know them over time, ask co-workers if unsure
  3. The kitchen will have a list
  4. The persons’ care plan
  5. Any of the above

3)What information would be in a care plan regarding meals?

  1. What help is required before, during, and after meals
  2. Only dietary requirements are recorded, you will be told what help is required
  3. What help is required during a meal
  4. Meal plans are separate and not a part of care plans
  5. A persons’ food preferences

4)How can you protect a persons’ clothes during a meal?

  1. There is no way to do this, if they make a mess you will need to assist them to change and put the clothes in to soak
  2. Take their top off and put it back on after the meal
  3. Use a clothing protector, however this should only be used for the duration of the meal
  4. Clothing protectors can be used throughout the day, including meals
  5. If a person is a messy eater, then they should be fed to avoid damage to clothing

5)If a person is coeliac what does this mean?

  1. They can only eat mashed or well-cooked food
  2. They cannot eat gluten
  3. They cannot eat dairy
  4. They cannot eat anything made from animal
  5. They cannot process food high in iron

6)If a person is pescetarian, what does this mean?

  1. They cannot eat wheat
  2. They cannot eat dairy
  3. They cannot eat anything made from animals
  4. They cannot eat meat
  5. They can eat fish but no other meat

7)What does it mean if a person is on a soft diet?

  1. They can only eat food that is soft like mince
  2. They can only eat food that is pureed
  3. They can only have a liquid diet
  4. They cannot eat food that is crunchy but any other food is fine
  5. All their food needs to be partially blended

8)Why would a person need to have their salt intake restricted?

  1. They are coeliac
  2. They are pescatarian
  3. They are overweight
  4. They are on a low sodium diet
  5. They are on a high iron diet and salt reduces absorption

Segment 2 – Importance of Instructions

1)Who has decided what the information and instructions are for a client?

  1. The nurse
  2. The client
  3. The family
  4. Doctors/specialists
  5. All of the above

2)Why are these instructions important?

  1. Because they tell you how best to support a client
  2. Because you will be in trouble if you do not do it right
  3. Because it is disrespectful to the nurse who has taken the time to write them
  4. Because you will harm the client if it is not done right
  5. Because you are paid to do a job so you should do it properly

3)What are the two most important factors that need to be considered when making a dietary plan?

  1. Affordability of food and preferences of food
  2. Physical health of the client and cultural considerations
  3. Physical health of the client and affordability of food
  4. Cultural considerations and food preferences
  5. The physical ability to eat is the only factor that needs consideration

4)What do Japanese people traditionally eat with?

  1. Fork
  2. Spoon
  3. Chop sticks
  4. Fingers
  5. Ladle

5)Why might a person need a high protein diet?

  1. To build up muscle mass
  2. To promote wound healing
  3. To prevent further strokes
  4. a and b
  5. a and c

6)A person with Chronic Obstructive Airway disease needs a diet that is what?

  1. All liquid
  2. High in fat
  3. High in protein
  4. High in calories
  5. Low in carbohydrates

7)If a person has a lactose intolerance, what must they avoid?

  1. Caffeine
  2. Milk
  3. Bread
  4. Carbohydrates
  5. Sugar

8)Following instructions for food requirements helps keep a person what?

  1. Safe and comfortable
  2. Happy
  3. Less likely to lay a complaint
  4. More compliant
  5. Not overweight

Segment 3 – Keeping a person Safe

1)When you are going to feed someone, what is the first thing you need to check?

  1. The person has washed their hands
  2. The person is awake and alert
  3. The person has no visitors
  4. The person is excited to eat
  5. That it is not over your break time

2)If a person is drowsy and you put food in their mouth, what could happen?

  1. The person will wake up properly and eat
  2. The person will dribble the food out
  3. The person could choke
  4. They will not remember they ate and become grumpy
  5. It will take longer to feed them and not be a productive use of time

3)When is the best time to talk to someone while feeding them?

  1. You should not talk during the meal
  2. You can talk while they are eating but do not allow them to talk
  3. Wait until they have finished their mouthful and allow them time to answer before you offer more food
  4. Anytime is fine, they can talk around their food
  5. It depends whether it is culturally appropriate to talk with a mouthful of food

4)Which of the following increases the risk of chocking?

  1. Eating quickly
  2. Big mouthfuls
  3. Not finishing a mouthful before putting more in
  4. Talking with food in their mouth
  5. All of the above

5)What can cause a person to be discouraged from eating?

  1. Too much food on their plate
  2. Too little food on their plate
  3. Too much colour variation on their plate
  4. Too much texture variation on their plate
  5. Not being provided salt to season their food

6)If a person is unable to sit up straight to eat their food, how should you position them?

