Milestone 2 Rubrics and Deliverables

Due Saturday Mr. 5 at 1:00pm


  • Milestone 2 template filled in
  • All appendices
  • All study instruments (e.g., study introduction script, demographic question, scenarios and tasks, final interview questions/questionnaire, any observation sheets/worksheets)
  • meeting minutes
  • Individual feedback form for each group member due Sunday Mr. 6 at noon (12:00pm) – each member submits this individually (template on Moodle)
  • Remember if this is handed in late (you will loose up to 15%) (one day max late)


A- to A+ (80-100) / B to B+ (74-79) / B-(70-73) / C- to C+ (56-68) / D (50-55) / F (<50)
Content is complete, relevant, accurate & well organized. The first study’s purpose and description is clear and well motivated. The data analysis includes a well-described process. The analysis is complete, relates back to the purpose, and provides well-backed guidelines and suggestions. The prototype description is complete, relates to the guidelines and well described with screenshots/images. The prototype study design and process is complete and easy to understand. All study instruments help answer the research questions, are complete, and are included as appendix. All the appendices are included and complete. The layout, & writing style is outstanding (including spelling and grammar). / Content is generally complete, relevant, accurate & well organized. The first study’s purpose and description is clear and partly motivated. The data analysis describes the process, the analysis is mostly complete, relates to the purpose, and has some guidelines and suggestions. The prototype description is mostly complete, and most features relate to the guidelines with some screenshots/images. The prototype study design and study process are mostly completed and easy to understand. Most study instruments help answer the research questions, are mostly complete, and are included as appendix. All the appendices are included and mostly complete. Layout, & writing style is very good. / Content is appropriate but may be disorganized. The first study’s purpose and description is mostly clear but not clearly motivated. The data analysis briefly discusses the process. The analysis shows some understanding of the data, and has some brief guidelines and suggestions. The prototype description is brief and only partly shows how the features relate to the guidelines with few or reasonable screenshots/images. Parts of the prototype study design and process require further explanation before proceeding. Some study instruments partially answer the research questions, but need further editing. Most the appendices are included or are partially completed. Layout & writing style isadequate. / Some content is inappropriate and disorganized. The first study’s purpose and description is not clear or well motivated. The data analysis does not clearly describe the analysis process. The analysis shows limited understanding of the data, and has only a few brief guidelines and suggestions that are not backed by the analysis. The prototype description is very brief and does not relate how the features match the guidelines. There are few or no screenshots/images. Most of the prototype study design and process require further clarification before proceeding. Most study instruments do not answer the research questions and need further editing. Some the appendices are included but are only are partially completed. Layout & writing styleneeds improvement. / Content is weak & disorganized. The purpose is not clear or motivated. The first study’s purpose and description is not clear or motivated. The data analysis does not describe the analysis process or it is non-existent. The analysis shows limited ad does not demonstrate an understanding of the data. The guidelines and suggestions made need to be reworked or are non-existent The prototype description is too brief or non-existent and does not relate how the features match the guidelines. There are no screenshots/images. The prototype study design and process are confusing and are missing important elements that must be included before proceeding. Most study instruments are not included and the few that are do not answer the research questions and need further editing. Few the appendices are included and are mostly incomplete. Layout & writing style is unacceptable. / Milestone 2 is absent.
Components / Points / Given Points
Overall Look and Feel/Organization / 1 – 10 points
Study 1: Purpose and Description / 1 – 5 points
Study 1: Data Analysis and guidelines for prototype / 1 – 15 points
Prototype Description and Motivation / 1 – 15 points
Study Design of Study 2 / 1 – 15 points
Study 2 Instruments and Study 2 Appendices / 1 – 10 points
Additional Appendices (Minutes) / 1 – 5 points
Writing Style / 1 – 5 points
MAX Points and Total: / 80 Points

The first study’s purpose and description is clear and well motivated. The data analysis includes a well-described process. The analysis is complete, relates back to the purpose, and provides well-backed guidelines and suggestions. The prototype description is complete, relates to the guidelines and well described with screenshots/images. The prototype study design and process is complete and easy to understand. All study instruments help answer the research questions, are complete, and are included as appendix. All the appendices are included and complete. The layout, & writing style is outstanding (including spelling and grammar).

Note: This rubric was adapted from those developed by Judith Stone-Goldman, Ph.D. & Ellen Hickey, Ph.D., as well as from examples provided in Stevens, D.D. & Levi, A.J. (2005). Introduction to rubrics: An assessment tool to save grading time, convey effective feedback, and promote student learning. Virginia: Stylus Publishing.