Supplementary material
Table S1 Results of a mixed-effects ANOVA showing the effects of sterilisation, soil origin (from habitats with and without congenerics) and their interaction on shoot (A) and root (B) biomass of exotics in the first experimental phase. The factor “Site” was nested in “Soil origin” in the analysis. Results are given separately for each exotic species and for all species together. In this case, the additional random term “Species” refers to the identity of exotic species. Significant effects are in bold (P<0.05) and marginally significant effects are in italics (P<0.10)
A) Shoot biomass
Effect / Epilobium ciliatum / Impatiens parviflora / Stenactis annua / All speciesdf, ddf / F / P / df, ddf / F / P / df, ddf / F / P / df, ddf / F / P
Fixed terms
Sterilisation / 1, 52 / 18.87 / <0.001 / 1, 52 / 27.61 / <0.001 / 1, 52 / 0.01 / 0.923 / 1, 160 / 30.95 / <0.001
Soil origin / 1, 4 / 0.12 / 0.743 / 1, 4 / 0.02 / 0.906 / 1, 4 / 0.11 / 0.761 / 1, 11.35 / 0.03 / 0.861
STERIL x ORIGIN / 1, 52 / 0.04 / 0.836 / 1, 52 / 0.09 / 0.764 / 1, 52 / 1.16 / 0.286 / 1, 160 / 0.41 / 0.523
Random terms
Species / - / - / - / 2, 15.33 / 83.83 / <0.001
Site(Soil origin) / 4, 52 / 0.37 / 0.830 / 4, 52 / 0.33 / 0.859 / 4, 52 / 4.46 / 0.004 / 14, 160 / 1.12 / 0.347
Error / 52 / 52 / 52 / 160
B) Root biomass
Effect / Epilobium ciliatum / Impatiens parviflora / Stenactis annua / All speciesdf, ddf / F / P / df, ddf / F / P / df, ddf / F / P / df, ddf / F / P
Fixed terms
Sterilisation / 1, 52 / 53.27 / <0.001 / 1, 52 / 26.54 / <0.001 / 1, 52 / 33.73 / <0.001 / 1, 160 / 110.12 / <0.001
Soil origin / 1, 4 / 0.20 / 0.675 / 1, 4 / 3.10 / 0.153 / 1, 4 / 0.42 / 0.554 / 1, 11.35 / 2.59 / 0.135
STERIL x ORIGIN / 1, 52 / 0.01 / 0.917 / 1, 52 / 1.20 / 0.278 / 1, 52 / 0.09 / 0.765 / 1, 160 / 0.12 / 0.735
Random terms
Species / - / - / - / 2, 15.33 / 27.47 / <0.001
Site(Soil origin) / 4, 52 / 0.49 / 0.746 / 4, 52 / 1.03 / 0.400 / 4, 52 / 1.83 / 0.137 / 14, 160 / 1.10 / 0.359
Error / 52 / 52 / 52 / 160
Table S2 Results of a mixed-effects ANOVA showing the effects of sterilisation, conditioning species, soil origin (from habitats with and without congenerics) and their interactions on shoot (A) and root (B) biomass of exotics in the second experimental phase. The factor “Site” was nested in “Soil origin”. Results are given separately for each exotic species and for all species together. In this case, the additional random term “Target species” refers to the identity of exotic species and “ID” refers to the identity of conditioning species nested within one of three categories (conspecifics, congenerics and heterogenerics). Significant effects are in bold (P<0.05) and marginally significant effects are in italics (P<0.10)
A) Shoot biomass
