Clinical Nursing Leadership

NUR 363 Syllabus- On-Line & Hybrid


Check your Goodwin College e-mail account,Blackboard course messages, and the Announcements area of Blackboard daily for important messages and communications.

Day(s): Time: Classroom Number:

Instructor: Office Hours:


Phone number:860-727-6738 Email address

Faculty will only accept documents in Microsoft Word. It is the student’s responsibility to provide the documents in Word on time or before the assignment is due. 5 points will be deducted for each day a paper is late.

As you know, you have a 20 hour Service Learning requirement. If you are finishing the program this semester, the Service Learning requirement and all required paperwork needs to be submitted to me no later than April 1 . Failure to complete this requirement will delay you completing the program.

Prerequisite/Co-requisites: NUR 300; NUR 310 and NUR 350

Course Description:

The focus of this course is on the professional nurse as a change agent in the clinical setting to positively influence the patient’s level of wellness. Review of the local and national systems and how they affect the practice of nursing and ultimately, patient outcomes will be analyzed. Utilizing the Goodwin College Wellness Model including criteria from Quality and Safety Education for Nurses, students will develop an evidence-based practice change for their clinical setting. This course allows the nurse to apply and integrate previously learned skills in research, leadership, management, and nursing in order to transition to a more independent practitioner role.

The Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice( 2008).

Essential I:Liberal Education for Baccalaureate Generalist Nursing Practice - a solid base in liberal education provides the cornerstone for the practice and education of nurses.

Essential II:Basic Organizational and Systems Leadership for Quality Care and Patient Safety - knowledge and skills in leadership, quality improvement, and patient safety are necessary to provide high quality health care.

Essential III:Scholarship for Evidence Based Practice - professional nursing practice is grounded in the translation of current evidence into one’s practice.

Essential IV:Information Management and Application of Patient Care Technology- knowledge and skills in information management and patient care technology are critical in the delivery of quality patient care.

Essential V:Health Care Policy, Finance, and Regulatory Environments - healthcare policies, including financial and regulatory, directly and indirectly influence the nature and functioning of the healthcare system and thereby are important considerations in professional nursing practice.

Essential VI:Interprofessional Communication and Collaboration for Improving Patient Health Outcomes - communication and collaboration among healthcare professionals are critical to delivering high quality and safe patient care.

Essential VII:Clinical Prevention and Population Health - health promotion and disease prevention at the individual and population level are necessary to improve population health and are important components of baccalaureate generalist nursing practice.

Essential VIII:Professionalism and Professional Values - professionalism and the inherent values of altruism, autonomy, human dignity, integrity, and social justice are fundamental to the discipline of nursing.

Essential IX:Baccalaureate Generalist Nursing Practice - the baccalaureate graduate nurse is prepared to practice with patients, including individuals, families, groups, communities, and populations across the lifespan and across the continuum of healthcare environments. The baccalaureate graduate understands and respects the variations of care, the increased complexity, and the increased use of healthcare resources inherent in car

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will:

(1).Identify local, regional and national policy systems that effect health care and the practice of nursing.

(2). Identify each nursing role and its influence on improving the patient’s level of wellness; Synthesize, apply and evaluate principles of management and leadership.

(3). Compare and contrast the following three theories: General Systems, Chaos and Change.

(4). Compare and contrast the roles and responsibilities of a manager, leader and follower; explain: (1) how each contributes to the efficient operation of the clinical unit; (2) how each singly or in conjunction with each other improves patients’ level of wellness.
(5). Develop a capital and operational budget for your clinical unit.

(6). Utilizing QSEN criteria and the Goodwin College Theoretical Framework develop, an evidenced-based change project in your clinical area. Describe how you would implement and evaluate the project.

Program Outcomes:

The RN-BSN curriculum is consistent with the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice (2008). Graduates of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing Degree Program are prepared to practice professional nursing as a generalist with skills that are applicable across the life span and across the continuum of healthcare environments. They are also prepared to enter graduate study.

The Essentials consistent with this nursing course are identified with the appropriate course outcome.

At the completion of the program, the graduate will be able to:

  1. Practice professional nursing from a holistic, visionary, culturally competent, fiscally responsible base as they design, manage, and coordinate care for individuals, families, groups, communities and populations;
  2. Synthesize and apply knowledge from nursing theory, practice, research, and the liberal arts and sciences to professional nursing practice;
  3. Integrate and demonstrate beginning leadership and management skills utilizing critical and creative thinking, ethical decision making, and evidenced-based practice;
  4. Design, manage and coordinate care to patients, families, groups and communities utilizing communication skills honed by self-awareness and self-evaluation;
  5. Advocate for patients, families, groups and communities based on a respect for cultural diversity and an understanding of the impact of political and regulatory process on health care;
  6. Collaborate and communicate, using a variety of modalities, with patients, families, and interdisciplinary team members to maximize patient’s level of wellness; and
  7. Make a commitment to lifelong learning by assuming responsibility for professional career planning, advanced education and active membership in the professions.

