(As approved by the Board of Management and
circulated vide NCDC:1-22/64-Admn. dated 30.7.1976)
1.The rules shall applyto cases for determining the seniority of employees of the NationalCooperativeDevelopmentCorporationother than those on deputation to the Corporation.
2.In a particular grade, employees shallrank in seniorityaccordingto their dates of appointment, provided that:
i)If two persons are appointed on the samedate one against a post in promotionquotaandother against directrecruitment quota, the person appointed against the post in promotion quota would rank senior;
ii)Ifdueto non-availability of a panelfordirectrecruitmentand thetimelaginvolved in preparing a panel, a person is promoted for the intervening periodtill the direct recruit becomes available, he willnotcount the period, during which he so officiates, for the purpose of determining his seniority. He will count his seniority from the date he is appointed against the post available in promotion quota.
iii)If a personlowerin the meritlist of direct recruits joins earlier than the persons higher in the merit list, the date of hisappointmentwillbe deemed to be the date of appointment of all the persons senior to him in the merit list.
- The relativeseniority of alldirect recruits shall bedeterminedby the order of merit determined by the Selection Committee.
- The seniority of persons officiating in a higher grade shall in that grade, inter-se, ordinarilybedeterminedby the date of their continuous officiation. On confirmation, the confirmed employees shall rank senior to the temporary employees in that grade and inter-se their date of seniority shall be determined by the dates of confirmation.
- The relativeseniority of persons promotedto a particulargrade shallfollow the date of continuousofficiation in that grade or equivalent posts. If persons are selected for promotion in a batch by a specially constituted promotion committee, seniority shall be determined according to the order of their selection irrespective of their date of taking over charge of the post to which they are promoted except that persons alreadyofficiating in that grade shall be senior.
- When an employee officiates in a highergradeand he is notconfirmed in the lower grade, hisname shallappear in both lists. In case he is confirmed in the higher grade, his name shall be deleted in the seniority list of the lower grade.
- Theseniority of an employee who initially joined the Corporationas a deputationist fromState or CentralGovernmentand is subsequently absorbed in the service of the Corporation consequenttohistermination in lien and resignation from the parent cadre, shall be reckoned from the date of his original and continuous deputation to the gradeagainst which he is so absorbed in the Corporation.