COMMITTEE DATE: 27/04/2009

Application Reference: / 08/1397
WARD: / Norbreck
LOCAL PLAN ALLOCATION: / No Specific Allocation
APPLICATION TYPE: / Full Planning Permission
PROPOSAL: / Erection of a two storey detached dwelling (amendment to planning permission 08/0100).



The application seeks to regularise the development of a two-storey detached dwelling on the east side of Kelvin Road, between 29 and 33 Kelvin Road. Planning Permission was granted under 08/0100 for the erection of a two-storey detached dwelling with conservatory and detached garage to the rear on 28/04/2008. However, the dwelling as constructed differs from that granted under 08/0100.

Kelvin Road has a variety of different types of dwellings including semi-detached bungalows, and semi-detached and terraced two storey houses, and there is no one distinct building style in the area.

The application site measures approximately 200sq m and is 7.6m wide, increasing to 11.5m wide at the rear boundary and is approximately 27m long. The dwelling has a maximum height of 7.7m an is 5.8m wide. Its length varies from 10.1m to 13.2m.

It is anticipated the Committee will have inspected the site on 27th April 2009.


This is a retrospective application for the retention of the two storey detached dwelling. The height of the 3 bedroom property is similar to neighbouring houses and the elevations incorporate design features and materials typical of the area. The dwelling is part red brick and part render with grey concrete roof tiles.

The submitted scheme shows a 40sq m (approx) front garden area which includes an off street parking space and the rear garden is approximately 52sq m. 29 Kelvin Road retains a 2.3 metre wide drive allowing access to an existing garage at the rear.

The scheme differs from the approved plans associated with permission 08/0100 in that;-

  • The plot is smaller by approximately 12sq m than approved due to a narrowing of the plot following representations from 33 Kelvin Road. Because the plot is smaller, it is not possible to provide either the driveway or garage.

On the front elevation

  • The ground floor bay on the front elevation is 60cm wider than approved.
  • The ground floor bathroom window has been omitted.
  • The window to the third bedroom/study has been moved to align with the front door.

On the side elevations

  • Two small additional windows at ground floor on the north elevation which afford light to a bathroom and a hallway and are obscure glazed.

On the rear elevation

  • The fenestration has changed but there are no additional openings.
  • The conservatory has less glazing than previously approved and has a tiled roof rather than a glass roof.


  • The house is 55cm longer than previously approved.
  • The ground floor layout shows a larger lounge and a combined kitchen dining room which were separate on the previous approval.
  • The first floor layout has changed but provides the same number of bedrooms and bathrooms to the previous approval.


The main planning issues in this case relate to :

  • the principle of residential development,
  • the appearance in the streetscene.
  • the impact of the development on the amenities of proposed residents and neighbours,
  • traffic generation, car parking and highway safety


Environmental Protection expressed no objection to the proposal.


Neighbours notified 09/02/2009 and again on 10/03/09 following submission of amended plans.

Two objections were received from the neighbours at 33 Kelvin Road regarding the location of a driveway and garage encroaching on to their land. A letter from Land Registry was supplied which confirmed the neighbours objections regarding the position of the boundary. The applicant has subsequently amended the plans and has omitted the garage and driveway from the application.

Neighbours at 33 Kelvin Road have also expressed concerns regarding the rear conservatory as it is brick built with a tiled roof and therefore not a conservatory. Whilst the definition of a conservatory could be argued, the issue is the impact on amenity for the neighbours. The structure is set 4.1m away from the boundary and 6.8m from the nearest elevation at 33 Kelvin Road. There is no impact on the neighbour in terms of loss of light or outlook and once the 1.8m fence is erected there will be no loss of privacy or overlooking issues.

Since amended plans were submitted showing a revised boundary and the omission of the garage, the neighbours at 22 Kelvin Road have stated that they have no objections.


None relevant


Policies UR7 and UR8 relate to regional housing provision


LQ1Lifting the quality of design

LQ2Site Context

LQ4Building Design

BH3Residential and Visitor Amenity

HN4Windfall Sites

AS1 General Development Requirements


The principle of residential development is acceptable as the site is within a residential area. The principle of residential development was also established under the previous planning permission. The acceptability of the proposal is therefore to be assessed against the submitted details

With respect to the appearance within the streetscene the house integrates well in the streetscene as there are various house styles and types along Kelvin Road. Only slight changes to the fenestration on the front elevation have been made since the previously approved application.

In terms of residential amenity the house has no additional impact on neighbouring property compared to the scheme that was previously approved.

With regards to increased traffic, parking and highway safety, there is a reduction in the number of off street parking spaces which may lead to an increased incidence of cars parked on the road. However, it is considered that this in isolation, this is not reason to refuse the application.




Under Article eight and Article one of the first protocol to the Convention on Human Rights, a person is entitled to the right to respect for private and family life, and the peaceful enjoyment of his/her property. However, these rights are qualified in that they must be set against the general interest and the protection of the rights and freedoms of others. It is not considered that there are any significant human rights issues raised by the application.


