European Commission, Brussels

Support related to the international and Community work on Persistent Organic Pollutants

Reference: 070307/2007/465073/MAR/D1

Synthesis Report

Annex I

25May 2008

Synthesis Report
Support related to the international and Community work on Persistent Organic Pollutants
070307/2007/465073/MAR/D1 / 1

Annex I

1....Status of implementation

1.1Annex Contact Officer for Article 12 reporting

1.2Annex Production and placing on the market

1.2.1Export/Import Bulgaria

1.2.2Placing of POP substances on the market Ireland

1.2.3Placing on the market Lithuania (Exemption)

1.2.4Information on Export/Import according to Article 15 reports

1.2.5Historic production according to NIPs

1.2.6Bans on marketing and use according to Article 15 reports

1.3Annex Stockpiles

1.3.1Presence of POP Stockpiles according to Article 12 reports

1.3.2PCB stockpiles in the Brussels Capital Region

1.3.3PCB stockpiles in Bulgaria (2007)

1.3.4PCB stockpiles in Luxembourg

1.3.5PCB stockpiles in Slovenia

1.3.6PCB stockpiles according to NIPs and Article 15 reports

1.3.7Strategies for identification of stockpiles according to Article 15 reports

1.3.8Pesticide stockpiles Bulgaria

1.3.9Pesticide stockpiles according to NIPs

1.4Action Plans and Release Reduction

1.4.1Action plans for reduction of unintentional releases

1.4.2Information on Action Plans in NIPs

1.4.3Measures to identify sources – Belgium

1.4.4Measures to identify sources – Ireland

1.4.5Measures to identify sources – Slovenia

1.4.6Measures to minimise sources - France

1.4.7Measures to minimise sources – Germany

1.4.8Measures to minimise sources Ireland

1.4.9Measures to minimise sources Poland

1.4.10Measures to minimise sources Slovenia

1.4.11Measures to promote development of substitutes

1.4.12Strategies to identify contaminated sites

1.4.13Priority for alternatives in permitting

1.4.14Action plan for intentionally produced POPs

1.4.15Actions concerning knowledge on priority sources and environmental levels

1.4.16Actions concerning detection of arising hazards (new POPs)

1.4.17Actions concerning research and development

1.5Preparation of National Implementation Plans

1.5.1Public participation according to NIP

1.6Annex Monitoring

1.6.1Monitoring details Austria

1.6.2Monitoring of PCB and PCDD/PCDF – Belgium Wallonia

1.6.3POP Monitoring Bulgaria

1.6.4POP Monitoring Cyprus

1.6.5POP Monitoring France

1.6.6POP Monitoring Italy

1.6.7POP Monitoring Lithuania

1.6.8POP Monitoring Luxembourg

1.6.9POP Monitoring Slovenia

1.6.10POP Monitoring Sweden

1.6.11Monitoring according to NIPs and Article 15 reports

1.7Annex Information exchange

1.8Annex Awareness raising education

1.8.1Awareness raising Bulgaria

1.8.2Awareness raising activities according to NIP and Article 15 reports

1.9Annex Public information

1.9.1Public information France

1.9.2Public information Poland

1.9.3Public information activities according to NIP and Article 15 reports

1.10Annex Technical Assistance

1.10.1Overview on National budgets allocated to technical assistance in recent years

1.10.2Technical assistance Germany

1.10.3Technical assistance according to NIP and Article 15 reports

1.11Annex Rules on penalties

1.11.1Rules on penalties in Belgium

1.11.2Rules on penalties in Cyprus

1.11.3Rules on penalties in France

1.11.4Rules on penalties in Italy

1.11.5Rules on penalties in Poland

1.11.6Rules on penalties in Slovenia

1.11.7Rules on penalties in according to NIPs

1.11.8Measures for stockpiles and waste management according to NIPs

1.11.9Other issues according to NIPs

1Status of implementation

1.1Annex Contact Officer for Article 12 reporting

MemberState / Article 12 contact officer
Austria / Susanna Eberhartinger Tafill
Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water management
Stubenbastei 5
A-1010 Vienna,
+43 1 515 22 2114
+43 1 515 22 7334

+ 32-2-5249592
+ 32-2-5249603

Bulgaria / Mrs.Tsvetanka Dimcheva, Chief expert
Ministry of Environment and Water
Directorate “Coordination of RIEWs”
Hazardous Chemicals Management Department
67, William Gladstone St.
Sofia 1000
+ 359 2 940 6261
+ 359 2 981 3384

