South Quay Masterplan

Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

Consultation Statement


Regulation 12(a) of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012


Role of the Consultation Statement

1.1In accordance with Regulation 12(a) of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012, this Consultation Statement has detailed:

  • the persons the local planning authority consulted when preparing the supplementary planning document;
  • a summary of the main issues raised
  • how those issues have been addressed in the supplementary planning document


Requirements of the Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) (2012) and Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 (“Regulation”)

2.1 The approach to developing and consulting on the SPD was in conformity with the Council’s SCI. The overarching aim for consultation was to provide an opportunity for involvement from a wide range of stakeholders including residents, local community groups, landowners/developers, statutory consultees, and any other individuals or organisations with an interest in the area. These groups were contacted and involved at different stages throughout the drafting and formal consultation stages. Table 1 outlines activities undertaken and persons consulted, which also satisfies Regulation 12(a.i.) which requires those persons consulted during preparation of the SPD to be set out.

Engaging the local community and stakeholders

2.2 In undertaking community involvement, the core principles which have governed the approach to consultation are provided below:

  • Appropriate to the level of planning issue and the type of document being consulted on
  • From the beginning, giving people the opportunity to shape the documents and make it their own
  • A continuous process and not just a one off event
  • Clear and straightforward by using methods suitable to the communities being consulted
  • Planned as a central part of the planning and plan-making process.

How we involved the community and stakeholders

2.3There are several distinct stages to consultation activities to progress SPDs and these are set out in Table1 along with identification of how and where the community and key stakeholders had the opportunity to get involved.

2.4Throughout the Masterplan SPD preparation process, a diverse range of consultation techniques and activities were carried out to ensure an effective and efficient engagement.

2.5The Council engaged with a number of different audiences throughout the preliminary (informal) and statutory consultation periods, these are also set out in Table 1.

2.5105 people attended the consultation events held by the Council during the statutory consultation between 5th January and 16th February 2015.

2.6In addition, over 637 written representations were received from 63 local residents, businesses, faith and community organisations, statutory consultees, developers/landowners, and other interested parties.


Stage 1– Preliminary (informal)consultation

4.1A number of key messages emerged out of thepreliminary (informal)consultation stage, including

  • Quality of the public realm
  • Lack of public open space in the area
  • Lack of clarity between what is public and private space
  • Developments not meeting the needs of local people due to overseas purchasers
  • Need for further social infrastructure (hospitals, doctors, schools and parks) to address population increase
  • More sports and social facilities required
  • Pedestrian access through the area be difficult
  • The bridge across South Dock needs to be improved
  • Transport provision needs to be increased as already at capacity
  • Development benefitting developers rather than local people
  • Density of development
  • Build tall buildings elsewhere and not just in the South Quay area
  • Fear that the Masterplan would have no consideration for local people
  • Need to consider how family and affordable housing can be successfully delivered in a high density environment

4.2The key issues and opportunities identified by this preliminary informal consultation, in addition to evidence base work, thenshaped the Draft South Quay Masterplan SPD which was approved for formal consultation.

Stage 2 – Statutory (formal) consultation

4.3A summary of key messages from representations received split by subject area is set out below:

SQ1 – Housing density

  • Concern about the impact of high density development on infrastructure
  • Requesting that density be limited

SQ2 – Connections & public spaces

  • Need for greater open space
  • Need for enhanced connectivity especially to the south
  • Support for additional bridges/bridge capacity
  • Reservations about the quality of space underneath the DLR

SQ3 – Massing & urban blocks

  • Concern about building heights
  • Illustrative diagrams not being representative of consented schemes
  • Concern that guidance could be used prescriptively
  • Consistency with existing policy on height/design

SQ4 – The skyline

  • Guidance on respecting the Maritime Greenwich Grand axis welcomed
  • Requests that the provided view diagram be expanded to show St Anne’s at Poplar and All Saints at Blackheath

SQ5 – Infrastructure

  • Concern about lack of transport capacity
  • Concern about water/sewerage capacity
  • Evidence behind table of requirements questioned
  • Questions as to whether guidance breaches CIL regulations

Introduction/contextual information and other miscellaneous comments

  • A number of clarifications and corrections were requested
  • Requests to clarify the illustrative nature of diagrams

4.4How the Council considered these comments and other representations made, and whether amendments were actioned, is set out in Table 2 (Representations received during statutory consultation and LBTH responses). It also provides information as to who made each representation.

