Prices as at August 2017

The books listed here are generally in stock. An any other book, including out-of-print books, may be ordered as well.ContactReinoud Boers onor at tel.011803 2681.Mailing chargeswill apply.Payment by bank transfer or credit card. Prices are subject to change.

1847: Dispossession and Migration. Nigel AmschwandR150

Abundant Herds R455

Africa: Biography of a Continent.John ReaderR390

African Archaeolgy Without Fronteirs. Sadr, Esterhuysen, SieversR375

African Civilisations: an archaeological perspective.G ConnahR470

African Genesis. Reynolds & GallagherR490

African History: A very short introduction. John Parker & Richard RathboneR140

African History Through Sources, Vol. 1: 1850-1946.Nancy JacobsR295

African Languages: An introduction. Frank MarloweR370

African Philosophy: myth and reality. Hountondji, PaulinR395

Africa’s Top Archaeological Sites. Morris Viljoen et al.R300

After the Ice. Stephen MithenR450

Almost Human: Astonishing Tale of Homo Naledi. Burger, LeeR290

Among the Boers.I Schrøder-NielssenR150

Annecdotes of the Anglo-Boer War. Rob MilneR250

Ape’s View of Human Evolution. Pieter AndrewsR280

Archaeological Heritage of Africa. G Pwiti and W NdoroR165

Archaeology of Southern Africa. Peter MitchellR280

Archaeology of the Senses. Hamilakis, YR295

Babylon: Mesopotamia and the birth of civilisation. Kriwaczek, PaulR150

Baobab Trails. Nigel WalkerR220

Boer War, The: A history R380

Border of Race in Colonial South Africa: the Kat River Settlement. R RossR250

Burchell’s TravelsR295

Bushman Rock Art: an interprative guide. T ForsmannR195

Bushman Shaman. B KeeneyR295

Capturing the Spoor. Ed and Catherijn EastwoodR340

Cederberg Rock Paintings. JohnParkingtonR240

Claim to the Country. Pippa SkotnesR450

Conceiving God. Lewis-Williams, DR495

Concentration Camps of the Anglo-Boer War. Evan HeyningenR290

Concise History of of the World. Wiesner-HanksR260

Congo: The epic history. D van RoebrouckR295

Cradle of Humankind. Janette DeaconR 45

Cradle of Language. Botha, R & Knight, CR395

Darwin’s Hunch: Science, Race & the Search for Human Origins. C KuljianR290

Deciphering Ancient Minds. David Lewis-WilliamsR325

The Descent of Man. Charles DarwinR220

Democracy in Africa. N CheesemanR290

Diamonds, Gold and War: The making of SA. Meredith, MR255

Dorothea Bleek: A life of scholarship.Jill Weintraub R320

Eland’s People: New perspectives in the rock art. Benjamin SmithR400

Emergence of the South African Metropolis. V Bickford-SmithR300

Evolving Ourselves. Enriquez & GulkasR375

Field Guide to the Battlefields of South Africa. Nicki van der HeideR345

Field Guide to Rocks and Minerals in SA.Cairncross, BR355

Fifty Must-see Geological Stes in South Africa. G WhitfieldR335

Fifty Plants in History. Bill LawsR275

Five Hundred Years Rediscovered. Swanepoel, Esterhuysen & BonnerR315

Footprints: On the trail of those who made history in Lowveld. Hilton-BarberR250

Forgotten First People. M de JonghR250

Forgotten Kingdom: archaeology and history of northern Israel. I FinkelsteinR495

Forgotten World (with DVD). Peter Delius, Tim Maggs and Alex SchoemanR320
Fossils for Africa. A Chinsamy-TuranR165

From Tools to Symbols. D’Errico & BlackwellR125

Genes, People and Languages. LG Cavalli SforzaR235
Geological Journeys. Nick Norman & Gavin WhitfieldR355
Gondwana Alive. John AndersonR150
Goodwin 9: Further Approaches to Southern African Rock Art. Geoff Blundell R 80
Goodwin 10: Middle Stone Age. Lyn WadleyR150
Goodwin 11: Skeletal IdentityR150
Great South African Inventions. M BrutonR165

Handbook to the Iron Age. Tom HuffmanR485

History of Modern Africa. Richard ReidR420

History of sub-Saharan AfricaR250

How onEarth. McCarthy, TR275

How Real is Race. Mukhopadhya et al.R550

How the Snake Lost Its Legs. LJ HeldR410

Human Origins: how diet, climate and landscape shaped us. J CromptonR325

Hunters and Herders of Southern Africa. Alan Barnard`R335

Images of Mystery. David Lewis-WilliamsR270

Immortalising the Past: Reproductions of Zimbabwe rock art. Lionel CrippsR295

Important Plants of Sterkfontein. Kathy KumanR 50

Indigenous Mining and Metallurgy in Africa. S ChirikureR165

Inside African Anthropology: Monica Wilson. A BankR275

Inside the Neolithic Mind. David Lewis-Williams & David PearceR415
Ivory Trail. TV BulpinR235
Johannesburg: The elusive metropolis. S Nuttall & A MbebeR235
Karoo Rock Engravings. Parkington, J, Morris, D & Rusch, NR275