CzechRepublic / Mr. Karel Blaha, Deputy Minister, Director General for Technical Protection and the Environment
Ministry of the Environment
Ministry of the Environment
Environmental Risks Department
Vrsovická 65
100 10 Prague 10
Czech Republic
Tel: +420 267 12 25 35
Fax: +420 267 31 00 13
Mr. Jaromir Manhart
Ministry of the Environment
Ministry of the Environment
Environmental Risks Department
Vrsovická 65
100 10 Prague 10
Czech Republic
Tel: +420 267 12 28 95
Fax: +420 267 31 1545

Cyprus / Dr. Stelios Georghiades, Labour Inspection Officer
Department of Labour Inspection, Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance
12 Apellis Street, 1493 Nicosia, Cyprus
+ 357 22405633
+ 357 22663788

Denmark / Mona Mejsen Westergaard
Danish Environmental Protection Agency, Ministry of the Environment
Strandgade 29, 1401 Copenhagen K
+45 72 54 00 00
+45 3332 2228

Finland / Mr Timo Seppälä, Senior Adviser
Mr Magnus Nyström, Senior Adviser
Finnish Environment Institute
Chemicals Division
PO box 140, FIN-00251 HELSINKI
Tel.:+ 358 20 490 123
Fax:+ 358 20 490 2591

France / Xavier Capilla, Chargé de Mission REACH et POP
Ministère de l’Ecologie, du Developpement et de l’Aménagement Durable (MEDAD)
20 avenue de Ségur, 75 302 Paris SP 07
00 33 1 42 19 10 52
00 33 1 42 19 14 68

Germany / Dr. Steffi Richter
Umweltbundesamt/Federal Environment Agency
National and International Chemicals Safety
Wörlitzer Platz 1
D-06813 Dessau –Rosslau
Tel.: + 49 340 2103 3275
FAX: +49 340 2104 3275

Ulrike Kowalski
Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin
Friedrich-Henkel-Weg 1-25
Tel. 0231/9071-2516
Fax 0231/9071-2679

Hungary / Máté Kovács, Counsellor
Ministry of Environment and Water
H-1011 Budapest, Fő u 44-50.

Ireland / Mr. David O’ Sullivan
Department of Environment Heritage and Local Government
Air Quality and Climate Section
Customs House
Dublin 1
Tel.: 00353 (0) 1 8882373
Fax: 00353 (0) 1 8882890
Italy / D.ssa Giuliana Gasparrini
Direttore V Divisione – Ricerca Ambientale e Coordinamento della Rappresentanza del Ministero nelle sedi UE e presso ECE-ONU
Direzione Generale per la Ricerca Ambientale e lo Sviluppo
Ministero dell'Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare
Via Cristoforo Colombo, 44
00174 -Rome
Tel: +390657228150
Fax: +390657228172
Lithuania / Marija Teriosina
Ministry of Environment
A. Jaksto St. 4/9, LT-01105, Vilnius, LITHUANIA
+370 5 266 3501
+370 5 266 3502

Luxembourg / Pierre DORNSEIFFER
16, Rue Eugène Ruppert, L-2453 Luxembourg
+352 405656 648
+352 485078

Netherlands / Mr. Jan-Karel Kwisthout
Deputy Head of Unit
Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment
P.O. Box 30945
The Hague, Netherlands
Netherlands / Tel: +31 (70) 339 47 26
Fax: +31 (70) 339 12 86
Poland / Arkadiusz Dzierżanowski
Head of the Division on Waste Management Planning at the Department of Waste Management of the Ministry of the Environment
Ministry of the Environment
Wawelska Str. 52/54
00-922 Warsaw
+4822 5792795

Slovakia / Pavol Tehlár
General director of the Section of environmental quality of the MoE of the SR
Ministry of the Environment of the SlovakRepublic
Nám. Ľ. Štúra 1
812 35 Bratislava 1
Slovak Republic
+421 2 6020 1673

Stanislav Štofko
General director of the Slovak environmental agenc
Slovak Environmental Agency
Tajovského 28
975 90 BanskáBystrica
+421 48 4374 111
+421 48 4230 409

Slovenia / Vesna Ternifi, Secretary
National Chemicals Bureau / Ministry of Health
Ajdovščina 4
SI-1000 Ljubljana

