Supplies for Adolescent Students for the 2016 -2017 School Year

o 1 Three – Ring binder 1 ½” or 2”, cloth cover, zippered case is preferred

o 2 Graph paper notebooks, spiral bound

o Pencils

o 1 set of subject separators (8 or 10 tab)

o 1 USB Flash drive or Dropbox account or Google Doc account

o Earbuds or headphones – They should be able to fit in your cubby (cubby is 2.5” high)

o Milwaukee Public Library Card

o Reusable water bottle (marked clearly with name, can be left at school)

o Lunch supplies: Our school is proud to be a Green School. Please send a small cup/reusable water bottle, 2 cloth napkins (one to be used as a tablecloth or placemat), and the correct utensils. They should all be reusable. Your child will take these items home EVERY DAY.

o Indoor shoes: This will be mandatory during the winter months. A pair of indoor shoes can be stored in the coatroom.

Do not mark the following items with your child’s name. These items will be shared by the classroom community.

o 2 boxes of tissues

o 2 packages of printer paper & 2 packages of lined loose leaf paper – college rule

o 1 package of colored pencils (Prang or Crayola)

o 7th graders: 1 container of Lysol

o 8th graders: 1 bottle of spray all-purpose cleaner or disinfecting wipes (no bleach products please)

At home, you will need:

o Dictionary & Thesaurus

o Computer with Word Processing Program & Internet Access & Printer

o Email address and the commitment to checking it regularly

o Drawing compass, ruler (inches & centimeters), protractor

Thank you for all your support! Have a great summer!

McNeal Stepien

Kjersti Wahr