McNair Farms Community Association
September 12, 2007
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McNair Farms Community Association Inc.
Minutes of the Board Meeting
September 12, 2007
Daria Gerwig
Dick Nabors
Steve Koopman
Behrooz Ebrahimi
Kampbell Salehi
Ingrid KettermanOnsite Property Manager, Capitol Property Management
Bridgitt MorleyRecording Secretary, Minute By Minute
Mr. Nabors called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
A homeowner from Land Bay 2 asked the Board to consider returning his security deposit for renting the clubhouse after it was withheld for using push pins in the wall.
MOTION: Mr. Nabors moved, Mr. Ebrahimi seconded, to approve the minutes from June 13, 2007. The motion passed unanimously (5-0-0).
President: Mr. Nabors stated that Ms. Ketterman is doing a great job, and the community continues to improve due to completed projects. A resident provided information on a car that damaged a MFMA fence. The police were able to locate the driver and his insurance company will pay the damages. In addition to his monetary reward, Mr. Nabors would like to send a letter out to the community telling them about this resident’s vigilance in community security.
MOTION: Mr. Nabors moved, Mr. Salehi seconded, to send Bill Carr a check for $500.00 for providing detailed information to the Board about a car that damaged a MF fence. The motion passed unanimously (5-0-0).
Treasurer: No report was provided. Mr. Nabors reviewed the financials and reported that they are still below budget. He has asked Mike Peterson to come to the next meeting to explain the budget to all the Board members.
See the full report as included in the Board packet.
Security Cameras - Management presented a proposal for relocating the cameras. The dumpster needs a camera monitoring it to prevent and catch people misusing it. The Board discussed different possibilities for the best camera placement within the community. The current system only allows eight cameras. Mr. Salehi requested that Management get an estimate on adding one additional infrared camera.
MOTION: Mr. Nabors moved, Mr. Koopman seconded, to accept the proposal for moving two cameras or to give Ms. Ketterman the authority to buy an additional infrared camera, if it is possible. The motion passed unanimously (5-0-0).
HOA Assessments- A resident requested a waiver of late fees. The Board decided that if all dues are paid up by the October due date, they will waive the late fees. However, if it is not paid in full by that date, it will be turned over to the attorney for collections.
Another resident requested the waiving of late fees due to being out of the country. He has had his late fees waived in the past. The Board decided not to waive his fees.
Coppermine Tennis Court
MOTION: Mr. Nabors moved, Ms. Gerwig seconded, to approve the proposal to complete the sealing work on the Coppermine Tennis Court. The motion passed (4-0-1) with Mr. Ebrahimi opposing.
After further discussion, the Board decided to reject the proposal and vote again in January on this project.
MOTION: Mr. Nabors moved, Mr. Salehi seconded, to wait until spring 2008 to complete the tennis court project. The motion passed unanimously (5-0-0).
Staining of Fence(s) and Gazebo(s) - The Board asked Management to get additional estimates. Mr. Ebrahimi suggested asking Garen Khoranian for a discount.
MOTION: Mr. Nabors moved, Ms. Gerwig seconded, to accept Garen Khoranian’s bid, after getting a final discount, if no other less expensive bids are received. The motion passed unanimously (5-0-0).
Heating & A/C Maintenance Agreement - The Board approved the maintenance agreement BY CONSENSUS.
MOTION: Mr. Nabors moved, Mr. Koopman seconded, to adjourn the regular session of the meeting at 8:03 p.m. and convene anExecutive Session. The motion passed unanimously (5-0-0).
MOTION: Mr. Nabors moved, Ms. Gerwig seconded, to come out of Executive Session and adjourn the Board meeting at 8:10 p.m. The motion passed unanimously (5-0-0).