++386 1 478 6251
++386 1 478 6266

Bojan Rode B. Sc., Barbara Štravs Grilc M. Sc.
Environmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia / Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning
Vojkova 1B
SI-1000 Ljubljana,
++386 1 478 4038; ++386 1 478 4156
++386 1 478 4051
Sweden / Mr. Bo Wahlström, Senior International Advisor
Swedish Chemicals Agency
P.O. Box 2
+46 8 5194 1260
+46 8735 7698

UK / Sekai Ngarize
Department of Environment Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA)
Nobel House Area 2A, 17 smith Square, London SW1P 3JR UK
00 44 207 238 1581
00 44 207 238 1602

Table 11:Overview on Article 12 contact officers (Status: 20.11.2007)

Synthesis Report
Support related to the international and Community work on Persistent Organic Pollutants
070307/2007/465073/MAR/D1 / 1

1.2Annex Production and placing on the market

1.2.1Export/Import Bulgaria

Year / Substance / kg / Country of destination
08.2000 / Aldrin / 3531 / NL for disposal
08.2000 / Dieldrin / 131 / NL for disposal
08.2000 / DDT / 18485 / NL for disposal
08.2000 / POP pesticide mixtures / 5533 / NL for disposal

Table 12:Exports of Annex I/II substances from Bulgaria

1.2.2Placing of POP substances on the market Ireland

The Irish Medicines Board (IMB), the regulatory authority for the authorisation for use of human and veterinary medical products, currently authorises a product called Oridermal which is a veterinary product used in the ear canals of dogs. This product contains 10 milligrams (mg) of lindane (0.005 %w/w) which is an active ingredient against ear mites. Please see link below for the summary of Product Characteristics (SPC) for the product Oridermal.

Information received from the company that currently holds the authorisation (Vetoquinol UK Ltd,) indicates that approximately 257 Kg of the product was been placed on the Irish Market for the calendar year 2006 and approximately 175 kg up to July 2007. See information on table 1 below.

Product Name / Active ingredient / Pack size (g) / Pack sales in ROI 2006 / Product sold in 2006 (kg) / Lindane used in 2006 (kg) / Pack sales in ROI 1/1/2007-31/8/2007 / Product sold 1/1/2007-31/8/2007 (kg) / lindane 1/1/2007-31/8/2007 (kg)
Oridermyl Ear Gel / Lindane / 10 / 25688 / 256.88 / 1.2844 / 17528 / 175.28 / 0.8764

Table 13:Information provided by Vetoquinol UK Ltd. relating to Oridermyl

As per Annex 1 Part B of Regulation 850/2004, there is a specific exemption for lindane use until 31.12.2007. (i.e. (b) until 31.12.2007 – Products in which at least 99% of the HCH isomer is in the gamma form (lindane) are restricted for use as public health and veterinary topical insecticide).

As the competent authority for implementing the POPs Regulation, the EPA is liaising with the IMB and Vetoquinol UK Ltd. with regards to the removal of this product from the market place after the 31/12/2007.

1.2.3Placing on the market Lithuania (Exemption)

The substances were placed on the market for use as laboratory standard chemicals.

The following table specifies year, substance, amount and country of origin.

Year / Substance / kg / Country of origin
2005 / Lindan (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6-hexachlorcyclohexan), CAS No 58-89-9 / 0,00025 / Germany
2005 / DDT (1, 1, 1-trichlor-2, 2-bis-(4-chlorphenyl)-ethan), CAS No 50-29-3 / 0,0001 / Germany
2006 / Aldrin, CAS No 309-00-2 / 0,00025 / Germany
2006 / Dieldrin, CAS No 60-57-1 / 0,0001 / Germany
2006 / Hexachlorbenzene, CAS No 118-74-1 / 0,00025 / Germany
2006 / Endrin, CAS No 72-20-8 / 0,00025 / Germany

Table 14:Placing on the market of Annex I/II substances in Lithuania

1.2.4Information on Export/Import according to Article 15 reports


Germany 2004-2005 / Import / Export
Hydraulic oils / 37 tonnes (NL)
Insulation and heat transmission oils / 2.714 tonnes (ES, FR, GR, IE, IT, LU, MX, NL, TR)
Transformers and capacitors / 4.498 tonnes (AT, BE, CH, DK, ES, FR, GR, HR, IE, IT, LU, MX, NL, PL, RO, SI, TR, YU) / 654 tonnes (DK)
Construction and demolition waste / 1.572 tonnes (ES, FR, IT, NL, NO, TR)

Table 15:Export and import of POPs into in Germanyaccording to Article 15 report

The Netherlands

The Netherlands exported and imported articles containing PCB for disposal.

