Support Staff Evaluation Rubric Template

Revised 2/22/12

Employee Name: / School/Department: / Evaluation Completed By: / Review Period: / Date Completed:

Check all applicable boxes under each competency based on the employee’s performance during this review period. Please note that you can check boxes from multiple columns (e.g., some from Basic, some from Proficient, some from Distinguished, etc.), and/or you can check multiple boxes under a given column.

Unsatisfactory / Basic/Needs Improvement / Proficient/Meets Expectations / Distinguished/Exceeds Expectations
1.  Quality of Work Overall Rating: Unsatisfactory Basic Proficient Distinguished
Often repeats mistakes even
though previously corrected
Legitimate complaints are received
from others regarding job
Routinely needs to be reminded of
performance/quality expectations.
Fails to identify obvious needs
Abuses district equipment and/or
Fails to maintain equipment
according to manufacturer
Work unduly interrupts educational
programs. / Work frequently has errors/
Occasionally needs to be
reminded of performance/quality
Sometimes sacrifices quality for
Does not consistently use and/or
maintain district equipment
Fails to provide timely notice of
potential equipment malfunction to
supervisor. / Adheres to schedules and
Performs duties consistent with
district standards.
Takes into consideration needs of
students and staff when
performing duties and work
Rarely needs to be reminded of
performance/quality expectations.
Demonstrates good attention to
Properly operates and maintains
tools and equipment.
Communicates any potential
malfunctioning equipment to
supervisor by shift end. / Considered a role model for other
Regularly assists with training
new staff.
Work is consistently recognized
by others as superior.
Remains committed to continuous
process improvement.
2.  Job Knowledge Overall Rating: Unsatisfactory Basic Proficient Distinguished
Routinely demonstrates lack of
knowledge or understanding
related to area of responsibility.
Resists training or learning new
skills. / Demonstrates basic knowledge
and understanding of assigned
Sometimes reluctant to learn or
improve knowledge base.
Often fails to understand the
scope of the work necessary for
proper and timely completion. / Regularly demonstrates a working
knowledge and understanding in
the areas of responsibility.
Acquires needed skills and
knowledge with little reluctance. / Consistently demonstrates
advanced knowledge in the areas
of responsibility, and serves as a
valuable resource of information
for others.
Takes the initiative to learn more
about areas of responsibility.
Unsatisfactory / Basic/Needs Improvement / Proficient/Meets Expectations / Distinguished/Exceeds Expectations
3.  Dependability (Level of Supervision) Overall Rating: Unsatisfactory Basic Proficient Distinguished
Refuses to follow supervisor
Requires inordinate amount of
supervision and assistance to
complete tasks/stay productive / Depends too readily on specific
instruction from supervisor
Requires regular supervision to
ensure work is completed on a
consistent basis. / Consistently follows supervisor’s
directions with minimal
Requires little to no direction in
performing day-to-day
responsibilities. / Enthusiastically carries out job
duties with little to no direction
Self-motivated and resourceful
4.  Motivation (Initiative) Overall Rating: Unsatisfactory Basic Proficient Distinguished
Will not seek alternative ways of
doing things even when current
practices are ineffective.
Discourages others from taking on
additional responsibilities.
Lacks energy and motivation. / Reluctant to explore new
approaches or alternatives.
Often gets too “creative” in
changing established practices or
procedures without prior approval.
Tends to stick to the “tried and
Sometimes oversteps his/her
authority / Questions common practices in
order to identify better ways of
doing things.
Looks for what needs to be done
rather than waiting to be told.
Looks for creative solutions to
work challenges
Displays a “can-do” attitude / Eagerly seeks opportunities to
assume new responsibilities and
broaden skills.
Regularly thinks “outside the box”
when faced with challenging
situations; and able to implement
these ideas into practical
Extremely ambitious; a self-starter
Often offers valuable suggestions
for improvement
5.  Organization and Planning Overall Rating: Unsatisfactory Basic Proficient Distinguished
Demonstrates an inability to
prioritize tasks, or set daily
Needs direction in planning work.
Unable to think through the steps
of planning for a task.
Work space is highly disorganized.
Regularly works unauthorized
overtime for no justifiable reason.
Does not plan work around
scheduled absences resulting in
overtime or loss of productivity. / Usually able to prioritize tasks and
set daily agenda, but sometimes
needs reminding or assistance.
Has difficulty planning ahead.
Need for overtime is often caused
by lack of planning or efficiency.