4.5The key amendments made to the final version of the SPD compared to the draft formal consultation version can be viewed in Table3(Key amendments to the supplementary policy guidance within the South Quay Masterplan SPD). These key changes relate to amendments to the wording of supplementary policy guidance for clarity to avoid the misinterpretation of guidance as introducing new policy, which is outside of the remit of a SPD.

4.6The structure of the document was also reformatted for improved appearance and presentation of content.

Stage 3 – Adopting the Masterplan

4.5An Adoption Statement has been prepared in accordance with Regulation 11.2 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012.

4.6The final version of the SPD document along with supporting appendices including the Adoption Statement and this Consultation Statement will be made available to view on the Council’s website and at the following locations:

LBTH Planning Reception, Tower Hamlets Town Hall, Mulberry Place, 5 Clove Crescent, London, E14 2BG

Monday - Friday 9am-5pm

Idea Store Canary Wharf, Churchill Place, London, E14 5RB

Monday – Thursday 9am – 9pm, Friday 9am – 6pm, Saturday 9am – 5pm, Sunday 12pm – 6pm

Cubitt Town Library, Strattondale Street, London, E14 3HG

Monday – Wednesday 10am – 6pm, Thursday 10am-8pm, Friday 10am – 6pm, Saturday 9am – 5pm, Sunday closed.

Local History & Archives Library, 277 Bancroft Road, E1 4DQ

Monday closed, Tuesday 10am-5pm, Wednesday 9am-5pm, Thursday 9am-8pm, Friday closed, Saturday (first and third Saturday of the month) 9am-5pm, Sunday closed.


Table1 – South Quay Masterplan SPD key consultation activities and events

Method/Type of Consultation / Aim/details / Target Groups / Location and Date
Stage 1 – Preliminary (Informal) Consultation: March 2014- September 2014
Involvement and participation before developing a SPD
Masterplan SPD media public notices and publication on LBTH website / Raising awareness amongst the community of development of the Masterplan project and inviting participation / Local community / East End Life/LBTH website
  • August 2014

E-Mail and letters / Raising awareness amongst individualsand organisations in the area to inform of informalpublic consultation events. / Local community /
  • August 2014

Public Drop-in Sessions / To introduce and discuss the aims and objectives of the Masterplan SPD and seek comment. / The general public / Jack Dash House
  • August 28th 2014
  • September 4th 2014

Meeting with elected Members / Regular engagement with Mayor and Lead Member for Housing to ascertain community priorities and aspirations, and engagement with local ward councillors to ensure community issues were fed into the Masterplan SPD. / Elected Members / LBTH Town Hall
  • Between March and December 2014

Internal staff engagement / Engagement with LBTH Council service departments including drop-in sessions and meetings throughout the process to obtain guidance and feedback on respective specialisms / LBTH staff / LBTH Town Hall
  • Between March and October 2014

Stakeholder meetings / To engage with some of the key stakeholders in the area, to ascertain key issues and aspirations for the Masterplan and obtain comment, direction and expertise on content / Key stakeholders including:
Canal & River Trust, English Heritage, Environment Agency, Greater London Authority (GLA), Old Royal Naval College Greenwich, Transport for London (TfL),
Registered Providers, London City Airport and Thames Water / LBTH Town Hall
  • Between March and October 2014

