1210 Maple Avenue, Lancaster, PA 17603

Church Telephone (717) 397-9791


August 7, 2016

9:30 am

Hamilton Park United Church of Christ

Ministers: All of our members

Rev. David R. Goode, Interim Pastor

Kaliane Prak, Church Office Administrator

David R. Bushnell, D. Min., Pastor Emeritus

Deborah Ann Konupka, Director of Music

Darlene Sugarwala, Organist

Marlene Bell, Organist Emerita

Vivian Bennawit, Sexton

Megan Griffith, Director of Pre-School Program

Welcome all to Hamilton Park United Church of Christ. Thank you for attending our church today. All children are invited to stay in worship. Children worship bags are available at each entrance to our worship room. There is also nursery care provided for children in first grade and younger. Feel free to ask any usher or anyone sitting next to you if you need assistance. Also, please sign our guest book located in the entrance hall.

Acolyte: Darius Frailey

Lector: Donna Norris

Usher/Greeter Team: Carol Gallimore, Ned Kreider, Eleanor & Doug Mullins

Nursery Team: Heather Dombach

Flowers: The altar flowers are given by Jenny Heberlein In memory of Michael Heberlein and remembering our anniversary.

Flower delivery: David & Nan Goode

Hearing assistance devices and

enlarged bulletins are available.

Welcome and Announcements

Prelude – “Awesome In This Place”

*Call to Worship

One: O Lord, you have searched us and known us.

You know when we sit down and when we rise up.

You discern our thoughts from far away.

All: Such knowledge is too wonderful for us.

It is so high that we cannot attain it.

One: Praise the Lord!

All: The Lord’s name be praised!

*Hymn “O My Soul, Bless Your Creator” #13

Call to Reconciliation

Life is simple, all we are called to do is to love – to love everyone. However, as simple as it sounds, we show how difficult a task it is by our actions and our words. Let us confess our failings as we pray together, saying,


You do not ask much of us, Guardian of hope: to love, to serve, to welcome. Yet too often, we speak words of hurt to family and friends. It is our negative and critical selves that we too often give to others, instead of forgiveness and love. It is our hardened hearts that people find when they reach out hoping to be touch by grace. Help us to reflect and confess in this moment of silence.

(Pause for silent confession)


Assurance of Pardon

Gathered as God's people, we hear the good news: God has forgiven us, God has made us whole, and God sends us to serve. We will not wear jealousy or resentment, but put on the garments of peace and hope. God forgives us in Jesus the Christ. Amen.

*Song of Praise “Glory to the Creator” 759

Glory to the Creator, The Christ,

The Holy Spirit, Three in One;

As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be,

world without end. Amen. Amen

*Passing the Peace of Christ

Christ before us, Christ behind us,

Christ under our feet.

Christ within us, Christ over us,

let all around us be Christ.

Scripture Readings: Donna Norris

Prayer of The Day

New Testament: Romans 12:9-21;

Gospel Lesson: Matthew 18:21-35

Sermon “Where There Is Injury, Pardon (Forgiveness)”

*Sermon Hymn “Your Ways Are Not Our Ways” #170

The Prayers of the Church (includes prayer concern sheet)

One: God is with you.

All: And also with you.

One: Let us pray.

Our Lord’s Prayer (debts/debtors)


Special Music: "Redeemer of My Heart" - Martin

Invitation to Give

God asks us to be instruments of peace.

We are to sow love where there is hatred,

Forgiveness where there is injury and hurt.

Let us give our gifts and ourselves to God,

sowing seeds of love and forgiveness to all.

Offertory: "In Moments Like These" - Graham

*The Response “Tune of Doxology”

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow.

Praise God, all creatures high and low.

Praise God, in Jesus fully known:

Creator, Word and Spirit One. Amen.

*The Offertory Prayer

May the money we give and our lives dedicated to you; bring forgiveness, love and peace. Thank you for walking with us, making us to be your instruments of love and peace in the entire world. Amen.

*Closing Hymn “Guide me, O My Great Redeemer” #18


As you have been forgiven, now go into a world that needs your forgiving, healing touch. Bring peace and hope to others, sharing God’s love with them. Amen.

Postlude: "Amazing" – Redman

* Indicates an invitation to stand either in body or in spirit.



