Supplier Instructions

The Evenflo Supplier Compliance application has been written to improve communication between Evenflo and our suppliers with regard to quality issues and supplier corrective actions.

The purpose of this document is to provide an overview and basic user guide to the application.

  • To print these instructions, download the MS Word version.

Logging on to the system

User names and Passwords will be administered by Evenflo and assigned to each supplier as necessary.The path to the application is:

It is available from anywhere via any internet connection. Once you receive your assigned login from Evenflo, you can go to the above URL and login to the system. Login names will be specific to an individual and tied to a specific email address. Do not share your password with anyone (even someone within your organization).

Warning! Internet Explorer version 5.5 or higher is required to use this site. All other browser versions will not be allowed to login.


Upon successful login, you will see a list of Supplier Corrective Action Requests (SCARs) that are relevant to you.

Editing a SCAR

From the search screen, you can click <Edit> on the SCAR selected and you will be presented with the SCAR edit screen.

As a supplier, you can only edit the following steps:

  1. Containment Plan – Immediate Action
  2. Root Cause Analysis
  3. Corrective Action Plan
  4. Preventive Action

The steps which you are allowed to edit are highlighted in pink.

Adding a File

You may also add files to any step which you have access to. Click on <Add File> to display the File Upload window:

Click on <Browse> to find the file you want to upload and then click <OK> to upload the file, or <Cancel> to abort the operation.

The file should now be added to the step you selected. You can click on the file name to download the file to your computer or view the file with its associated application (if one is installed and available).

Saving a SCAR

Once you have finished editing your changes, you can click <Save and Exit> if you feel you may need to add more information later before notifying the Evenflo Supplier Quality Engineer (SQE) about your response. Or you can click <Save and Email> to let your Evenflo SQE know that you have responded to the SCAR.

Clicking <Save and Email> opens the following window:

You will then receive a copy of the SCAR email.

When the Evenflo QA rep receives the email notification of your changes, he or she will then review your response to the SCAR. The Evenflo QA rep will review your changes and perhaps ask for clarifications via additional SCAR system emails. These emails will be formatted as above and you can easily respond to any of these SCAR issues from the SQE by simply clicking on the link within the email - “Respond to Supplier Corrective Action”. This will take you directly to a supplier compliance login screen. After entering your username and password, the particular SCAR that the email referenced will automatically come up on your web browser. You can then proceed with modifying the SCAR; after completion, you can click “Save & Send Email” to send your response to the Evenflo SQE.

Once the Evenflo SQE is satisfied with your responses in Step 5 and Step 6, you will receive an email showing that each step was reviewed & accepted.

Once Steps 5 and 6 have been accepted, the SQE will make entries to the SCAR regarding Step 7 – Verification. When the Evenflo SQE is satisfied that the SCAR is ready to close, the verification text will be filled in and an email will be sent stating that the SCAR has been verified and closed.

Printing a SCAR

You can print a SCAR from three places: on the Home screen, the Search screen and the Edit screen.

Clicking on <Print> brings up the printer-friendly view of the SCAR. From here, use your browser’s Print function to send the output to the printer.