Tameside Newsletter January 2015

Supply Teachers’ Network Meeting

This Wednesday, 14th January at The Bridge View Café, Portland Basin, Ashton-u-Lyne OL7 0QA 5pm for a 5.15 start, the theme for the meeting is ‘Pay Rates and Training’ refreshments provided.

General Meeting

Monday 9th February at The Bridge View Café, Portland Basin, Ashton-u-Lyne OL7 0QA, 4pm for a 4.30 start, Buffet provided. Our main speaker is Angela Rayner, perspective Parliamentary Candidate for Ashton-u-Lyne. Come along and hear Angela’s views on Education and ask questions regarding Labour’s Policy on Education. NB - change of date to that previously advertised.

The Bridge View Café, Portland Basin

Young Teachers’ Meeting

Following a successful Young Teachers’ meal last term, Tameside NUT will hold regular YT meetings. The next meeting will be on Thursday 4th March venue and further details to follow.

As part of the Stand Up for Education Campaign Tameside NUT are sending all Headteachers and Chair of Governors copies of the NUT Manifesto. We are requesting consideration of the following

  • Holding a discussion with the full Governing Body about the NUT vision for Education as set out in the manifesto.
  • Adding their names to a growing list of those endorsing the manifesto nationally.
  • Sending out copies of the documents to all parents at your school. (This is perfectly legal as the Union has no party political affiliations and several schools have done this previously during our SATs campaign).

Tameside NUT will also be distributing manifestos at Saturday Stalls throughout March& April 2015.Any member who would like to volunteer to join us at one of these events, please contact the office.

Ballot papers should now have arrived via members home addresses, as you will see from the information booklet that accompanied the ballot paper Tameside NUT have nominated Kevin Courtney at the last quorate General Meeting. We have always enjoyed a good working relationship with Kevin and would urge you to consider voting for him to continue as NUT Deputy General Secretary.

Kevin Courtney

The next local Reps foundation course is 2nd,3rd &4th of February or 9th,10th&11th June.

For those who have already completed this there is a course on Negotiating Skills 19th March and the Avanced Reps Course 23rd,24th&25th June 2015.

Academy Reps have a termly network meeting. The next of these takes place on 25th February and then the 15th May.

For more information or to apply for a place for any of the above please e-mail

Further to the above Tameside LA are considering running a session on the new Managing Attendance Policy and may have some places for local Reps who would like to undertake this training to enable them to better support members in their school. If you are interested please contact the office on

To book a place on the Young Teachers Weekend, for either

The Holiday Inn, Ellesmere Port, Wirral 6pm Friday 6th- 5pm 7th March or

The Village Hotel, Bury, Manchester 6pm Friday 20th – 5pm Saturday 21st March


Owen Jones

Tameside NUT are also hoping to sponsor at least 2 teachers on the National Young Teachers Conference, we have just received confirmation that Journalist and author Owen Jones will be one of the speakers at this years conference, on 12th-14th June, see National NUT Website for further details. If you would like to be considered as a possible candidate,please contact the committee on

TAMESIDE DIVISION NUT Secretary: Anne Slater

PO Box 814, Hayfield, High Peak SK22 9AH

01663 746959