Form to be completed by students of overseas origin who now live in the UK/EU
Please note
In order that a correct fee assessment can be made, it is essential that this page be completed by overseas nationals who now live in the UK/EU. Until the completed document is received, with all required documentation you will be regarded as an overseas student for fee purposes.
Surname or family name______First name______
Date of Birth______
Course______Student number______
1. Please give the exact date on which you first arrived in the UK/EU and your latest entrance to the UK/EU. ______.
Please provide a copy of your passport/visa showing the dates of arrival.
2. If you are not an UK/EU citizen, then on what basis have you been granted entry to or will you seek to enter the UK/EU? What is the wording on your passport regarding your entry and conditions of your stay in the UK/EU? Are there any restrictions on your residency in the UK? You must provide a passport copy showing residency status or a letter from the Home Office. Do you have Indefinite Leave to Remain, Right of Abode, Certificate of Registration?
3. Please state the primary reason for your entry to the UK/EU and provide documentation in
support of your statement e.g. if for employment then a copy of the employment contract or a
letter from the employer, if for asylum then a copy of your application to the Home Office or if
you possess exceptional leave to remain a copy of the letter from the Home
4. How have you spent the past three years? Please give details of your occupation(s) and all absence(s) from the UK/EU since your arrival as above.
5. Are your parent(s)/spouse resident in UK/EU? Yes/No
if yes a) from what date have they been resident? ______
b) what was their purpose for entering the UK/EU?______
c) what is the residency status in their passports ______
If your parents are resident then you should send copies of their passport showing date of entry and residency status.
6. What are your future intentions after completion of your studies?______
I confirm that the information given above is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
By signing this form you certify that the information you have provided is accurate and complete. If the University has reason to believe you or any other person have given false information or have omitted any information requested in the instructions or form or made any misrepresentation therein, it will take whatever steps it considers necessary to establish the authenticity of your application. You may be required at our discretion to produce proof of identification, status, academic qualifications or any other information contained in the form.
The University is registered under the Data Protection Act 1998. Accordingly, to facilitate the prevention and investigation of fraudulent applications, the University may disclose information received from applicants, in appropriate circumstances, to any public and/or statutory authorities, which it sees fit.
Thank you