Netherlands 2001-2004 / PCB articles for disposal
Import / 5609 tonnes
Export / 919 tonnes
Destruction / 917 tonnes

Table 16:Export, import for disposal and destruction of articles containing PCB in the Netherlands

1.2.5Historic production according to NIPs

Member State / Historic production and use of pesticides and PCB according to NIPs
Bulgaria / No production or use of POPs pesticides and no PCBs production (NIP p 172).
CzechRepublic / Historical production of different plant agents containing Stockholm Convention POPs from the 1950ies to 1980 in former Czechoslovakia. Although precise data are not available, estimations are given in p. 21. On the following POPs, data are available: DDT, Dieldrin, Endrin, Heptachlor, HCB, Lindane, Toxaphene.
Cyprus / None of the Annex A orB chemicals have ever been produced in Cyprus; import , export and use have been prohibited in 1980 for Aldrin, Chlordane, Dieldrin; 1976 for DDT and 2002 for PCB; other POP pesticides have never been approved for use
Denmark / Only POPs ever used are use of DDT and dieldrin (to a larger extend); aldrin, endrin (phased out 1963) and heptachlor (phased out 1972) (p. 28); total consumption PCB estimated as 1,100-2,000 tonnes (1950-1980); no current production and use, no need for exemption
Lithuania / Information is given on the total amount of pesticides use from 1961 to 2003 (p. 16). Between 1996 and 1999, the following amount of POPs pesticides was identified: DDT 9,438 t; DDT no. 0,21 t; Toxaphene 1,572 t; Lindane 0,483 t (table 2).
Netherlands / The only important pesticide production in the Netherlands concerned Drins which commenced in the 1950s and peaked in 1967 (8,000 tonnes of active substance per year). Production decreased to an average of 5,000 tonnes per year between 1970 and 1974. In 1975 and 1976, annual production was below the 5,000 tonne mark. Aldrin was the main product, at 55% (dieldrin 20%, endrin 25%). Approximately 98% of drins produced in the Netherlands up to the end of the 1970s were exported outside the EU, mainly as ‘technical-grade product (p. 16)
There is no evidence that chlordane, DDT, Heptachlor, HCB, Mirex, PCB were produced in the Netherlands. They all were in use at different time periods but no further details are given in the NIP.
Romania / DDT and Heptachlor were the only POP pesticides produced in Romania (no amount indicated). No use of POPs pesticides since 1990.
Slovakia / POPs pesticides were never produced in the territory of Slovakia or Czechoslovakia respectively (p. 35). Use data are not indicated in the NIP.
Spain / Information is spread over various institutions, estimation on use based on indirect sources;
Ban of use of aldrin ,chlordane, dieldrin, DDT, endrin, heptachlor, HCB and toxaphene as pesticides since 1986; as insecticides since 1994
Ban on PCB since 1989
DDT is not used a raw material in dicofol production in Spain; araising amonts during the production process are separated and disposed of according to requirements; waste water levels are below established limits.
Sweden / Endrin banned 1966, aldrin and dieldrin 1970, chlordane 1971, DDT 1975, HCB 1980. PCP was banned in 1980; Heptachlor, Toxaphene and Mirex have never been used. Import and export was successively restricted between 1993–2003. None of the POPs pesticides has ever been produced in SE. No information on historical use are given. (p. 42)
PCB have mainly been imported (USA, UK, FR, DE); capacitor production in Sweden by ABB, Rifa; Use as capacitor, paint, sealant, flooring material, solvent; Use as haydraulic and heat transfer fluid stopped in 1970ties, use as transformer, power capacitor not permitted since 1994. Remaining uses in buildings, additional stocks in archivated paper, landfills (paper, PCB equipment);
No current production or use; no exemptions needed

Table 17:Overview on information about historic production and use of pesticides and PCB according to N

Synthesis Report
Support related to the international and Community work on Persistent Organic Pollutants
070307/2007/465073/MAR/D1 / 1