The contents of this report have been considered in the context of the Council's general duty, in all its functions, to have regard to community safety issues as required by section 17 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998.



Recommended Decision: / Grant Permission

Conditions and Reasons

1. / The dwarf wall hereby approved shall be erected along the frontage of the premises and constructed in accordance with the approved details prior to the development hereby permitted being first brought into use. Such means of enclosure shall thereafter be retained.
Reason: In the interests of appearance of the locality, in accordance with Policy LQ1 of the Blackpool Local Plan 2001-2016.
2. / The timber fencing to the rear hereby approved shall be erected prior to the development hereby permitted being first brought into use. Such means of enclosure shall thereafter be retained.
Reason: To safeguard the living conditions of the occupants of the neighbouring premises, in accordance with Policies BH3 and LQ14 of the Blackpool Local Plan 2001-2016.
3. / The glazing to the first floor northern elevation of the dwelling adjacent to the boundary with 33 Kelvin Road shall be at all times obscure glazed.
Reason: To safeguard the living conditions of the occupants of the neighbouring premises, in accordance with Policies BH3 and LQ14 of the Blackpool Local Plan 2001-2016.
4. / The premises shall be used for permanent residential occupation and for no other purpose (including any other purpose in Class C3 of the Schedule to the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 or any Order revoking and re-enacting that Order).
Reason: To safeguard the living conditions of the occupants of nearby residential premises, in accordance with Policies RR2 and BH3 of the Blackpool Local Plan 2001-2016.
5. / Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 (or any Order revoking and re-enacting that Order) no enlargement of the dwelling subject of this permission shall be carried out without the express consent of the Local Planning Authority.
Reason: To safeguard the living conditions of the occupants of nearby residential premises, in accordance with Policy BH3 of the Blackpool Local Plan 2001-2016.


1 / The proposed dwelling has been considered in relation to Policies BH3, LQ1, LQ2, LQ4, HN4 and AS1 of the Blackpool Local Plan 2001 - 2016 and is in accordance with those policies and there are no other material considerations which weigh sufficiently against the proposal such as to warrant refusal.

Advice Notes to Developer

Not applicable

COMMITTEE DATE: 27/04/2009

Application Reference: / 09/0090
WARD: / Talbot
LOCAL PLAN ALLOCATION: / Resort Neighbourhood
APPLICATION TYPE: / Outline Planning Permission
PROPOSAL: / Erection of four storey hotel and three storey secure car park.



The site is on the south side of Hornby Road, close to the junction with Park Road and is currently occupied by three hotels fronting Hornby Road; and a warehouse and two storey car park to the rear. Immediately to the east is the Langdales Rest Home although the area comprises mainly guesthouses and hotels. The site has a frontage of approximately 38 metres to Hornby Road and a depth of approximately 53 metres.

The Committee will have visited the site on 27th April 2009.


Planning permission was sought for a similar proposal in 2008 (application no. 08/0744 refers). The principle of hotel redevelopment was accepted, however the scheme was refused for two reasons:

  • The proposed four storey rear wing would have a significantly detrimental impact on the residential amenities of the adjoining occupants at The Langdales Rest Home by virtue of its massing and close proximity, resulting in an overbearing impact, overlooking, loss of natural light and loss of outlook and would therefore be contrary to Policies LQ4 and BH3 of the Blackpool Local Plan 2001-2016.
  • The proposed development would be out of character within the streetscene due to its overall size and massing and would therefore be contrary to Policies LQ1, LQ2, LQ4 and BH3 of the Blackpool Local Plan 2001-2016.

The current proposal is in outline form with access, layout and scale for consideration now, landscaping and appearance are reserved matters. The scheme is for the total demolition of the three hotels (44 bedrooms in total), warehouse and car park and replacement with a 71 bedroom hotel in 4 storeys (three plus rooflift) fronting Hornby Road; with drop off facilities and 2 disabled parking spaces adjacent to the side entrance. Vehicular access to the three storey 67 space car park at the rear would be from the existing access point between 105 & 107 Hornby Road; the ground floor 21 spaces (including the two spaces at disability standard) would be dedicated to the hotel, the remaining upper two floors comprising 46 spaces would be for use by the general public. All the car parking is envisaged to be valet style. The proposed floorspace of the hotel would amount to 2,650 square metres and the car park would be 1,980 square metres in total.

The previous scheme was for a 75 bedroom hotel fronting Hornby Road; with three disabled parking spaces to the front, two to the side and a three storey carpark to the rear with 25 spaces dedicated to the hotel, the remaining 46 spaces for use by the general public.


In terms of Policy RR2, the principle of the use is accepted as the proposal replaces older accommodation with a contemporary, improved offer which would contribute to resort neighbourhood regeneration.

The main issues relate to the impact of the layout/massing on the streetscene, on the amenity of neighbouring residents and parking issues.


Head of Transportation: I do not wish to object to the application subject to the following conditions:

1.A design for the drop off area should be submitted for approval to the Highway Authority showing the swept path of a car designed according to the standards of Manual for Streets (Department for Transport 2007) or equivalent autotrack. The design and signing of the entrance to be submitted for approval of the Highway Authority.

