Emanuel School is committed to the safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and applicants must be willing to undergo child protection screening appropriate to the post, including checks with past employers and the Disclosure and Barring Service.

The School is in receipt of guidance from the Department for Education and Skills (Safeguarding Children: Safer Recruitment and Selection in Education Settings DfES/04217/2006) which directs that application forms should contain dates of birth and a full history in date order since leaving education with start dates and end dates, together with explanations for any periods when the applicant has not been in paid employment.

Personal details
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss, Ms, Dr, Other)
Forename (s)
Please underline the name by which you like to be known
Former names (if applicable)
Current Address (this will be used for correspondence)
Previous Address(es) (if resident at current address for less than five years)
Telephone number (Home):
Telephone number (Work):
Mobile number:
Email address:
National Insurance Number
Date of Birth
If you are not a European Citizen
please state if you require a work permit
Please give type and date your current visa expires
Please supply a full history in chronological order, with start/end dates of all training, further education, employment, self-employment and any periods of unemployment since leaving secondary school giving reasons for leaving employment. Please use a separate sheet if necessary.
Present Employer
name, address and telephone number / Responsibilities / Start/End dates and reason for leaving
Previous Employment / Responsibilities / Start/End dates and reason for leaving
Previous Employment / Responsibilities / Start/End dates and reason for leaving
Previous Employment (continue on a separate sheet if necessary) / Responsibilities / Start/End dates and reason for leaving
Please supply a full history in chronological order, with start/end dates of all education / further education and training attended and exam results. Please use a separate sheet if necessary.
Please use this section to add any additional information you wish to supply in support of your application or
include a supporting statement.
Please indicate if you know any existing employees or governors at the School and if so how you know them.
Please provide the names and contact details of at least two referees including their email addresses. One referee should be your current or most recent employer. Where you are not currently working with children but have done so in the past, one referee must be from the employer by whom you were most recently employed in work with children. Please note, references will not be accepted from relatives or from referees writing solely in the capacity of friends
(Please give name, job title, address, contact telephone number and e mail address)


I am aware that the post for which I am applying is exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 and therefore that all convictions, cautions and bind-overs, including those regarded as ‘spent’, must be declared.

1.Have you ever been convicted of any criminal offence?Answer:

(If so, give details; note that ‘spent’ convictions must also be declared.) Although the CRB check will confirm the position, you should take this opportunity to advise us of any offences. Please list dates of any convictions in a sealed envelope marked ‘confidential’.

2.Have you ever received a caution or bind-over?Answer:

Please list details of any cautions or bind-overs in a sealed envelope marked ‘confidential’.

3.Have you ever been dismissed, or forced to resign,

from any previous employment? If so please give detailsAnswer:

I declare that I have not been disqualified from working with children, I am not named on the DfES List 99 or the Protection of Children Act List, and I am not subject to any sanctions imposed by any regulatory body, e.g. the General Teaching Council.

All offers of employment are made on the basis of the information provided in this application and by signing it you declare that the information is complete and true.

SIGNATURE...... Date......


I hereby give my consent for personal information (including recruitment monitoring data) provided as part of this application to be held on computer or other relevant filing systems and to be shared with other accredited organisations or agencies in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.

SIGNATURE ...... Date ......


In accordance with the Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006, the Governing Body will require new members of staff to provide documentary evidence that they are entitled to undertake the position applied for/have an ongoing entitlement to live and work in the United Kingdom. Therefore, on offer of and before commencing a position candidates should provide one of the specified documents listed in the Notes To Applicants.

I confirm that I am legally entitled to work in the UK.

SIGNATURE ...... Date......



Emanuel School is committed to safeguarding the welfare of children in our care. We seek to do this by providing a caring, positive, safe and stimulating environment which promotes the social, physical and moral development of each pupil in the school, taking into account the child’s age, characteristics and needs.

We are determined to take all reasonable measures to address concerns about pupil welfare and to ensure that risks of harm to children’s welfare are minimised. To this end, we are committed to ensuring good levels of communication between staff, pupils, parents, agencies, police and support services provided by statutory and voluntary agencies, including Social Services. We recognise that confidentiality must wherever possible be respected in all matters relating to Child Protection.


We carry out checks on all staff, including references from previous employers, verification of identity and qualifications and a satisfactory disclosure from the Disclosure and Barring Service, before they take up an appointment in order to comply with existing legislation and guidance. We have procedures to deal with allegations made against staff.