Landowner and developer meetings / To engage and update key landowners and developers. Separate focused meetings with key landowners to discuss specific issues relating to the Masterplan SPD and aspirations for their sites. / Key landowners and developers in the area. / LBTH Town Hall
  • Informal surgeries in April 2014
  • Pre-application discussions throughout 2014

Professional forum
(New London Architecture) / To engage expert opinion from a wide range of built environment professionals on future development of tall buildings in London / Professional advisors and bodies / Building Centre (Tottenham Court Road)
  • 24 April 2014

One-to-one meetings / The Masterplan project team has offered bespoke one to meetings throughout the informal consultation period / Interested individuals, groups and organisations / LBTH Town Hall
  • March-December 2014

Stage 2 – Statutory (Formal) Consultation: 5 January 2015 – 16 January 2015 (6 weeks)
Community involvement and participation before adopting a SPD
Method/Type of Consultation / Aim/details / Target Groups / Date and Location
Masterplan SPD media public notices and publication on LBTH website / Raising awareness amongst the community of statutory consultation and events, plus inviting participation / Local community / East End Life/LBTH website
  • December 22nd 2014 and January 19th 2015 (East End Life)
  • December - April 2015 (website)

E-mails and letters / Raising awareness amongst the community and subscribers to the Council’s planning policy contact list of statutory consultation and events, plus inviting participation / Local community, statutory consultees, other interested parties / Letters and e-mails sent 2nd January 2015.
E-mails were also sent on 16th January
Public Drop-in Sessions / To discuss the content of the Masterplan SPD and invite comment / The general public / Jack Dash House
  • 22nd January 2015
Idea Store Canary Wharf
  • 30th January 2015

Public Meeting/Presentation session / Presentation of draft Masterplan to the general public with Question and Answers session / The general public / Alpha Grove Community Centre
  • 5th February 2015

Landowner and developer forum / To engage with and update key landowners and developers / Key landowners and developers in the area. / LBTH Town Hall
  • 13th February 2015

Strategic Environmental Assessment Screening
Determination notification email and scoping report consultation / It was identified that the Masterplan SPD required an SEA, in accordance with the requirements of regulation 9(1) of the Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programmes Regulations 2004. The council was keen to understand whether consultees agreed with the proposed scope of the Strategic Environmental Assessment, or whether additional information/ assessment was required / Statutory environmental bodies (Environment Agency, English Heritage, Natural England) and other interested stakeholders / LBTH website
  • 15th September – October 20th 2014

One-to-one meetings / The Masterplan project team has offered bespoke one to meetings throughout the informal consultation period / Interested individuals, groups and organisations / LBTH Town Hall
  • March-December 2014

Stage 3 - Adopting the Masterplan: October 2015
Final version of SPD with accompanying appendices / Briefing the elected Mayor and Lead Member for Housing on the Masterplan SPD / Council’s Mayor in Cabinet meeting /
  • 8thOctober 2015


Table 2: Representations received during statutory consultation and LBTH responses

Please note that this report aims to present a brief summary of every key point for consideration made within each written representation.

