Big Ideas for Common Core Curriculum Mapping:
Guiding Questions
1. How does the work our students are currently being asked to do align with the CCSS?
2. How can the CCSS strengthen the work that we are already engaged in to support student learning and achievement?
3. How can we modify curriculum to meet the demands of the CCSS?
Suggested Areas of Focus for ELA Curriculum:
1. Text Complexity
2. Range/Quality of Texts (App. B provides Text Exemplars (samples of level of complexity and diversity)
3. High-quality texts and having students synthesize information/completing tasks independently.
4. Writing and Research that has students analyzing sources and utilizing evidence.
*Think of CCSS as the new area of focus. As we are in a time of transition and are slowly moving away from the GLCE’s/HSCE’s, we will place more effort in understanding and applying the rigor of the Common Core State Standards. For example, we are not merely substituting the CCSS coding for the GLCE’s/HSCE’s and considering the work to be done. You will need to read through the new CCSS and analyze the tasks that the students are required to complete. Not all of the standards will require adjustments to the curriculum, but some of the standards are more rigorous than what is currently expected of our students. This will require changes to curriculum, instructional practices, and materials.
CCSS Curriculum Mapping Protocol
Gathering Necessary Materials:1 / Locate the MDE Alignment Document for your grade level/course. *There should be at least one provided for your grade level to look at. This will be useful when examining the terminology of the GLCE’s/HSCE’s that are aligned to the new CCSS.
2 / Locate the TBAISD CCSS Curriculum Mapping Document for your grade level. This will be utilized for the majority of your work time.
3 / Locate your current curriculum map for your grade level. Nominate a secretary to make changes electronically to the maps as you work through the CCSS content.
Mapping Process:
4 / Using the TBAISD CCSS Curriculum Mapping Document, locate the Reading Standards for Literature. Your first category will be Key Ideas and Details.
5 / Highlight the verbs, which indicate what students are required to do.
Note the Depth of Knowledge Level (DOK) of standard.
6 / As a grade level, discuss whether the standard is current practice. Is it included in your curriculum maps? What month/week/unit/lesson? What materials, activities, and assessments align?
7 / Make any necessary revisions to your current maps (preferably electronically)
8 / Explain the intended learning in student friendly terms (learning targets). “I can…”
9 / Please indicate any teachable vocabulary that will support the standard (this helps to create a common language set used throughout the building)
10 / Continue this routine throughout the remaining strands (Writing, Speaking and Listening & Language)
11 / Identify content within the CCSS that is not reflected in your curriculum and instruction. This is a gap for you. Determine what you need to do to fill the gap: professional learning, find or purchase resources, borrow or copy other models, something else?