  1. Lying down
  2. On their side
  3. They will have to move to tube feeding
  4. Raise their head with a pillow as high as comfortably possible
  5. Have someone hold them up while you feed them

7)Which of the following is NOT a reason that puts people off eating?

  1. Clothing too tight
  2. Position people are in to eat
  3. You not talking to them while they eat
  4. Lighting in the room too dark
  5. Colour of the plate

8)How long should people sit up for after eating?

  1. It is an old wives’ tale, there is no scientific reason people should stay sitting after a meal
  2. 5 minutes or less
  3. 20 minutes
  4. 40 minutes
  5. 1 hour

9)How should you position yourself when feeding a person?

  1. Stand over them as it is rude to sit on their furniture
  2. Sit down on a swivel chair so you can easily feed more than one person at a time
  3. Sit lower than them and look up
  4. Sit beside them
  5. Whatever is most comfortable or convenient

Segment 4 – Aspiration Pneumonia

1)When does aspiration pneumonia occur?

  1. When a person breaths in food to the lungs
  2. When a person breaths in fluid to the lungs
  3. When a person breaths in vomit to the lungs
  4. a and c only
  5. a, b and c

2)Why does pneumonia result when food gets into the lungs?

  1. Because the food takes up space that air should meaning a person cannot take in as much breath
  2. Because food weighs heavier than air so it makes the lungs work harder
  3. When food enters the lungs it causes bacteria to spread and the lungs to become inflamed
  4. The lungs have to work much harder and create a cough reflex to attempt to get the food out
  5. Food blocks part of the tubes that enter and exit the lungs causing the tissue around it to become deprived of oxygen and die

3)What percentage of Pneumonia’s is made up of Aspiration Pneumonia?

  1. 10%
  2. 15%
  3. 20%
  4. 25%
  5. 30%

4)What is the treatment for Aspiration Pneumonia?

  1. There is no treatment, it will likely lead to death
  2. They will become well again once the fluid has been absorbed back into the body
  3. It will require surgery to remove the food or drain the fluid
  4. Antibiotics needs to be used to treat it
  5. IV fluids, oxygen and rest

5)Who is most at risk of Aspiration Pneumonia?

  1. People with no gag reflex
  2. People who eat too quickly
  3. Anyone who has vomited
  4. People who eat when they are not sitting up strait
  5. People who have had pneumonia in the last 3 months

6)Which of the following can cause a decreased gag reflex?

  1. Brain injury
  2. Dementia
  3. Parkinson’s disease
  4. Multiple sclerosis
  5. All of the above

7)Where can you find information that a person may be at risk for developing Aspiration Pneumonia?

  1. In their care plan
  2. In the policies manual
  3. Asking co-workers
  4. Asking the nurse
  5. It will be a case of using common sense

8)What will be an initial sign that a person may be experiencing Aspiration Pneumonia?

  1. Their face will become flushed
  2. Their lips will turn white
  3. They will flail their arms
  4. They will pass out
  5. They will have a deep chesty cough

9)What will a person’s cough sound like?

  1. A week dry cough
  2. A week cough with a lot of mucus
  3. A dry hacking cough
  4. A deep chesty cough
  5. There will be no cough

10)What colour would the lips and tips of fingers be if a person is experiencing Aspiration Pneumonia?

  1. Pink
  2. White
  3. Blue
  4. Lips blue and fingers white
  5. Lips white and fingers blue

11)If you see signs of Aspiration Pneumonia and there is no medical staff around, what should you do?

  1. Wait and see
  2. Arrange a house visit doctor
  3. Wait for the nurse to arrive
  4. Call 111
  5. Call the family and ask them to take the client to the doctor

Segment 5 –Assistive Equipment

1)If a person is in need of assistive utensils, what factor will most determine what is appropriate?

  1. Affordability
  2. Culture of client
  3. Availability
  4. Culture of staff
  5. Facility preferences

2)Which of the following is an adaptive measure for utensils?

  1. Weighted
  2. Curved
  3. Thick handle
  4. b and c only
  5. a, b and c

3)When is a strait straw useful for people?

  1. If the client is able to sit up and suck
  2. If the clients need to lie down
  3. For a person whose head is bent forward
  4. For anyone who has impaired sucking ability
  5. For someone who is unable to close their mouth properly

4)How will you know what equipment a person will need for eating and drinking?

  1. You will learn it as you get to know your client
  2. It is the kitchen staffs’ responsibility to know this
  3. It will be in their care plan
  4. It will become obvious when you are feeding them
  5. There will be equipment in their room ready for use

5)Who is the specialist that you can call on to help a person with eating and drinking?