Reference / Representor/Organisation / Summary of the comments / Council's response / Action - Proposed changes
SQFC1.01 / Local resident / Believes there is an urgent need for a new major open space immediately south of Marsh Wall between Millharbour and Mastmaker Road down to Lightermans Road. / Part of Millennium Quarter site allocation and potential delivery through submitted application / No action required
All the existing trees, landscaping and the sculpture at the junction of Marsh Wall and Millharbour should be retained. / Can be managed through Development Management process / No action required
Also highlights need for education and doctors surgeries and the inadequacy of public transport in immediate area (DLR running at full capacity was cited). / Education and health facilities addressed by SQ1, SQ5 and existing adopted policy. Transport to be addressed by forthcoming Isle of Dogs OAPF / No action required
SQFC1.02 / Local resident / Welcomes a Masterplan but has several concerns. / Concern noted / No action required
Found documents difficult to comprehend and suggests the Council produces more easily understandable and accessible information. / The document has been written in the clearest language possible and where technical terms are used they have in most cases been explained. / No action required
Building heights – Welcomes that buildings are to step down from One Canada Square. However, questions whether this will be adhered to and understands developments have been approved or are expected which exceed this height. Requests explanation as to how the Masterplan will reflect the true height of buildings. / Building heights are assessed in accordance with the Local Plan policies through development management process / No action required
Density – Concerned about creation of unpleasant urban environment from large density of buildings of 4+ stories. Does not want a non-British street scene containing a concentration of taller buildings as it will spoil Canary Wharf as an iconic and interesting development and the Isle of Dogs which is low rise. Discusses effects of wind and “canyon” effect of tall buildings, and requests consideration of reducing density of buildings over 10 stories in the Masterplan. / Building heights are assessed in accordance with the Local Plan policies through development management process / No action required
High street along Marsh Wall – Claims proposal is “ridiculous and ill thought”. Questions whether team have studied what makes successful UK high streets, suggesting they are pedestrianised and where traffic is allowed should be single file and slow moving. The latter makes Marsh Wall a terrible choice and any efforts to limit traffic will have a “catastrophic” impact on those using the island. Suggests an alternative route such as Mastmaker Terrace to the edge of South Dock. / There are many successful non-pedestrianised retail/high street environments across London and UK. / No action required
Public transport – Public transport is already stretched. Could not see sufficient modelling and planning for public transport provision. Questions whether the document can be called a Masterplan without adequate and detailed public transport planning within. / Transport to be addressed by forthcoming Isle of Dogs OAPF as a wider strategic consideration / No action required
SQFC1.03 / English Heritage / Considers area suitable for residential development subject to appropriate assessment for tall buildings. Supports the Council’s aim of producing the Masterplan. / Support noted / No action required
While 19th Century Glengall Terrace is excluded from boundary, recommends further illustration/explanation of likely impacts on conservation area and setting from adjacent development and recommends guidance to mitigate harmful impacts. / Managed through adopted Local Plan policies / No action required
South Dock although unlisted must be considered a heritage asset as “exceptional reminder” of London’s economic and historic development along with Millwall Inner Dock and West India Dock. Vital that new development draws on contribution made by these heritage assets to enhance the attractiveness of public realm and the leisure and health opportunities afforded by waterside locations. / Heritage assets acknowledged in Masterplan / No action required
Pleased to note inclusion of guidance in respect of skyline and relationship in views towards Canary Wharf cluster from General Wolfe statue within the setting of Maritime Greenwich World Heritage Site. Also welcomes aim of seeking to define the Maritime Greenwich Grand Axis through the design of future development. Recommends reference to development also potentially appearing in River Prospect views from London Bridge (LVMF 11.B) and that development will need to demonstrate impact in relation to associated policies. / Assessed in accordance with adopted Local Plan policy / No action required
Would encourage the Council to formally identify public house and warehouse at western end of Marsh Wall as making a positive contribution to local character. / Outside remit of Masterplan. / No action required
Would recommend formal identification of Glen Terrace and the setting of Coldharbour Conservation Area, and undesignated pub/warehouse within Heritage section of Current Context. / Cannot allocate through SPD / No action required
Recommend referring to docks as ‘heritage assets’ rather than ‘historic environments’ (better reflection of NPPF policies) / Text amended in final version / Actioned
Recommend that wider traffic and transport infrastructure are coordinated over a wider area and that related strategies are signposted in the Masterplan. / Transport to be addressed by forthcoming Isle of Dogs OAPF as a wider strategic consideration / No action required
Would recommend that design of new open space (p32) should state “sustain the significance of, and seek opportunities to enhance, designated and local heritage assets” rather than “acknowledge local heritage assets” as currently doesn’t imply a positive strategy for historic environment. / Text amended in final version / Actioned
Recommend inclusion of a design requirement for new blocks to contribute positively to skyline and townscape through 360 degrees. / This is covered by existing adopted policy / No action required