1.2.6Bans on marketing and use according to Article 15 reports

Member State / Ban for marketing and use / Exemption DDT
Belgium / Banned according to EU legislation / No
CzechRepublic / Eldrin banned since 1984, Heptachlor banned since 1989, Hexachlorbenzene banned in 1977 (historic production in Spolana Neratovice until 1968); Toxaphene banned 1986, DDT banned 1974, #PCB; other never produced or registered / No
Cyprus / DDT banned 1976; Aldrin and Dieldrin banned in 1980; Chlordane banned 1988; PCB banned 2002; all other substance never authorized / No
France / Placing on the market and use prohibited in 1992 for all POP pesticides (except Mirex); / No
Germany / Aldrin, Chlordane, Dieldrin, Endrin, Heptachlor, Hexachlorbenzene, banned by Directive 91/414/EEC;
MIrex, Toxaphene components of registered pesticides
PCB banned starting in 1978, DDT totally phased-out in 1972 / No
Netherlands / Toxaphene banned 1968, Hexachlorbenzene and DDT banned 1973, Heptachlor banned 1978; Dieldrin banned 1980, Chlordane banned 1981, Aldrin banned 1982; PCB banned 1985 by EU Directive / No

Table 18:Summary on information on bans for marketing and use of POPs in EU Member States

Synthesis Report
Support related to the international and Community work on Persistent Organic Pollutants
070307/2007/465073/MAR/D1 / 1

1.3Annex Stockpiles

1.3.1Presence of POP Stockpiles according to Article 12 reports

MS / Stockpiles of substances listed in Annex I or II of which the use is permitted / Stockpiles of substances listed in Annex I or II of which the use is permitted
Yes / No / Substances / Yes / No / Substances
AT / x / x
BE / x / x
BG / x / PCBs / x
CY / x / x
CZ / x / PCBs / x
DE / x / x
DK / x / x
FI / x / x
FR / x / x
HU / x / x
IE / x / PCB / x
LT / x / PCBs / x / Pesticide waste
LU / x / PCBs (<500 mg/kg) / x / PCBs (>500 mg/kg)
NL / x / x
PL / x / x
SE / x / x
SI / x / x / PCBs
SK / x / x
UK / x / x

Table 19:Status of reporting on stockpiles under Article 12 of Regulation (EC) 850/2004

Synthesis Report
Support related to the international and Community work on Persistent Organic Pollutants
070307/2007/465073/MAR/D1 / 1

1.3.2PCB stockpiles in the Brussels Capital Region

- Brussels-Capital Region:

Estimation following CLEEN methodology (May 2007)

type equipm. / Number / weight (kg) / weight dielectric (kg) / weight tot (kg) / weight tot dielectric (kg)
Induction coil / 3 / 500 / 150 / 1.500 / 450
Capacitor / 535 / 30 / 10 / 16.050 / 5.350
Container / 1 / 500 / 150 / 500 / 150
Electric resistance / 3 / 500 / 150 / 1.500 / 450
Transformers / 3.230 / 1.500 / 500 / 4.845.000 / 1.615.000
Total / 3.772 / 4.864.550 / 1.621.400

Soil: Volume contaminated by PCB/PCT : 2793 m³ (1992 - 2007)

1.3.3PCB stockpiles in Bulgaria (2007)

Quantity / Unit / Nature / Location / Management measures
184 / Holders of PCB containing equipment, pieces. / PCB / Known / Inventory,
Decontamination, phasing out, disposal
155 / TRANSFORMERS, pcs. / PCB / Known
thereof / 134 / In operation, pcs. / PCB / Known
and / 16 / Phased – out, pcs. / PCB / Known
and / 5 / Spare on stock, pcs. / PCB / Known
21 989 / CAPACITORS, pcs. / PCB / Known
thereof / 11 183 / In operation, pcs. / PCB / Known
and / 7 492 / Phased – out, pcs. / PCB / Known
and / 3 314 / Spare on stock, pcs. / PCB / Known
181 / Other Equipment, pcs. / PCB / Known
thereof / 161 / In operation, pcs. / PCB / Known
and / 1 / Phased – out, pcs. / PCB / Known
and / 19 / Spare on stock, pcs. / PCB / Known
22 325 / TOTAL PCB equipment, pcs. / PCB / Known
thereof / 11 478 / In operation, pcs. / PCB / Known
and / 7 509 / Phased – out, pcs. / PCB / Known
and / 3 338 / Spare on stock, pcs. / PCB / Known
630973 / Total kg / PCB / Known
Equipment possibly containing PCBs
887 / Pieces of equipment / Oils from equipment / known / Analyses
thereof / 761 / Transformers / Transformer oil / known
and / 126 / Other pieces of equipment / Oils from equipment / known