  1. An ear nose and throat specialist
  2. An occupational therapist
  3. A gerontologist
  4. A speech language therapist
  5. A physiotherapist

6)If the family has purchased a specialised cup, what does this mean?

  1. They have run out of present ideas and need help to figure out a gift
  2. The cup should only be used when the family come to visit
  3. The cup should only be used by the person it was purchased for
  4. The cup should be used by the person when the family visit but the rest of the time it can be used by whoever needs it most
  5. The family do not feel that the equipment the facility has is good enough and they are rude

7)Who will be able to advise you on which is the most appropriate equipment for a client to use?

  1. The registered nurse
  2. An occupational therapist
  3. A gerontologist
  4. A speech language therapist
  5. A physiotherapist

8)Which of the following are appropriate drinking vessels that can be used?

  1. Sealed lid with spout
  2. Two handled cup
  3. Large handled cup
  4. Cup with straw
  5. All of the above

Segment 6 – Social needs and Preferences

1)Which of the following is most significant when assessing why food is important for those in care?

  1. Provides nourishment to their body
  2. Keeps them healthy
  3. Something for them to look forward to
  4. Social time for them to talk to others
  5. All of the above

2)When sitting people at a table, it is important to what?

  1. Sit them with people they like
  2. Sit them with different people each so they get to know everyone
  3. Do not seat them with people that put them off eating or distract them
  4. a and c
  5. a and b

3)If a person is struggling to feed themselves, what should you do?

  1. Keep them in their room so they do not get embarrassed or distracted
  2. Support them to feed themselves as much as they can
  3. Give them smaller portions so it is more manageable
  4. Feed them so they can enjoy their meal while it is hot
  5. Get them to start eating before everyone else so they finish at the same time as the others

4)Scenario: you have four people that are all of similar eating ability, in that they can fairly well feed themselves, however they spill food occasionally, they get along well with each other as well as most of the people in care, where should you sit them?

  1. At a table together as they get along and none of them will mind a bit of a spill as they all do it
  2. But two of them together at one table and two at another table with others who eat well as they can remind the others how to eat.
  3. They should be separated out amongst the tables as each table should have people of varying eating abilities
  4. You fill up each table as people enter so it just depends when they arrive as to where they should sit
  5. They should eat in their own room so they do not get embarrassed when they spill food

5)If a person does not like to be around people when they are eating, what should you do?

  1. They should be able to eat in their room or in a quiet room
  2. Tell them they need to eat in the dining area with everyone else, it is for their own good
  3. Try sitting them with different groups of people to see if there is anyone they like
  4. Give them more time, they will get used to sitting with a group of people
  5. Tell them they can wait and eat after everyone else in the dining room

6)It is most important to consider, what, when putting people at the table:

  1. That there should be a good mix of eating ability at each table
  2. That is should be a fun experience with lots of laughter
  3. You need to do what is best for each person
  4. People should be seated in a way that encourages efficient eating
  5. You should put your favourite residents together

7)If someone is a vegetarian, what should you do?

  1. Ensure they have a balanced meal that contains no wheat
  2. Ensure they have a balanced meal without meat
  3. Ensure they have a balanced meal that has no dairy
  4. Vegetarianism is a choice not an allergy so they just need to eat what is served
  5. Explain to them how unhealthy it is and that they need a well-balanced diet

8)If a person states that they are Hindu, then how will this impact their meals?

  1. They are not allowed to eat from sunrise to sunset during Ramadan
  2. They are not allowed to eat any meat from a pig
  3. They are not allowed to eat any meat from a cow
  4. They are vegetarian
  5. They do not eat any meat on a Sunday

Segment 7 – Observing, recording and Reporting

1)When a person does not get enough food to nourish the body, what slows down?

  1. Metabolic process
  2. Heart rate
  3. Respiratory rate
  4. Brain neuron speed
  5. Mobility

2)Which of the following are important to observe and record?

  1. If they are only eating the soft foods on their plate
  2. If they look like they are in pain
  3. If they do not heat cold food like ice-cream
  4. If they leave certain foods like sweet
  5. Any of these observations should be recorded

3)What needs to be assessed if they are leaving certain types of food?

  1. Hydration levels
  2. Iron levels for energy
  3. Their mouth for dental cares
  4. Their weight
  5. It is probably just a typical sign of aging taste buds

4)How might you determine that a person is losing vision on one side by their food?

  1. The person will only eat from one side of the plate
  2. Loss of sight will lead to loss of appetite
  3. Loss of sight will be shown by not liking sweet food anymore
  4. The person will only eat certain coloured food
  5. There is no correlation between loss of sight and food

5)What do you need to fix in regards to eating and drinking?