Supplier Request for Systems Access CPARS90/BOSS90
To be completed by the Supplier(Each user can only have 1 RACF ID, please use a separate form for each ID request):Requested Action: / Add (New ID) Reassign/Reactivate ID Delete ID
Company Name: / Supplier Code:
Street Address:
City: / State & Zip:
Name (Last, First): / Name of User to be replaced:
Phone Number: / E-Mail:
CDSID (if known): / RACF ID (if known):
Supplier Type: / CMS* (restricted to one GSDB code) Supplier Requisitioner(restricted to one GSDB code)
Full Service(unrestricted) Supplier-Buyer (rare) Transportation LE(unrestricted)
*doesn't include Requisitioning, if needed also check Supplier Requisitioner / Typical Set-Up
CPARS Access Requested: / CMS / FS / SR / SB / TLE
CPARS Analyst Workchain: (provide Analyst Code if sharing with existing user ; otherwise a new Analyst Code will be created) / X
CPARS Inquiry
CPARS Logistics Engineer (Transportation suppliers only) / X
CPARS Requisitioner / X / X
GIMME Reports / X
Blanket System (BOSS90) / X
PartSpec (must provide Division/Plant Code or Plant Name): / X / X
Other: / X / X
Approval/Submission Process:
All Suppliers at manufacturing locations / / MP&L Mgr / / other signatures based on the Supplier Type as listed below
CMS and/or Requisitioner / / / FM&SP Buyer / / /
Full Service Supplier / / Plant LL6 / / FM&SP Buyer / / Prch Mgr / /
Supplier-Buyer, TPO LE / / / FM&SP Buyer / / Prch Mgr / /
To be completed by MP&L Manager for all suppliers at manufacturinglocations
By signing this form (electronic signatures preferred), the plant MP&L Manager confirms the Supplier-User has been approved for the requested CPARS access. Note: It is highly recommended that the Plant LL6 provide Unauthorized Commitment training material (which can be found at to the Supplier-User.
MP&L Mgr Signature: / MP&LMgr CDSID: / Date:
To be completed by Plant LL6 for Full Servicesuppliers
By signing this form(electronic signatures preferred), the plantLL6 confirms the Supplier-User has been approved for the requested CPARS access. Note: It is highly recommended that the Plant LL6 provide Unauthorized Commitment training material (which can be found at to the Supplier-User.
Plant LL6 Signature: / Plant LL6 CDSID: / Date:
To be completed by FM&SP Buyer (all requests) and Prch Manager (Full Service, Supplier-Buyers, TPO LEs):
Receipt of this form via e-mail from you indicates that you accept responsibility for the access you are authorizing including the User's ability to appropriately and effectively utilize the access they are requesting. This form, in its entirety, will be retained as a record of the user's access and your approval. In the event there are any changes relative to this request and authorization this record must be updated and sent to .
It is recommended that all suppliers take the Unauthorized Commitment training and the Ford Buyer provide the training material (which can be found at Full Service, Supplier-Buyers and TPO suppliers are required to sign a Confidentiality Agreement; the Buyer must retain the agreement on file.
FM&SP Buyer Signature: / FM&SP Buyer CDSID: / Buyer Code:
Prch Mgr Signature: / Prch Mgr CDSID: / Buyer Code:
W:\Legacy Systems\CPARS\Cpars Access Forms\Supplier Request for Systems Access CPARS90v1.8.docRevised By: wjaroszk
Last revision: 08/01/2008