Table 110:Current PCB stockpiles in Bulgaria according to Article 12 report

1.3.4PCB stockpiles in Luxembourg

Quantity / Unit / Nature / Location / Management measures / Remark
24 in 990 / kg PCB in pieces (Transformators) / PCB liquids < 50 mg/kg / known / inventorisation, no restriction
17 in 292 / kg PCB in pieces (Transformators) / PCB liquids 50-500 mg/kg / known / inventorisation, restriction after 31 December 2010, future elimination / the owners have been contacted to draw their attention on the forthcoming restriction
36 in 73 / kg PCB in pieces (Transformators) / PCB liquids 500-5000 mg/kg / known / inventorisation, restriction since 1 January 2006,
elimination / the owners have been contacted and asked to evacuate and eliminate the corresponding equipment
89 in 10 / kg PCB in pieces (Transformators) / PCB liquids > 5000 mg/kg / known / inventorisation, restriction since 1 January 2006, elimination / the owners have been contacted and asked to evacuate and eliminate the corresponding equipment
166 / kg / PCB / known / inventorisation and elimination

Table 111:Current PCB stockpiles in Luxembourg according to Article 12 report

1.3.5PCB stockpiles in Slovenia

No. / Region / Legal person responsible (owner); location of the PCB equipment / Date of registration / Amount of the equipment (kg)
1. / Dolenjska / Akripol d.d., Prijateljeva 11, Trebnje / 29.3.2004 / 208
2. / Dolenjska / Beti d.d., Tovarniška 2, Metlika / 25.2.2004 / 18099
3. / Dolenjska / Inkos d.o.o., Krmelj 51, Krmelj / 25.2.2004 / 5860
4. / Dolenjska / Labod konfekcija Novo mesto d.d., Seidlova 35, Novo mesto / 27.8.2004 / 144
5. / Dolenjska / Melamin d.d., Tomšičeva 9, Kočevje / 26.3.2004 / 740
6. / Dolenjska / Novoles d.d. Straža, Na žago 6, Straža / 31.3.2004 / 575
7. / Dolenjska / Revoz d.d., Belokranjska 4, Novo mesto / 25.3.2004 / 8745
8. / Dolenjska / Tadis d.o.o., Kandijska 60, Novo mesto / 27.8.2004 / 708
9. / Gorenjska / Alples d.d., Češnjica 48 b, Železniki / 30.3.2004 / 400
10. / Gorenjska / Cestno podjetje Kranj, Jezerska c. 20, Kranj / 8.4.2004 / 99
11. / Gorenjska / Enos-Energetika d.o.o., Cesta železarjev 8, Jesenice / 26.2.2004 / 1161
12. / Gorenjska / Gorenjska predilnica d.d., Kidričeva c. 75, Škofja Loka / 23.3.2004 / 1680
13. / Gorenjska / Hartchrom Rendulič s.p., Zg. Duplje 73, Duplje / 1.4.2004 / 7100
14. / Gorenjska / IBI Kranj d.d., Jelenčeva 1, Kranj / 5.3.2004 / 450
15. / Gorenjska / KIK Kemijska industrija Kamnik d.o.o., Fužine 9, Kamnik / 1.4.2004 / 860
16. / Gorenjska / Lip Bled d.d., Ljubljanska 32, Bled / 5.4.2004 / 879
17. / Gorenjska / Tokos d.o.o., Cankarjeva 9, Tržič / 18.6.2004 / 444
18. / Goriška / Bača d.d., Podbrdo 67, Podbrdo (v stečaju) / 24.9.2004 / 560
19. / Goriška / Celes d.o.o., Pot na Zavrte 23, Cerkno / 8.3.2004 / 220
20. / Goriška / IMP Klima d.o.o., Godovič 150 Godovič / 3.3.2004 / 440
21. / Goriška / Livarna Gorica d.o.o. / 18.2.2004 / 2260
