Supported projects

Western Cape

Contact person: Mr Leonard A.: 021 944 1421

Project details / Beneficiary details / Project support / Jobs created / GPS Coordinates
DM / LM / Name / Enterprise / Total producers / M / F / Y / D / Support fund / Allocated Budget / Type of support and level of completion / Permanent / Seasonal / Casual / S / E
Overberg / Theewaterkloof / Carl Sheim Family Trust / Wine grapes,Olives / 4 / 3 / 1 / 2 / CASP / R37,305,00 / Wine grapes / 1 / 40 / 40 / 34 21 50 59 5 / 19 32 41 44
Overberg / Swellendam / Suurbraak Grain Farmer cooperation / Cattle farming, Sheep farming. Field crops Grain production, Canola,Barley, wheat,Oats / 5 / 5 / CASP / R1 151 560,00 / Fencing ,Implements (2 Planter)and tractor / 15 / 34.01174S / 20.65452E
Overberg / Swellendam / Goedgeloof / Cattle farming, Sheep farming. Field crops / 3 / 1 / 2 / 1 / CASP / R850,000,00 / Tractor and planter / 5 / 33.8952S / 20.48056E
Overberg / Swellendam / Dehs/Smiles boedery / Cattle farming, Sheep farming / 4 / 2 / 2 / CASP / R760 000,00 / Shearing shed, Handling facility. 100% complete / 1 / 11 / S / E
Overberg / Overberg / Umhlaba Wobizo / Sheep farming / 14 / 9 / 5 / 2 / CASP / R198 000,00 / Crush pan. 100% complete / 1 / 11 / S / E
Overberg / Cape Agulhas / Swart Boedery / Cattle farming, Sheep farming Crop production Wheat, Barley, Oats, Tritacle / 4 / 3 / 1 / 3 / CASP / R1 058 523,60 / Trailer and sheep pen Production inputs 600 Ewes,15 Rams, Feed,
Medication / 4 / 3 / 34.58037S / 19.71786E
Overberg / Cape Agulhas / Agri Dwala / Cattle and sheep farming, Cash crop production / 31 / 27 / 14 / 1 / CASP and LLIMA/LETSEMA / R536,170,00 / Trailor for sheep and Sheep pen / 7 / 21 / 11 / S / 19.49. 33.52 E
West Coast / Berg revier / Genadeshoop / Sheep farming and field crops( Lucerne, wheat, oats) / 5 / 5 / 0 / 1 / CASP / R960 000,00 / 2 tractors sprayer planter inputs computer / 5 / 32 86 98 4S / 18 86 47 6 E
CapeWinelands / BreedeValley / Lewis Boerdery (Additional Funds) / Producing Table grapes / 2 / 1 / 1 / CASP / R350 000 / Producing Table grapes / 5 / 25 / 33.59334S / 19.42313E
Eden / Hassequa / Saambou / Wheat / 5 / 4 / 1 / CASP/ILIMA / R901 000 / Fencing, production inputs / 2 / 10 / 34.10862S / 20.96283E
CapeWinelands / BreedeValley / Osplaas / Producing table grapes / 36 / 31 / 5 / CASP / R991 000 / Producing table grapes / 18 / 80 / 33.44855S / 19.70369E
City of Cape Town / City of Cape Town / Omega / Vegetables / 3 / 2 / 1 / 1 / CASP / R523 401 / Land clearing. After clearing, irrigation system will be put in place. / 3 / 3 / S / E