Supplementary Table 1. ERIC-PCR genotyping results, sample type and age of isolation for BAL and oropharyngeal Pseudomonas aeruginosa detections in the BAL-directed group. a

Subject Number / P. aeruginosa detections
1 / 2 / 3 / 4
1 / U001; BAL (0.3)
2 / U002; BAL (3.1)
3 / U003 + U004; BAL (0.4) / U005; BAL (2.7) / U006; BAL (3.9)
4 / AUST-39; BAL (1.9) / U007; BAL (4.5)
5 b / U008; BAL (0.6) / U008; OP (1.0) / U008; OP (1.1) / U008; OP (2.4)
6 / U009; BAL (0.7) / U010; BAL (1.9)
7 / U011; BAL (0.7) / U012; OP (4.8) / U012; OP (4.9) / U012; OP (5.2)
8 / AUST-39; BAL (0.8)
9 / U013; BOTH (0.9) / U014; OP (1.1) / U015+ U016; OP (3.0) e / U017; BOTH (4.8)
10 / U018; OP (1.1) / U019; BAL (1.3) / U020; BAL (2.7)
11 / U021; BAL (1.1) / U021; OP (1.4) / U021; OP (1.9) / U021; OP (2.0)
12 / U022; OP (1.2)
13 / U023; OP (1.2)
14 / U024; BAL (1.4) / U025; OP (2.7)
15 / U026 + U027; BAL (1.4) / U026; OP (2.1) / U026; OP (3.3)
16 c / U028; BAL (1.4) / U029; OP (1.9) / U029 + U030; BAL (2.6) / U029; BAL (3.6)
17 / U031; BOTH (1.7) / U032; OP (3.2)f / U032; BAL (3.4)
18 / U033; BOTH (1.7) / U033; OP (2.0) / U033; OP (3.9) / U034; BAL (4.3)
19 / U035; BOTH (1.8) / U036; BAL (4.6)
20 / U008 + U037 + U038;
BOTH (1.9) / U039; OP (4.5)f / U039; OP (4.6)
21 / U040; BAL (5.0)
22 / U041; OP (2.1) / U041; OP (2.4) / U041; BAL (2.7) / U042; BAL (4.0)
23 / U043; BAL (2.2)
24 / U044; OP (2.3) / U044; OP (2.8) / U045; OP (4.6)
25 / U046; BAL (2.3) / U046; OP (3.7) / U047; BAL (4.1)
27 / U048; BAL (2.5)
28 / U049+ U050; BAL (2.8)
29 / U051; OP (2.8) f
32 / AUST-22 + U052;
BOTH (3.0)
33 / U053; BOTH (3.0)
34 / AUST-10; BOTH (3.3)
35 / U054; OP (3.2)f / U055; OP (4.7)
36 / U056; BAL (3.3)
37 / U057; OP (3.8) e
38 d / U058; OP (3.6) f / U058; OP (3.7) / U058; OP (4.5) / U058; BOTH (4.8)
39 / U059 + U060; BOTH (3.8)
40 / U061 + U062; BOTH (3.8)
41 / U063; BAL (3.9) / U064; BAL (4.9) g
42 / U065; OP (4.1)
43 / U066; BOTH (4.3)
45 / U067 + U068; BAL (4.6)
46 / U069; BOTH (5.0)
48 / U070; BAL (5.3)

Abbreviations: BAL - isolated from a bronchoalveolar lavage sample; OP - isolated from an oropharyngeal swab sample; BOTH - isolated from paired BAL and OP samples.

aP. aeruginosa detections presented in bold-type triggered implementation of the study eradication regime.

b Subject 5 had 6 detections of P. aeruginosa infection; the 5th and 6th detections involved strain U008 collected from a OP and a BAL sample at ages 3.0 and 5.1-years, respectively.

c Subject 16 had 8 detections of P. aeruginosa infection; the 5th detection involved strain U030 collected from a BAL sample at age 4.2-years, the 6th detection involved strain U029 collected from a BAL sample at age 4.4-years, the 7th detection involved strain U029 collected from BOTH sample types at age 4.7-years, and the 8th detection involved strains U029 and U030 collected from a BAL sample at age 5.2-years.

d Subject 38 had 5 detections of P. aeruginosa infection involving strain U0058 collected from a BAL sample at age 5.1-years.

e Eradication treatment was undertaken on the basis of a positive BAL, which was not stored.

f Treatment protocol violation.

g Subject lost to follow-up, end of study eradication details unknown.