QUDIT Technical Advisory Committee Terms of Reference


The QUDITTechnical Advisory Committee recommends improvements and forward developments of the Qld Regional Network and facilitates communication and information sharing between QUDIT members. It shares experience among the QUDIT member institutions, captures opportunities and makes recommendations to the board regarding collaborative approaches to regional network matters.

Terms of Reference

The TAC members are responsible to the QUDIT board for fulfilling the following terms of reference:

  • Provide technical advice and recommendations to the QUDIT Board of Management, which meet the members’ changing needs for capacity, reliability, predictability and economy.
  • To facilitate communication and information sharing among the technical staff of member sites particularly in resolving network operational problems, developing service improvements and management of the network.
  • Consider and recommend to the QUDIT board collaborative initiatives which will improve the effectiveness and/or efficiency of provision of regional network services for the benefit of QUDIT member institutions;
  • Oversee collaborative initiatives as requested by the board
  • Develop relationships with collaboration partners - For example: Qld Health, Qld Rail and Uecomm.

Membership and Participation

Each QUDIT board member will determine whether their organisation will participate in the committee, and if so nominate a primary representative who may vote on committee resolutions.

Primary representatives will elect the chair and deputy chair from their cohort. The QUDIT Executive Officer will temporarily act as chair in absence of an elected chair.

Non-voting participation in the Technical Advisory Committee is open to all QUDIT member representatives with responsibility for or interest in provision of regional network services.

Persons external to QUDIT member organisations may be invited to attend meetings and/or participate in committee activities at the request of the Chair.

The QUDIT Executive Officer and QUDITServices and Projects Manager will participate in the Technical Advisory Committee but not vote on resolutions.


The QUDITTechnical Advisory Committee will meetquarterly,typically before each QUDIT Board of Management meeting as reports are required to go to the QUDIT Board of Management. Meetings will normally be a combination of face-to-face and videoconference format. Additional meetings will be scheduled as required and papers may be distributed out of session for decisions via email or other collaborative work tools. Hosting of meetings will rotate among Brisbane based QUDIT member institutions.

The QUDIT Services and Projects Manager will provide project management support to committee activities as well as coordinate logistical support to meetings: working with host members to book rooms, arranging catering, maintaining committee email lists and collaborative work tools, keeping notes of meetings, and reporting to the board.

The QUDIT Executive Officer will also liaise between the Technical Advisory Committee and the board.

QUDITTAC Terms of Reference Annexure 1 - Primary MembershipList

(as at 10 October 2015)

Name / Position / Representative Organisation
Mark Laffan / Security Services Manager, Information Technology / Australian Catholic University
Jason Merritt / Senior Network Engineer / Australian Institute of Marine Science
Daniel Kershaw / Senior System Administrator (Security and Network), Information Technology Services / Bond University
Tom Minchin / Senior network Engineer / CSIRO
Julianne Weekers / Senior Network Engineer / Central Queensland University
Peter Kurtz / NCS Manager, Network and Collaboration Services / Griffith University
John Newitt / Manager, Communication Systems & Architecture / James Cook University
Rod Swile / Manager, IT Networks / Queensland University of Technology
Michael Lymbery / Infrastructure Network Services Manager / Southern Cross University
Peter Embleton / Manager, ICT Systems, Information Technology Service / University of Sunshine Coast
Marc Blum / Team Leader, Network Design and Engineering / The University of Queensland
Toran Matherson / Manager, ICT Networks / University of Southern Queensland
Warren Fraser / Executive Officer, QUDIT / QUDIT
Andre Dreyer / Services and Project Manager, QUDIT / QUDIT

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