Support Centers and GPS Initiative

Meeting Notes

February 11, 2016


Carmen Rideout, Claudia Welborn, Georgia Foster, Nancy Shideler, Ramona Stine, Janet Korpela, Kay Wallick

Carmen shared information from her recent call with Dani Guerctman, Director of Wyoming Dementia Care, a nonprofit support center in Casper housed in the Senior Center. She is the full-time Director of Support Services and has one part-time person to assist as well as a part-time grants writer. Their purpose is very similar to what we are planning to create in Sheridan.

Carmen shared her job description that may help us in developing one for the volunteer "navigators". Dani shared that she would not feel comfortable training volunteers. It will be important to utilize Teepa Snow’s excellent training in preparing volunteers.

Georgia said that there are many previous caregivers that may be involved that are still involved in the support group and they will need to be approached personally. They are individuals with much to share. Some may want to be involved in a "buddy" way. There needs to be flexibility in the level of commitment for these volunteers.

Georgia suggested that we involve Stella in the training. She is beloved by the caregiver support. Heather could be the go to person. Georgia sees the volunteers as a friendly support providing assistance with resources as well as recreational outings. She suggested that there is often the element of denial to acceptance of this kind of support may be a challenge. If there is an informal approach there will be more trust and it will be easier to identify needs. The evolution of understanding of what is needed can be slow. Often the caregiver does not realize how much they are doing for their loved one.

Claudia suggested that there is a need to begin with diagnosis and then referral to the support center(s) can be made. At some point we will need to have information at the health care professionals offices to assist them in referring. Senior Center has referral pads and we may need to just add the support center contact information to the pads to distribute to health care providers. (Note: Big Horn Mountain Medicine is taking steps to add diagnostic tools to their practice…It might make sense to have the referral as a part of this tool)

There was discussion about changing the name of the group from navigators to not confuse the volunteers with the Affordable Care Act Navigators.

After much discussion the group decided on the following:

GPS (Gathering Positive Solutions), Navigating the Journey of Life.

Carmen shared that the Wyoming Center on Aging is doing a survey on Alzheimer’s Disease and dementia and many in the community are completing the survey. This will assist them in developing a statewide approach. Hopefully, our Dementia Friendly Community efforts will be helpful as they create a state plan.

Amy will contact pastors about whether they would have parishioners interested in becoming a GPS volunteer.

Claudia will contact social service agencies through the Council on Social Service Agencies. Kay suggested that we may want to develop a survey for the social service agencies.

Next meeting

Wednesday March 9, 4:45

W163 training at Whitney

Send links to Heather for NVCN SCA and Age of Distruption/Disrupt Dementia

List from Sy is a great list to use for Guide training--we can discuss which initiative should be dealing with each.

Names for navigator

Advocate, mentor, buddy, guide, peer mentor, check with Act on ALZ



dementia friends subcommittee on training

Overview of the outline for ambassadors

Create a cross pollination sheet to use at everyone's initiative meeting to put parking lot issues. Ask every group to use. How to share ideas.

Use Teepa's What is dementia

Scotland...copy screen shots for each for packets

Meet next week for one hour 3 to 4 to go over

Develop a timeline

that includes


December 16, 2015


Attendance: Amy Albrecht, Carmen Rideout, Ramona Stine, Janet Korpela, Georgia Foster, Kay Wallick

Amy SenAlbrecht opened the meeting giving an overview of the initiative. The focus is on developing either one or multiple support centers where those diagnosed with dementia could go with their caregivers to receive help in identifying and navigating resources. These support centers could be in places like churches or nonprofit agencies.

Introductions were made. Ramona was not involved in the Study Circles but has a friend at Sheridan Manor and would like to focus her energies where they are needed the most. Carmen shared that she is passionated about this work, not only as the Director of the Senior Center, but because she truly believes that our community needs to embrace other people. Janet hears the frustrations for those living with dementia and their caregivers as well as having personal experiences with her parents. Georgia cared for her husband who had some dementia and continues to work with the caregiver support programs at the Senior Center. Kay cared for her mother who had some dementia with help from the Senior Center and the Green House and believes in the culture change wanting it to spread throughout the community. Amy is passionate about the project.

Discussion was held about what we hoped to accomplish through the development of support centers and volunteer navigators. Janet suggested that at the beginning it may be overwhelming to go to a place, but possibly what is needed is for a "navigator" to sit down one-on-one with the person diagnosed with dementia and their caregiver and find out what their biggest issue(s) are. This person could be available as needed at first. Ramona suggested that the navigator needs to be objective and not directly connected to an organization. Georgia suggested that physicians could refer elders and their caregivers to the navigators or to the support center. The Senior Center Support group is filled with people who have lived through it. Some of those in attendance are no longer caring for a loved one but are so committed to helping that they continue to be a part of the support group. This may be a place to start to identify volunteer navigators.

Amy and Carmen have been in touch with Wyoming Dement Care, a case management organization in Casper. The one case manager, Dani, works with about 70 people a month. They provide five support groups with respite during the meetings. They also provide memory assessments and access to counselors, neurologists and geriatricians. They are currently training people with Powerful Tools for Caregivers, a national initiative that is being used across the U.S. They would probably be able to provide this training to those in Sheridan.

Carmen agreed to contact Dani in Casper to get help in creating a job description for the navigator and advice on what a support center might look like in Sheridan as well as possible funding ideas and their physician referring system in Casper.

Next steps will be to begin designing the support center and what training will be necessary for the navigators and who will provide the training. We need to make sure that we are involving,
including and caring for those living with dementia as well as their caregivers. There would need to be one staff person that could oversee the project, including recruiting, training, advocating and overseeing volunteers.

The following are some resources that the committee can pursue to gain a better understanding of this initiative and where we might go for help -- MA

Wyoming dementia

Powerful Tools for Caregivers

Next meeting:

January 21

4:45 pm at CVC

Parking--cannot park around cul de sac. Need to talk to landowner and fire department. Talk to fire department for a waiver until plan is in place. Nose in parking not allowed. Could parallel park which would allow for two. Only option along Quail Ridge. Need plan for future parking in purchased land. Right now park on Quail Ridge, then apply for a waiver with the Fire Department.

Mission review--revised in 2012

A new training packet is being developed and will be shared with the board.


Are we the expert??

Core Values

Team Coordinator reports

Brandi Ingram--Team coordinator--if an issue arises a Shahbaz can come to the coordinator for help in building solutions. Everyone has been great to work with. Everyone is starting to come together as a team. Communication is the most important.

Lot more one on ones in the homes. Coordinators meet with the management staff to

Goal A. Destination Center--multi purpose building

Needs to be rezoned. To R3

Add 4 offices, rehab center (multipurpose room could be used for rehab), parking lot.

Martha--if we add VA buildings we would need to consider what space we would need later. .

Jack--VA would allow for footage space for administration space.

Possible next steps

-  architect plan

Goal B--


Possible next steps

Implement Caring with Confidence

Goal C:

Coordinate all of the pieces from all of the Dementia Friends--will address in the Ambassador training


Executive Committee report