Effect / Epilobium ciliatum / Impatiens parviflora / Stenactis annua / All speciesdf, ddf / F / P / df, ddf / F / P / df, ddf / F / P / df, ddf / F / P
Fixed terms
Sterilisation / 1, 154.72 / 16.94 / <0.001 / 1, 157.34 / 45.35 / <0.001 / 1, 155.39 / 3.10 / 0.080 / 1, 212.11 / 22.28 / <0.001
Soil origin / 1, 3.99 / 0.21 / 0.673 / 1, 3.84 / 1.79 / 0.254 / 1, 3.99 / 0.43 / 0.549 / 1, 13.92 / 0.34 / 0.570
Conditioning species/category1 / 2, 154.16 / 3.77 / 0.025 / 2, 157.26 / 2.64 / 0.075 / 2, 154.40 / 7.24 / 0.001 / 2, 4.03 / 0.32 / 0.744
STERIL x ORIGIN / 1, 154.34 / 0.00 / 0.956 / 1, 157.45 / 0.44 / 0.510 / 1, 153.83 / 4.39 / 0.038 / 1, 424.26 / 3.44 / 0.064
STERIL x CONDSP / 2, 154.98 / 2.93 / 0.057 / 2, 157.26 / 0.85 / 0.431 / 2, 154.26 / 3.24 / 0.042 / 2, 118.24 / 0.69 / 0.504
CONDSP x ORIGIN / 2, 154.20 / 0.17 / 0.842 / 2, 157.65 / 0.27 / 0.765 / 2, 154.51 / 1.64 / 0.197 / 2, 91.16 / 2.26 / 0.110
STERIL X CONDSP x ORIGIN / 2, 155.11 / 0.34 / 0.710 / 2, 157.61 / 0.94 / 0.391 / 2, 154.37 / 3.37 / 0.037 / 2, 60.05 / 0.68 / 0.512
Random terms
Target species / - / - / - / 2, 6.99 / 29.33 / <0.001
ID (Conditioning category) / - / - / - / 4, 486.88 / 7.38 / <0.001
Site(Soil origin) / 4, 153 / 5.45 / <0.001 / 4, 156 / 0.87 / 0.482 / 4, 153 / 4.20 / 0.003 / 14, 478 / 3.87 / <0.001
Error / 153 / 156 / 153 / 478
1 Conditioning category applicable only in analysis for all species.
B) Root biomass
Effect / Epilobium ciliatum / Impatiens parviflora / Stenactis annua / All speciesdf, ddf / F / P / df, ddf / F / P / df, ddf / F / P / df, ddf / F / P
Fixed terms
Sterilisation / 1, 154.51 / 7.17 / 0.008 / 1, 157.13 / 3.02 / 0.084 / 1, 154.95 / 2.37 / 0.125 / 1, 261.57 / 6.44 / 0.012
Soil origin / 1, 3.99 / 0.00 / 0.970 / 1, 3.80 / 1.24 / 0.331 / 1, 3.99 / 0.15 / 0.717 / 1, 13.82 / 0.48 / 0.499
Conditioning species/category1 / 2, 154.01 / 1.25 / 0.291 / 2, 157.06 / 0.34 / 0.714 / 2, 153.91 / 3.48 / 0.033 / 2, 4.05 / 0.79 / 0.512
STERIL x ORIGIN / 1, 154.16 / 0.41 / 0.523 / 1, 157.22 / 0.35 / 0.555 / 1, 153.09 / 4.45 / 0.037 / 1, 377.63 / 1.63 / 0.202
STERIL x CONDSP / 2, 154.74 / 1.52 / 0.222 / 2, 157.06 / 0.30 / 0.739 / 2, 153.43 / 4.09 / 0.019 / 2, 141.45 / 0.60 / 0.552
CONDSP x ORIGIN / 2, 154.04 / 1.27 / 0.283 / 2, 157.39 / 0.78 / 0.460 / 2, 154.09 / 0.54 / 0.586 / 2, 90.10 / 0.83 / 0.439
STERIL X CONDSP x ORIGIN / 2, 154.86 / 0.51 / 0.603 / 2, 157.36 / 2.17 / 0.118 / 2, 153.58 / 4.33 / 0.015 / 2, 91.67 / 0.46 / 0.631
Random terms
Target species / - / - / - / 2, 9.51 / 47.19 / <0.001
ID (Conditioning category) / - / - / - / 4, 485.43 / 2.78 / 0.026
Site(Soil origin) / 4, 153 / 4.67 / 0.001 / 4, 156 / 0.72 / 0.580 / 4, 152 / 4.27 / 0.003 / 14, 477 / 3.39 / <0.001
Error / 153 / 156 / 152 / 477
1 Conditioning category applicable only in analysis for all species.