Job Description

Job Title


Support Facilitator (Partners In Recovery)

Location / Non-Residential Services
Award Status / Cyrenian House Enterprise Agreement 2012-2016
Classification / Level 5-6
Reporting Relationships

Job Function
The function of the Support Facilitator position is to operationalise the aim of the Partners in Recovery (PIR) program. PIR is a Commonwealth funded program which makes a real difference to outcomes for people with severe and persistent mental illness with complex needs, and their carers and families. PIR facilitates better coordination of, and more streamlined access to, a range of clinical and other support services.
The Support Facilitator will facilitate better coordination of, and more streamlined access to, the clinical and other service and support needs of people experiencing severe and persistent mental illness with complex needs requiring a multi-agency response.
The Support Facilitator will be expected to travel across the Perth North Metro Medicare Local region.

Duties and Responsibilities

Mission and Values:

  • Support, promote and work in accordance with the Mission and Values of Cyrenian House;
  • Work in accordance with Cyrenian House Ethical Principles and Standard of Conduct.

Program Delivery

  • Work within the scope of the JDF to ensure that all aspects of service delivery required of Cyrenian House by Perth North Metro Medicare Local Ltd. (PNML) are met;
  • Develop collaborative arrangements with the range of service providers that are critical to meeting the needs of care groups;
  • Receive, review and assess referrals;
  • Conduct assessments of an individual’s care needs;
  • Develop, monitor and review PIR action plans;
  • Ensure that the services across the system operate effectively to meet the needs identified in action plans.
  • Build service pathways and networks of services and supports needed;
  • Establish effective referral pathways so that people can move through the service system as they need to;
  • Be a point of contact for PIR clients, their families and carers;
  • Work closely with existing case managers and support staff to ensure case management functions and existing relationships are maintained.

Reporting and Administration:

  • Collect data and information required by Cyrenian House and PNML to assess the performance of the services provided under the Contract;
  • Provide reports as required to Cyrenian House in a timely manner, to ensure effective administration of governance arrangements;
  • Maintain client files and statistics, as well as other client related administration duties;
  • Undertake other administrative and office management tasks as required.

Teamwork, Professional and Agency Development:

  • Participate as a valued team member promoting and contributing to a supportive team environment;
  • Share expertise with, and support other staff, students and volunteers;
  • Participate in staff meetings, Mental Health and Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD)training sessions and planning workshops;
  • Contribute to the development, implementation and evaluation of the agency service model, and the development of policies and procedures.
  • Participate in continuous quality improvement (CQI) processes and initiatives and support the CQI culture of the agency.
  • Maintain and develop professional knowledge and skills and undertake professional development in the areas of mental health, AOD, and other related areas;
  • Actively participate in regular supervision.

Selection Criteria

Support Facilitator

  • Significant experience in working with people with complex, unmet needs, including severe and persistent mental illness and AOD use.
  • Knowledge, understanding of, and ability to work in accordance with a ‘collective impact’ framework.
  • Demonstrated ability to form strategic inter-sector alliances to enhance service provision.
  • Demonstrated capacity to develop innovative changes to current sector practices and engage a range of stakeholders in implementing change management processes.
  • Demonstrated high level of negotiation and conflict resolution skills.
  • Demonstrated and well developed interpersonal, verbal and written communication skills.
  • Demonstrated ability to work independently to deliver a professional service.
  • Experience in working in a multi-disciplinary team environment.
  • A degree in Social, Behavioural or Health Sciences.
  • Current First Aid Certificate.
  • Knowledge of the Mental Health, AOD and related systems.
  • Computer literacy.
  • A current C class driver’s licence and reliable vehicle.
  • Knowledge of available community treatment options for people withAOD , mental health and other complex needs.

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