Language Evolution. R BothaR280

Language in Prehistory. Alan BarnardR280

Life Etched in Stone. Colin MacCraeR325

Life of a South African Tribe, Vol. 1. Henry JunodR395

Magaliesberg Biospere Edition. Vincent CarruthersR370

Mapungubwe. Janette DeaconR 45

Mapungubwe: Ancient African Civilisations on the Limpopo. Tom Huffman R165

Mapungubwe Reconsidered. R245

Medicinal Plants in South Africa. Ben-Eric van WykR325

Medieval Africa. R Oliver and A AtmoreR380

Mfecane Aftrmath. Hamilton,CarolynR375

Mind in the Cave. David Lewis-WilliamsR390

Mirror in the Ground. Nick ShepherdR245

Murders, Miscreants and Mutineers. Nigel PenR225

Muti and Myths from the African Bush. Dugmore and van WykR175

Myth and Meaning: San Bushman folklore. David Lewis-WilliamsR325

Neanderthal Man: in search of lost genomes. Pasbo, SR350

Origin of the Species. Charles Darwin - SoftcoverR190

Origin of the Species. Charles Darwin - HardcoverR230

Origins of Life in the Universe. Robert Jastrow & Michael RampinoR410

Out of History. Forte et al.R345

Past is a Foreign Country – Revisited, The. LowenthalR370

People of the Earth: An introduction to world prehistory. Brian FaganR495

People of the Eland. Pat VinnicombeR595

Phoenicia: history of a civilisation. Rawlinson, GeorgeR350

Plants of the Gods. R SchultesR515

Pocket Guide to Rocks and Minerals of Southern Africa. Cairncross, BR165

Political Identity and conflict in Central Angola 1975-2002. J PearceR270

Politics of Heritage in South Africa.D PetersonR150

Popular Politics in the History of South Africa 1400-1948. Paul LandauR255

Poverty Knowledge in South Africa. G DavieR270

Reservoirs of Potency. S Townley BassetR265

Rock Art of the Western Cape: the Sevilla Trail. Peter SlingsbyR 75

Rock Shelter. Pieter JollieR195

San Rock Art (Pocket History Series). David Lewis-WilliamsR120

Sapiens: a brief history. Harari, YR195

Scorched Earth: 100 years of southern African pottery. Wendy GersR650

Search for the Rarest Bird in the World. V HearR210

Settling the Earth: archaeology of deep human history. Clive GambleR320

Shorelines, Strandlopers and Shell Middens. John ParkingtonR220

Side of the Sun at Noon. H CramptonR200

Silence of Great Zimbabwe. Joost FonteinR240

The Sixth Extinction: biodiversity and its survival. Leaky, R & Lewin, RR135

Slave Emancipation and Racial Attitudes in 19th Century SA. RL WatsonR245

South African Battles. Tim CouzensR270

Sterkfontein: Early hominid site in the Cradle of Humankind. A EsterhuysenR165

Stone Age Cultures in Kenya Colony. LeakyR275

Stone Tools in Human Evolution. John SheaR345

Story of Earth and Life. Bruce Rubidge and Spike McCarthyR345

Termites of the Gods. Siyaka NguniR430

Traditional Fishing Methods of AfricaR175

Traditionally Useful Plants of Africa.XabaR175

Transformations in Slavery: a history of slavery in Africa. Paul LovejoyR290

Tricksters and Trancers. Guenther, Mathias R470

Tsodilo Hills: Copper bracelets of the Kalahari.Campbell at allR295

Uncertain Curature. Pippa SkotnessR275

Unconquerable Spirit. Pippa SkotnessR250

Understanding Evolution. Kostas KampourakisR265

Vredefort Dome. D FlemingerR 75

Way of the Bushmen. B & H KeeneyR310

Walk in the Wild. Burelli, NR250

We Die Like Brothers: the sinking of the SS Mendi. Gribble, J & Scott, GR240

When I was a Fish. M BrutonR255

Wildlife at War in Angola: therise andfall of an African Eden. Huntley, BR345

Zulu Beer Vessels. Frank JollesR600


ArchSoc Sweatshirts (incharcoal – Large, and maroon - Medium)R150

ArchSoc MugsR 30

Posters: 'Botha’s Cave' – Rock Art Research InstituteR 45

‘History of Southern African Archaeology’R 10