Does not plan for backup
coverage during absences (e.g.,
instructions, cross- training, etc.).
Often appears overwhelmed or
disorganized even with several
years of experience in the job. / Plans, organizes and completes
tasks in an acceptable timeframe.
Maintains a neat and organized
work space.
Able to multitask effectively
Plans and organizes work
assignments so that overtime/
additional hours is unnecessary
during the normal course of
Plans work around scheduled
absences to minimize the need for
overtime and/or backup coverage;
leaves adequate plans and notes
for backup coverage. / Effectively generates and
prioritizes needs, initiates plans,
executes steps, and revises,
evaluates and reprioritizes plans
as needed without direction.
Need for overtime is greatly
minimized or eliminated even
during peak times due to
organization and planning skills.
Coordinates vacation leave with
others in the department to help
ensure adequate coverage.
Is viewed by others as highly
Unsatisfactory / Basic/Needs Improvement / Proficient/Meets Expectations / Distinguished/Exceeds Expectations
6.  Quantity of Work (Productivity) Overall Rating: Unsatisfactory Basic Proficient Distinguished
Routinely fails to complete
assigned duties on a timely basis
Much time is lost transitioning from
one task to another.
Spends excessive work hours
socializing or performing other
non-work related duties.
Appears overwhelmed by an
average workload.
During slower times, unable to find
productive work unless duties are
directly assigned.
Consistently needs assistance to
complete assigned tasks
Does not follow through on
recommendations for increased
productivity / Task transitions are sometimes
inefficient resulting in loss of
productive time.
Appears overwhelmed at peak
time periods.
Often unproductive at the
beginning and/or end of the work
Usually able to stay productive
during slower periods, but
sometimes requires guidance.
At times fails to complete assigned
tasks, or needs assistance
completing assigned tasks.
Unable to adjust work speed
during peak times. / Completes work efficiently
according to timelines provided.
Transitions occur smoothly with
little loss of productive time.
Provides timely feedback and
Manages to stay productive even
during relatively slow times with
minimal direction.
If requested, able to complete
additional unanticipated tasks
Able to adjust rate or speed in
anticipation of time constraints / Consistently completes work
ahead of schedule, even during
peak time periods, without
sacrificing quality.
Excellent in transitioning from task
to task without loss of focus. Able
to plan in advance for transitions.
Regularly looks beyond his/her job
description for ways to increase
Actively seeks work from others
when assignments are completed
without specific direction from
7.  Reliability (Attendance and Punctuality) Overall Rating: Unsatisfactory Basic Proficient Distinguished
Often comes in late or leaves early
without prior approval.
Regularly fails to follow
established leave requesting
Demonstrates a pattern of abuse
with regards to leave usage
Regularly fails to give adequate
notice for planned absences.
Frequently out of work due to
unplanned absences.
Often waits until the last minute to
report unplanned absences.
Refuses to work overtime/
additional hours or days when
requested to do so. / Seeks prior approval if coming in
late or leaving early, but the need
for such is too frequent.
Submits timely notice of leaves,
but often plans scheduled
absences without regard to peak
work times.
Resists working additional hours
or days, but does so begrudgingly
if requested/required. / Rarely comes in late or leaves
early, but seeks prior approval if
Consistently follows established
leave requesting protocols related
to reporting and timeliness.
Plans scheduled absences so as
not to conflict with peak work
Schedules appointments so as to
minimize impact on work.
Willing to work beyond normal
work hours/days when asked. / Has never come in late or had to
leave early this review period.
Regularly offers to work
overtime/ additional hours during
crunch times to assist with date
sensitive projects, or for coverage.
Maintained “perfect attendance”
(e.g., no sick, family or personal
leave used) during the review
Regularly volunteers for
assignments beyond normal work
Unsatisfactory / Basic/Needs Improvement / Proficient/Meets Expectations / Distinguished/Exceeds Expectations
8.  Flexibility and Adaptability Overall Rating: Unsatisfactory Basic Proficient Distinguished
Not receptive to new ideas or
tasks; resists change.
Strictly adheres to only those job
duties outlined in his/her job
Demonstrates a tendency to resist
even minor changes.
Is unwilling to carry our tasks that
are “beneath” him/her.
Stops listening if being challenged
or criticized. / Will change his/her approach if
asked, but demonstrates some
initial resistance.
Becomes flustered when
interrupted or asked to deviate
from a fixed schedule.