22. / Goriška / Mizar d.d., Volčja Draga 42, Volčja Draga / 24.3.2004 / 285
23. / Goriška / Mlekarna Planika d.o.o., Gregorčičeva 32, Kobarid / 26.1.2006 / 949
24. / Goriška / TKK Srpenica, Srpenica 1, Srpenica / 31.3.2004 / 649
25. / Koroška / Livarna Vuzenica d.o.o. / 1.4.2004 / 10102
26. / Koroška / Paloma Prevalje d.d., Nicina 10, Prevalje / 8.4.2004 / 577
27. / Koroška / Petrol Energetika d.o.o., Koroška c. 14, Ravne na Koroškem / 31.3.2004 / 13132
28. / Notranjska / Brest Pohištvo d.o.o., Cesta 4.maja 18, Cerknica / 25.8.2004 / 780
29. / Notranjska / Javor Pivka d.d., Kolodvorska cesta 9a, Pivka / 6.8.2004 / 2379
30. / Notranjska / Lesonit d.d., Ulica Nikola Tesle 11, Ilirska Bistrica / 1.4.2004 / 68182
31. / Obala in Kras / Krasoprema d.d., Dutovlje 127 a, Dutovlje / 26.3.2004 / 354
32. / Obala in Kras / Lama d.d., Dekani 5, Dekani / 31.3.2004 / 1290
33. / Obala in Kras / Tropex d.o.o., Šmarje 16, Šmarje / 29.3.2004 / 6431
34. / Osrednja Slovenija / Delo tiskarna d.d., Dunajska 5, Ljubljana / 5.4.2004 / 5600
35. / Osrednja Slovenija / Elan Bikes, Letališka 29, Ljubljana / 6.4.2004 / 645
36. / Osrednja Slovenija / Fenolit d.d., Breg 22, Borovnica / 1.4.2004 / 70
37. / Osrednja Slovenija / Helios TBLUS Količevo d.o.o., Količevo 65, Domžale / 24.3.2004 / 702
38. / Osrednja Slovenija / IMOS d.d., Dunajska 56, Ljubljana / 8.7.2004 / 550
39. / Osrednja Slovenija / KLI Logatec d.d., Tovarniška 36, Logatec / 18.3.2004 / 1468
40. / Osrednja Slovenija / KOPS d.d., Industrijska 5, Grosuplje / 4.3.2004 / 130
41. / Osrednja Slovenija / Lek d.d., Verovškova 57, Ljubljana / 5.4.2004 / 192
42. / Osrednja Slovenija / LIP Radomlje d.d., Pelechova 15, Radomlje / 28.10.2004 / 812
43. / Osrednja Slovenija / Mesnine dežele Kranjske d.d., Agrokombinatska 63, Ljubljana / 12.3.2004 / 732
44. / Osrednja Slovenija / Piroliza d.o.o., Sp. Pirniče 60/a, Medvode / 12.11.2004 / 900
45. / Osrednja Slovenija / Saturnus Avtooprema d.d., Letališka 17, Ljubljana / 19.5.2004 / 8671
46. / Osrednja Slovenija / Savske elektrarne d.o.o., Gorenjska 46, Medvode / 2.6.2004 / 30200
47. / Osrednja Slovenija / Slovenske železnice d.o.o., Kolodvorska 11, Ljubljana, PE promet / 8.4.2004 / 1445
48. / Osrednja Slovenija / Slovenske železnice d.o.o., Kolodvorska 11, Ljubljana, UP za org. in spl. zadeve / 8.4.2004 / 318
49. / Osrednja Slovenija / Slovenske železnice d.o.o., SEE Ljubljana, Tivolska 41, Ljubljana / 9.4.2004 / 5043
50. / Osrednja Slovenija / Slovenske železnice d.o.o., Centralne delavnice, Zaloška 217, Ljubljana / 30.3.2004 / 510
51. / Osrednja Slovenija / Telekom Slovenije d.d., Cigaletova 15, Ljubljana / 24.8.2004 / 236
52. / Podravje / Lesnina Emmi d.d., Kolodvorska 37 a, Slovenska Bistrica / 26.3.2004 / 56
53. / Podravje / Mariborska Livarna Maribor d.d., Oreško narežje 9, Maribor / 29.3.2004 / 14880
54. / Podravje / MTT Tekstil d.o.o., Kraljeviča Marka 19, Maribor / 1.12.2004 / 2055
