/ Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency
Erasmus+: Schools, Vocational Training, Adult Education, Platforms

Final Report Template

Key Action 3

Support for Policy Reform

Support to European Policy Tools


Quality assurance at European level for enhanced transparency and recognition of skills and qualifications

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission under the Call for proposals EACEA/48/2015 – Quality assurance at European level for enhanced transparency and recognition of skills and qualifications


Please note that all documents should be sent in electronic format only:

  • by email to

Check List / Please tick the appropriate check box
1. / The Final Report includes the following documents:
  • Declaration by the legal representative signed and scanned
  • Activity report
  1. Certification of accounts
  1. Final statementof accounts
2. / Name of organisation, Legal representative and address are the same as in the Grant Decision.
If not, the data has already been updated in the Participant Portal. / YES NO
3. / Bank account is the same as in the Grant Decision or a request for amendment has been already introduced.
If not:
A new Financial Identification Form is attached to the final report:
4. / Costs presented in the report are eligible (see the Grant Decision + Call EACEA/48/2015). / YES NO
5. / Costs are consistent with the activities undertaken during the eligibility period. / YES NO
6. / All tables have been completed in €. Exchange rates have been calculated according to article 10.3. of the Grant Decision. / YES NO
7. / For private bodies only: Attached to the final report is an official attestation by a tax office that the VAT is not recoverable (signed and scanned). / YES NO


Project title
Grant Decision number
Reporting period / From dd/mm/yy
To dd/mm/yy
Beneficiary organisation
Project coordinator (contact person)


1. Call objectives / relevance
Please describe the overall work performed the main results achieved. Explain in detail how theobjectives stated in your application form were met.
2. Project methodology/approach
Please present the methodology / approach actually used for testing key criteria and procedures. Was it applied as planned?
3. Main phases of the project
Please describe the main phases of the project highlighting major milestones, results achieved, and related activities.
Please use the table below to summarise the main phases of your project
(add lines if needed)
Effective results / Description / Year 1 / Year 2 / Indicators / Implementing body (ies) / Experts / Countries
Result 1
Activity 1.1
Activity 1.2
Activity 1.3
Result 2
Activity 2.1
Activity 2.2
Activity 2.3
Result 3
Activity 3.1
Activity 3.2
Activity 3.3
4.Team members and entities involved
Please indicate the role and the activities of each team member / entity involved and explain how they have been contributing to the achievement of the project results achieved.
5. Monitoring
Please describe the monitoring arrangements put in place during the project lifetime. Report on any particular difficulties the project encountered, and any mitigating measures devised to solve them.
6. Quality assurance
Please describe the quality measures that have been introduced in order to ensure the quality of deliverables / expected results, and their measurement.
7. Involvement of stakeholders
Please indicate which stakeholders were involved in the project activities, and what their contribution to the project was.
8. Impact
For each of the outcomes of your project achieved, please explain how it can have an impact, in particular how it can be replicated and shared after the end of the project.

Annex I


  • For grants for an action equal or inferior to EUR 60.000, the beneficiary is required to submit the following sample of supporting documents:

Budget item/heading / Sample to be annexed to the Financial Statement
Staff / The three highest consolidated staff costs (i.e. staff member costs) for the whole eligibility period
Subcontracting / The three highest value subcontracts
Travel and subsistence / 25% of the highest costs declared under this budget item
  • For grants for an action of more than EUR 60.000, but less than EUR 750.000, the beneficiary is required to submit, in support of the final payment, a “Report of Factual Findings on the Final Financial Report - Type I” produced by an approved auditor or in case of public bodies, by a competent and independent public officer.

The procedure and the format to be followed are detailed in the following “Guidance Notes”:

The use of the report format set by the “Guidance Notes” is compulsory.

Declaration on honour by the Legal representative of the beneficiary organisation

I, the undersigned, hereby declare that the information contained in this Report is accurate and in accordance with the facts. In particular, I certify that the Financial Statement, provided as an Excel spread sheet with this report, properly reflects the financial transactions made for the project in accordance with the provisions of the Grant Decision and its Annexes signed with the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency and that full supporting documentation to justify the costs and revenues is available for checks and audits.

I herewith request payment of the balance in accordance with article 1.4.1 of the Grant Decision.

Signed in: on / /

Signature of the beneficiary's legal representative

Name and function in capital letters