Often becomes defensive when
given constructive criticism
Reacts negatively to change / Open to new ideas and tasks
without resistance; deals with new
situations well.
Is versatile and capable of
handling diverse assignments.
Maintains composure when faced
with stressful situations that
require flexibility and adaptability.
Accepts constructive criticism.
Regularly accepts new challenges / Consistently demonstrates
flexibility when faced with new
challenges, and quickly adapts
approach to meet the changing
Welcomes change as an
Readily accepts new ideas
Welcomes and actively solicits
constructive feedback from others,
even from those with opposing
9.  Problem Solving Skills Overall Rating: Unsatisfactory Basic Proficient Distinguished
Does not seem to learn from past
Has difficulty troubleshooting basic
user questions.
Excessively bothers peers with
questions about basic matters.
Fails to recognize repetitive trends
in recurring problems.
Frequently whines and complains
without offering any viable
Does not make adequate use of
available tools and/or resources. / Appears overwhelmed when faced
with multiple problems.
Often cannot distinguish between
core problems and secondary
Approaches problems in a linear
fashion, solving only one matter at
a time.
Sometimes misses the practical
first step when solving problems.
Has difficulty distinguishing when
to try to solve the problem his/
herself and when to involve others
in the solution.
Focuses more on identifying the
problem rather than coming up the
potential solution(s). / Approaches problems in a
positive manner. Views
impediments as solvable
Identifies practical solutions to
Resolves issues in a timely
Analyzes possible obstacles in
order to identify solutions.
Knows when to involve others
when troubleshooting a problem. / Rarely beings a problem forward
without recommending one or
more viable solutions.
Addresses problem issues head
on in a proactive fashion.
Demonstrates ability to diagnose
complex problems and reach
effective and sustainable solutions.
Proactively identifies potential
problems and takes necessary
action to prevent future problems.
Unsatisfactory / Basic/Needs Improvement / Proficient/Meets Expectations / Distinguished/Exceeds Expectations
10. Communication Skills Overall Rating: Unsatisfactory Basic Proficient Distinguished
Demonstrates a pattern of
ineffective written and oral
Does not get back to people in a
reasonable amount of time.
Fails to keep co-workers properly
Fails to file necessary reports or
paperwork (e.g., timesheets, leave
reporting) on a timely basis without
constant reminding.
Paperwork/reports are often
unclear, inaccurate, and/or
incomplete, requiring regular
adjustments to be made.
Fails to follow established
communication procedures (e.g.,
signing out, calling in sick).
Continuously fails to keep
supervisor informed of project
Makes inappropriate comments.
Is often rude or discourteous to
Uses defamatory, derogatory,
and/or confrontational language to
humiliate others.
Regularly demonstrates poor
listening skills (e.g., “talks over” or
interrupts others, gets into
shouting matches, finishes others
thoughts for them, appears
distracted, rarely pays attention,
asks irrelevant questions). / Communicates effectively in basic
written and oral communications,
but has some difficulty when
dealing with more complex issues.
Usually responds to messages,
voice mail, work orders, and e-mail
in a timely manner, but may fall
behind during peak work times.
Communication is frequently in the
form of complaining to co-workers
or others.
Paperwork/reports (e.g., time
sheets, leave reporting) are
usually accurate and complete,
but sometimes require corrections
due to oversight.
Completed paperwork/reports are
usually handed in on a timely
basis, but sometimes require
prompting or reminding.
Does not consistently exhibit good
listening skills (e.g., does not make
regular eye contact with the
person speaking, sometimes asks
questions that cause others to
have to repeat themselves,
practices “selective listening”) / Demonstrates clear, accurate and
effective oral and written
Regularly responds to messages,
voice mail, work orders, e-mail
within one working day.
Written reports or paperwork (e.g.,
timesheets, leave reporting) are
thorough, accurate, and submitted
on a timely basis
Regularly follows established
communication procedures
Able to express disagreement in a
constructive manner.
Communication is courteous and
Regularly asks relevant and
appropriate questions to ensure
Communicates concerns in a
timely and constructive manner
with appropriate staff/supervisors.
Regularly demonstrates good
listening skills (e.g., maintains eye
contact with speaker, allows others
to complete their thoughts before
responding, asks relevant
questions, accurately interprets
what was said the first time) / Explains complicated issues
clearly, accurately, and succinctly.
Speaks persuasively and
Consistently responds to all
messages, voice mail, work
orders, and e-mail by the end of
the working day.
Sought out by others as a listener
and problem solver