Old Dominion Miniature Horse Club Meeting Minutes, December 9, 2012
Lynn Gulledge opened the meeting by welcoming everyone and requesting Carol Hollar take attendance for the record:
Lynn Gulledge, Timeless Miniatures
Bill & Carol Hollar, Hollars Mini Acres
Jason & Val Warrenfeltz, JCB Stables
Debbie Smith, Elite Miniatures
Marlene Graves & Holly Grace, White Tail Farm
Yvette Money & Michael Wells, Timeless Miniatures II
Jennifer Sites & Elsa, Cedar Fields Miniature Horses
Norm & Kris Stern
James Walsh, Rocking Horse Training Center
Pam Walsh, Rocking Horse Acres
Janet Lewis Standing Ovation Miniatures
Tony Benvenuto, Standing Ovation Training Miniatures
Sue Garrison, Sue’s Farrier Service
Todd & Julie Garrett, My Ark Farm
Debra Hopkins, Heavensent Miniatures
Skye Weber, Heron Point Farm
Lyn Krivanek, Dundee Miniature Horses
Carol Hollar read minutes from the last meeting. Bill Hollar motioned to accept as read, Lyn Krivanek seconded, motioned passed.
Bill Hollar gave the Treasurer’s Report, Balance last meeting $3,452.55, only major cost was rental fee for Frying Pan Park for Summer Sizzle Show for $1,800. New Balance is $1,696.35. Treasury report was accepted into record.
Old Business: None outstanding
New Business: Bill Hollar stated Club memberships are due no later than January 15, 2013. Membership is averaging 1.5 new members monthly. Motion by Bill Hollar on paying a recruitment payout of 1 free month banner ad on the websites front pageper new club membership. Request by Debra Hopkins a “Referred by” line be added to the Membership Application: Motion 2nd by Skye Weber, motion passed.
Lynn Gulledge gave an update on the Virginia Bred Program, in 2011/2012 there were 4 stallions, 13 mares and 11 foal nominated.$1,015 in VBP funds. Submission of points for the VBP must be received by December 31, 2012; funds will be distributed per the Plan in March 2013.
Motion by Lynn Gulledge to change VBP Nomination Form to within 30 days of foal birth instead of February 1st of calendar year. Motion made by Tony Benvenuto to leave the dates as is for now. Motion 2nd, motion passed.
Discussion on Payout Criteria for VBP points for Supreme, Grand and Reserve Champion as well as World and National show points awarded. Motion by Bill Hollar to continue discussion at the next meeting, Janet Lewis 2nd motion, motion passed.
Presentation made by James Walsh on the Past, Present and Future of the Miniature Horse.
Bill and Carol Hollar presented information on the ODMHC Summer Sizzle Show to be held at Frying Pan Park, Herndon, VA on July 19, 20, 21, 2013. A Sponsorship Letter is being developed and advertising cost discussed for the Show Premium booklet.
Motion made to charge $200 for full page color ad for premium ad space located inside front cover, inside back cover and back cover. Request for premium ad space must be made by February 28, 2013. If there are more than 1 request per each space, a drawing will be held on March 1st. Winner will be notified that day. Jason Warrenfeltz 2nd motion, motion passed.
Discussion on ad for The Journal and Miniature Horse World. Due to ads, club website has seen a significant increase in new visitors from across the US and around the World. Club pages visited the most were Virginia Bred Program, Sales, and Membership Directory.
2013 Election was held, Officers voted in are:
Lynn Gulledge, President
Janet Lewis, Vice President
Carol Hollar, Secretary
Bill Hollar, Treasury
Julie Garrett, Director
Jason Warrenfeltz, Director
Skye Weber, Director
Bill Hollar made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Lynn Gulledge 2nd the motion, motion was passed.
Festivities continued with the Naughty Santa Gift Exchange.