The School has a teacher with designated child protection responsibilities. These include making contact with Social Services should there be a significant concern, and monitoring children known or thought to be at risk of harm. Two members of our Governing body have also been trained in CP issues and are the link Governors in this area.

A regular review of policies and procedures is undertaken to take account of changes in personnel and legislation and to monitor how the school’s duties have been discharged.

Pupils and the educational experience

We want Emanuel to be a safe school. Children have a number of staff to whom they can turn when they need advice and support eg Form Teachers, the teachers with designated child protection responsibilities and the Chaplain.

We have created a curriculum which fosters the personal, emotional and social development of every pupil. The Life Skills and Citizenship programme considers issues of personal safety and health. The School in no way condones bullying or racist incidents; guidance is issued to staff in these areas and life skills lessons cover these issues.

Our Health and Safety policy reflects the consideration we give to the protection of our children both within the school environment and when undertaking trips and visits away from school. We promote security on school sites through security staff and staff duties in the School.


1.The Board of Governors complies with the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 and the Employment Equality (Religion or Belief Discrimination) Regulations 2003 and 2010.

2.Before signing this form, please ensure that every section has been completed.

3.Applicants should attach a separate covering letter with their application form. We welcome an enclosure of your own c.v. in addition to this form if you wish to send both.

4.Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974: You must declare all convictions that you have including motoring offences and all convictions that have become “spent”.

5. Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006: Before taking a post applicants should provide one specified document or a specified combination of two documents that prove their entitlement to work in the UK.

a)A passport showing that the holder, or a person named in the passport as the child of the holder, is a British citizen or a citizen of the UK and Colonies having the right of abode in the UK.

b)A national passport or national identity card showing that the holder, or a person named in the passport as the child of the holder, is a national of a European Economic Area county or Switzerland.

c)A residence permit, registration certificate or document certifying or indicating permanent residence issued by the Home Office pr the Border and Immigration Agency to a national from a European Economic Area county Switzerland.

d) A permanent residence card issued by the Home Office or the Border and Immigration Agency to the family member of a national from a European Economic Area county or Switzerland, who is resident in the UK.

e)A Biometric Immigration Document issued by the Border and Immigration Agency to the holder which indicates that the person named in it is allowed to stay indefinitely in the UK, or has no time limit on their stay in the UK.

f)A passport or other travel document endorsed to show that the holder is exempt from Immigration control, can stay indefinitely in the UK, has the right of abode in the UK or has no time limit on their stay.


Post title: Full name:
Gender: Male Female Date of Birth:

Completion of this section will help us fulfil our general duty under the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 to eliminate unlawful discrimination, to promote equality of opportunity and promote good relations between people of different racial groups, and our specific duty under the Act to monitor, by reference to racial group, applicants for employment and staff in post.


The categories below are in line with the Equality & Human Rights Commission’s guidance.

Ethnic origin

I would describe my ethnic group as:

  1. White
/ 4.Asian, Asian British, Asian English, Asian Scottish or Asian Welsh
British / Bangladeshi
English / Indian
Scottish / Pakistani
Welsh / Any other Asian background (please specify)
Any other White background (please specify)
2.Black, Black British, Black English, Black Scottish or Black Welsh / 5.Chinese, Chinese British, Chinese English, Chinese Scottish or Chinese Welsh
African / Chinese
Caribbean / Any other Chinese background (please specify)
Any other Black background (please specify)
3.Mixed / 6.Other ethnic group
White & Asian / Other ethnic group
(please specify)
White & Black African
White & Black Caribbean
Any other Mixed background (please specify)


The Disability Discrimination Act 2005, which came into force in December 2006, places specific and general statutory duties on all public authorities (e.g. local authorities; governing bodies of further and higher education institutions, colleges and universities; and governing bodies of educational established maintained by local educational authorities (including schools) to promote disability equality. In order to assist us with our statutory duties, we would be grateful if you could advise whether you have a disability. Please note that you are not obliged to disclose such information but that any information given will be used for monitoring purposes only. It will remain confidential and will not be passed to third parties.

The definition of disability is ‘a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long term adverse effect on a person’s ability to carry out normal day to day activities’. Some specific conditions deemed to be disabilities include HIV, cancer, multiple sclerosis and severe disfigurements.

Do you have a disability, long-term illness (mental or physical), on-going medical condition or treatment that we should be aware of? /
Yes No
Please give brief details of your disability and any reasonable adjustments you anticipate we would need to make to your workplace or equipment to undertake the duties outlined in the job description or that you consider necessary to attend interview: