Supplementary Table S1.Growth and cultural characteristics of strains DUT180Tand its closest neighboursS. halophytocola KLBMP 1284TandS. sulphureus NRRL B-1627T.
Agar medium / DUT180T / NRRL B-1627T / KLBMP1284TISP2
Growth / Good / Good / Good
Aerial mycelium / Yellowish / White-Gray / Yellow
Substrate mycelium / Light-Tawny / Yellowish / Yellow-white
Diffusible pigment / None / None / None
Growth / Moderate / Good / Moderate
Aerial mycelium / Yellowish / White / Yellowish
Substrate mycelium / Yellow-white / Yellow-white / Yellow-white
Diffusible pigment / None / None / None
Growth / Good / Good / Good
Aerial mycelium / Yellowish / Grey-White / Yellow
Substrate mycelium / Yellowish / Yellow-white / Yellowish-white
Diffusible pigment / None / None / None
Growth / Moderate / Poor / Poor
Aerial mycelium / Milk-White / White / Light-Yellow
Substrate mycelium / Milk-White / White / Yellow-white
Diffusible pigment / None / None / None
Czapek’s agar
Growth / Poor / Poor / Poor
Supplementary Table S1 Cont.
Agar medium / DUT180T / NRRL B-1627T / KLBMP1284T
Aerial mycelium / Yellow / Yellowish-white / Yellow
Substrate mycelium / Yellowish / Yellowish / Yellow
Diffusible pigment / None / None / None
Bennett’s agar
Growth / Good / Good / Good
Aerial mycelium / Yellow-Brown / White-Brown / Light-Yellow
Substrate mycelium / Yellow-Brown / Light-Brown / Yellow
Diffusible pigment / None / None / None
Nutrient agar
Growth / Good / Good / Good
Aerial mycelium / Gray-white / Gray-white / Orange-yellow
Substrate mycelium / Brown / Gray / Orange-yellow
Diffusible pigment / None / None / None
Potato-dextrose agar
Growth / Good / Good / Good
Aerial mycelium / Light-Yellow / Brown-White / Yellow
Substrate mycelium / Brown / Dark-Brown / Orange-yellow
Diffusible pigment / None / None / None
Supplementary Fig.S1.Two-dimensional thin-layer chromatogram of polar lipids of strainDUT180T detected with molybdophosphoric acid.
Supplementary Fig.S2.Maximum likelihood tree based on 16SrRNA gene sequences, showing the relationships of DUT180T among species ofthe genus Streptomyces. The sequence of Actinomadura hibiscaJCM9627T (AF163115) was used as out-group. Numbers on branch nodes are bootstrap values (1000 resamplings, only values over 50% are given).Bar, 0.01 sequence variation.
Supplementary Fig.S3.Maximum parsimony tree based on 16SrRNA gene sequences, showing the relationships of DUT180T among species ofthe genus Streptomyces. The sequence of Actinomadura hibiscaJCM9627T (AF163115) was used as out-group. Numbers on branch nodes are bootstrap values (1000 resamplings, only values over50% are given).