Meetings/Events this week (August 7, 2016):

Sunday Worship 9:30 am

After Worship private baptism

Tuesday Zumba 6-7 pm in the social hall; $5 per session

Wednesday Morning Prayer group at 7:00 am in the chapel.

Yoga 6:30-8 pm in the chapel. Pay as you go

($5 per session). Bring a mat.

Search Committee Meeting 7:00 pm in social hall

Thursday ROMEO 8:00 am Centerville Diner

Zumba 6-7 pm in the social hall; $5 per session.

Sunday Worship 9:30 am

Attendance last week: Worship (61)

Crispus Attacks Saturday August 13, 4:00 pm.

Finance and personnel committee meeting Monday, August 15, 2016 7:00 pm.

Grocery store gift cards are giving a needed boost to our Community Meals Program. Gift cards are available in the Narthex. Participating grocery stores (Weis, Giant and Stauffer’s) donate 5% of all monies received to our mission budget.

Food Bank: The following are staples always needed: canned fruit, oatmeal, soups, tuna, canned beans, peanut butter, dry pasta, cat food, dog food, and reusable grocery totes. Remember the Food Bank!


Support our Pre-School. A box will be available in the narthex for your gifts to the Pre-School. Here are some items that are needed: cardstock,(11x17); bright cardstock (8.5x11); pastel cardstock (8.5x11); unscented shaving cream; bag of flour; bag of granulated sugar; bag of 10x sugar; pipe cleaners; Elmer's glue sticks; empty toilet paper rolls.

Interim Pastor Rev. David Goode is available at all times on his cell phone (717) 825-6568, by text or by e-mail at . He will be in the church office Monday through Thursday from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm as well as other times. Please feel free to drop in or schedule a time to visit.

Bulletins are printed on Thursdays. Please have all bulletin information and announcements to Kaliane Prak, Church Office Administrator by Wednesday. E-mailing it to her at is the best way to submit it or you can drop the information off anytime.

Our summer worship and sermon themes will be based on the Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi:

August 14 Where There Is Doubt, Faith

August 21 Where There Is Despair, Hope

August 28 Where There Is Darkness, Light

September 4 Where There Is Sadness, Joy

ASpecial Meeting of Penn Central Conference will be held Saturday, August 20, 1:00 p.m.at St. Paul's UCC, 626 Williams Grove Road, Mechanicsburg, PA. The Special Meeting will include a worship service with Dr. Dawkins-Smith as the preacher of the day. An election will be included in the order of worship, followed by a pie and ice cream reception. Our representatives will include Cindy Shirk; Dottie Holt; Marge Mowrer and Pastor David. Please see the bulletin board for more information about candidate Rev.Dr. Monica Dawkins-Smith.


Sanctuary temperature. Some like it hot and some like it cold. At the begging of worship, some are cold. At the end, some are hot. For medical reasons, we cannot let the room get too hot. Please bring sweaters if you are too cold.

Newsletter Deadlines will be the second to last Sunday of the month. They will now be mailed out monthly. The next deadline to have information and articles for the newsletter to Renee Blankenstein is Sunday, August 21, 2016. The best way to provide her your information would be to email her at and . You can also hand her a copy of what you would like in our newsletter.

Prayer Of Affirmation To Forgive Others

“I forgive you completely and freely, I release you and let you go. So far as I'm concerned, the incident that happened between us is finished forever. I wish the best for you. I wish for you your highest good. I hold you up to God. I am free and you are free, and all again is well between us. Peace be with you."

Prayer Of Affirmation To Forgive Yourself

"I forgive myself completely and freely. I release myself and I let me go. So far as I am concerned the incident that happened is finished forever. I wish the best for me. I wish for myself the highest good. I hold myself in the light. I am free and all again is well with me. Peace be with me."

Child Abuse Clearance History and Pennsylvania Criminal Record Check need to be on file for anyone volunteering with the children and youth at HPUCC. Rick and Vivian Bennawit have copies of these forms. Both clearances are free for church volunteers. They can also be filled out online:



Please submit all records to Pastor David Goode to keep on file here at the church. Any member of the church who has copies of these clearance records, please submit to Pastor David Goode for the church files.