2.A Section 278 Agreement to be entered into to provide for a contribution of £17,500 to National Cycle Route No. 62 signing and lining with a connection on Park Road to Church Street and for provision of pedestrian facilities at the Park Road signals to provide safe crossing to the bus stop on the eastern side of Park Road.

3.Access to the secure cycle store should be a minimum width of 1.8m and lit.Detailed design should show lighting arrangements together with an arrangement that the area is overlooked by a public area of the hotel for security purposes.

4.Disabled parking should be 10% of the total spaces provided.

5.A Framework Travel Plan should be submitted for approval with the detailed planning application in accordance with appendix B of the Blackpool Local Plan.

6.The access to Back Reads Road to be for emergency purposes only.

Environmental Protection: Comments awaited.

Streetscene: A total of 6 no x 1280 litre bins are required (4 for commercial waste and 2 for recycling) in a bin store area of not less than 32 square metres.

United Utilities: Comments awaited.

BlackpoolInternationalAirport: No objection

ReBlackpool: No objection to the principle of redevelopment for hotel use, given the prevailing character of the area, its location on a main distributor route and proximity to the core tourist area and Town Centre but without clarification of the detail of the application and a firmer understanding as to exactly what permission is being sought for, cannot confirm agreement to the scheme.

The provision of 71 bedrooms equates to a four storey building, which has resulted in an indicative design, massing and layout which would not be of the quality expected from a new build hotel scheme and would be at odds with the prevailing character of the area. The proposal would require significant amendment to overcome my concerns and which may therefore impact on the number of bedrooms achievable within the scheme and its overall mass.

ReBlackpool therefore objects as the resubmitted scheme has not evolved to overcome any of the concerns raised with the original proposal. The massing (scale) would result in a monolithic flat-roofed structure out of keeping with its environment. The scheme does not give the scope or flexibility for the scheme to assimilate into the streetscene at reserved matters stage and so should be resisted.

Fire Safety Officer: Fire Service vehicle access to enable firefighting and rescue activities should be in accordance with Building Regulations 2000 Approved Document Part B, Section 17.


Neighbours notified 12/02/2009

Site notices posted 25/02/2009

Advertised in Gazette 18/02/2009

Objections received from:

StayBlackpool on behalf of its members (currently over 250 members).

81/83,89Reads Avenue

80, 83, 85, 86, 87, 90, 96,130Hornby Road

108, 112 Coronation Street

Objections relate to:

  • Overbearing due to higher roofline than surrounding properties & adversely affect outlook from other properties.
  • Doesn’t contribute to the regeneration programme.
  • Viability of existing hotel businesses will suffer from loss of existing customers due to reduced prices.
  • Replacement of 44 bedrooms by 69 would be an increase of 25 rooms in an area which already has too many bedspaces and is contrary to the Masterplan and Local Plan.
  • Social impact of budget brand cannot be effectively measured.
  • Attract the wrong sort of customers (incl. Stag & Hen parties), with associated noise and litter problems.
  • Out of keeping with, and loss of Victorian character (& materials) of the area.
  • Forward of existing building line.
  • Need better quality bedspaces rather than budget, the majority of surrounding hotels are 3 star with one 4 and one 5 star in the vicinity. There is an over-saturation of 1, 2, 3 star and budget hotels, and low-end rooms just add to the problem.
  • Increased traffic will bring congestion onto the road, which is a major route out of Blackpool and will also be an increased hazard to pedestrians.
  • The car park is currently used by guests at other hotels and it will no longer be available to them, so will put an extra strain on them.
  • Fire service access - is it adequate in light of the Yates Wine Lodge fire, Talbot Square.
  • Conflict with Blackpool Council's National Accreditation programme.

In response, the majority of Planning issues are discussed below under Assessment.

With regard to the standard of accommodation, the Council has no control over the nature of the operator, however even a 'budget' operator is seen as an improved offer as it replaces older premises which are of standard appertaining to a previous age. There is no issue with the increase in number of bedspaces as these will be of a high quality and the proposed investment will contribute to the regeneration of the area, although it may affect the viability of existing hoteliers in the area. With regard to competition, it is for existing hoteliers to improve their own offer in the current poor economic climate. The Blackpool Council's National Accreditation programme is not a planning issue.


Policy W6 - Tourism and the visitor economy

Policy W7 - Principles for tourism development


RR2 Visitor Accommodation

RR8 Resort Neighbourhoods

LQ1 Lifting the Quality of Design

LQ2 Site Context

LQ4 Building Design

BH3 Resident & Visitor Amenity

AS1 General Development Requirements

AS2 New development with significant transport implications

AS5b Secondary Distributor Route

AS7 Aerodrome Safeguarding


Scale and Impact on the Streetscene

Policy LQ2 states that the design of new development will be considered in the relation to the character and the setting of the surrounding area. Policy LQ4 states that the scale, massing and height of new buildings should be appropriate for their use and location.