55. / Podravje / SŽ Centralne delavnice d.o.o., Kurilniška 8, Maribor / 25.3.2004 / 216
56. / Podravje / TDR Metalurgija d.d., Tovarniška c. 51, Ruše / 20.4.2005 / 8404
57. / Podravje / Tom d.o.o., Jadranska c. 28, Maribor / 30.3.2004 / 1176
58. / Pomurje / Paloma d.d., Sladki vrh 1, Sladki vrh / 1.4.2004 / 1620
59. / Pomurje / Paloma Tovarna lepenke Ceršak d.d., Tovarniška 4, Ceršak / 9.2.2004 / 1366
60. / Posavje / Metalna Senovo d.o.o., Titova 52, Senovo / 17.2.2004 / 2674
61. / Posavje / Vipap Videm Krško d.d., Tovarniška 18, Krško / 24.8.2004 / 30225
62. / Savinjska / Aero Papiroti d.o.o., Ipavčeva 32, Celje / 30.3.2004 / 390
63. / Savinjska / Bohor d.o.o., Cesta Leona Dobrotinška 9, Šentjur / 5.4.2004 / 416
64. / Savinjska / Cinkarna d.d., Kidričeva 26, Celje / 2.6.2004 / 485
65. / Savinjska / Feniks d.o.o., Cesta Žalskega tabora 10, Žalec / 7.4.2004 / 10536
66. / Savinjska / Glin Tip Brest d.o.o., Lesarska c. 10, Nazarje / 1.4.2004 / 1722
67. / Savinjska / Izletnik d.d., Aškerčeva 20 Celje / 6.4.2004 / 60
68. / Savinjska / Klima Celje d.d., Delavska c. 5, Celje / 15.3.2004 / 400
69. / Savinjska / KLS d.d., Loke 36, Ljubno ob Savinji / 4.2.2004 / 135
70. / Savinjska / Kovis Livarna d.o.o., Železarska 3, Štore / 8.4.2004 / 4500
71. / Savinjska / Radeče papir d.d., Njivice 7, Radeče / 1.4.2004 / 982
72. / Savinjska / Štore Steel d.o.o., Železarska 3, Štore / 22.7.2004 / 532
73. / Savinjska / Tekstilna tovarna Prebold d.d., Tovarniška c. 7, Celje / 30.9.2004 / 18786
74. / Savinjska / Valji d.o.o., Železarska c. 3, Štore / 1.4.2004 / 17925
75. / Zasavje / Steklarna Hrastnik-Vitrum d.o.o., Cesta1. maja 14, Hrastnik / 7.4.2004 / 1242
76. / Zasavje / SVEA Lesna industrija Zagorje d.d., Cesta 20. julija 23, Zagorje / 1.4.2004 / 342
77. / Goriška / Agrogorica d.d., Vrtojbenska c. 48, Šempeter pri Gorici / 9.3.2006 / 440
78. / Savinjska / Petrol Energetika d.o.o., PE Energetika Štore, Železarska c. 3, Štore / 10.5.2006 / 3580
79. / Savinjska / Merkur, Mariborska 162, Celje / 14.10.2004 / 226
80. / Podravje / Talum d.d., Tovarniška 10, Kidričevo / 16.8.2004 / 26274
81. / Obala in Kras / Aluminij oprema d.d., Komen 129 a, Komen / 12.8.2004 / 351
82. / Podravje / Impol d.d., Partizanska 38, Slovenska Bistrica / 16.8.2004 / 19807
83. / Osrednja Slovenija / Induplati d.d., Kamniška 24, Zgornje Jarše, Domžale / 17.8.2004 / 672
84. / Osrednja Slovenija / Julon d.d., Letališka 15, Ljubljana / 29.7.2004 / 715
85. / Osrednja Slovenija / Litostroj Holding d.d. (v stečaju), Litostrojska c.40, 1515 Ljubljana / 6.8.2004 / 2280
86. / Gorenjska / Galvanika CMC, Lesce?? (TROPEX d.o.o.) / 1491
87. / Pomurje / Galvana INOX, Murska Sobota (TROPEX d.o.o.) / 2546
88. / Podravje / Galvana JGZ KOZJAK, Maribor (TROPEX d.o.o.) / 2394
89. / Gorenjska / Planika Turnišče proizvodnja in trgovina z obutvijo d.o.o., Prešernova ul. 4, 9224 Turnišče / 25.10.2006 / 1895

Table 112:Current PCB stockpiles in Slovenia according to Article 12 reports