Institutional Outcomes

The outcomes of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program reflect institutional outcomes:

  1. Students will demonstrate proficiency in their chosen field of study;
  2. Students will process effective communication and analytical skills;
  3. Students will acquire the desire and skills necessary to engage in lifelong learning; and
  4. Students will demonstrate civic responsibility.

Required Text and Readings:

Grossman, S. & Valiga, T. (2013). The new leadership challenge. (4thed.). Philadelphia,

PA:FA Davis

Marquis, B. & Huston, C. (2015).Leadership roles and management functions in

nursing, (8th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.

American Psychological Association. (2010).Publication manual of the

American psychological association(6th.ed). Washington: DC: American Psychological


Learning Environment:

This is a 15week course. The student should expect to spend 9 to 12 hours of work each week. Blackboard is required each week and opens at 12: 01 AM on Monday and closes at 11:59 PM on Sunday. Assignments are due no later than 11:59 PM on Sunday unlessyou are advised differently. Students will lose 5points per day for each day an assignment is late.Students are expected to read assigned readings prior to participation and include related information from the on-line lecture, material from assigned text readings, and resources in your assigned work. For students who wish to participate in an on ground class experience, I will meet with students 6-8:50 PM in Room 502 on weeks 1,5,10 and 15.

Cultural Statement:

The RN-BSN program promotes a safe and open environment to discuss diversity. Goodwin College recognizes and respects that every individual has days of the year and celebrations that they honor. If you need to miss class, clinical, or written assignments due to the observance of a religious holiday, it is your obligation to notify your instructor in writing within the first week of the official start of classes so that reasonable accommodations and alternative assignments can be made.

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

Learning Objective / Learning Outcomes / Assessment Methods
To demonstrate a basic understanding of: / At the end of the course the students will: / As measured by:
The political and regulatory environment and its effect on health care and patient outcomes / Identify local, regional and national policy systems that effect health care and the practice of nursing. / Discussion room participation
Course exams
Apply the impact of current trends, nursing roles and principles of management and leadership that influence the health care delivery system / Identify each nursing role and its influence on improving the patient’s level of wellness; Synthesize, apply and evaluate principles of management and leadership / Application to the evidence-based change project and paper
Course exams
RelateGeneral Systems, Change and Chaos theories and their relevance to improving patient outcomes. / Compare and contrast the following three theories: General Systems, Chaos and Change. / Evaluate how each assisted in the development of the evidence-based clinical change project.
Course exams
Discussion room
Describe leadership and management of a clinical nursing unit. / Compare and contrast the roles and responsibilities of a manager, leader and follower; explain: (1) how each contributes to the efficient operation of the clinical unit; (2) how each singly or in conjunction with each other improves patients’ level of wellness. / Evaluate how each assisted in the development of the evidence-based clinical change project.
Course exams
Discussion room
Plan a budgetary process for a clinical nursing unit. / Develop a capital and operational budget for your clinical unit. / Budget assignment
Course exams
Accomplish being a change agent / Utilizing QSEN criteria and the Goodwin College Theoretical Framework develop, an evidenced-based change project in your clinical area. Describe how you would implement and evaluate the project. / Evidence-based change project and paper
Discussion room participation
Course exams

Grading Policy: The RN to BSN program follows the following grading system

A / 93-100 / C / 73-76
A - / 90-92 / C- / 70-72
B+ / 87-89 / D+ / 67-69
B / 83-86 / D / 63-66
B- / 80-82 / D- / 60-62
C+ Passing for NUR courses. / 77-79 / F / <60
Method of Evaluation / Percentage of Grade / Due Dates
Multiple Choice exams / 3 at 10% each for a total of 30% / Week of :
Budget Assignment / 10% / Week of:
Evidence-based change projectAPA paper / 30%
Draft paper 10%
Final paper 20% / .
Draft of EBP paper due
Paper due
*= the exact date your paper is due.
Weekly discussion room / 15% / Weeks 1-13
Evidence-based change projectslide presentation / 15% / Last class Wiki
Total / 100%


Budget Assignment

Read Chapter 10- Fiscal Planning in your text book; Pages 204-234.Complete the following Learning Exercises: 10.1 Would you Accept this Gift?; 10.2 Calculating NCH/PPD; 10.3 Missing Supplies;10.4 Developing a Decision Package; and 10.5 Providing Care with Limited Reimbursement. The answers may be, (for the most part) discovered by reading the chapter. To answer and submit this assignment: Open a word document. Type your name, date and title of assignment "budget assignment" at the top. Number the exercises according to their number in the chapter. Answer in complete separate paragraphs. Use a chart or table if necessary. Send through Blackboard Assignments.

Evidence-based change projectAPA paper

This assignment has 3 parts: the draft, the final paper, and the PowerPoint slide presentation. The paper draft is worth 10% of your final grade and needs to be 5 full pages in APA format. It needs to be written in third person in its entirety. Part two is the revised and corrected version of the draft. Both are described below. There is also a rubric to assist you in writing the paper.


The purpose of this clinical change project is to assist you in developing the skills to be a change agent in your clinical area of practice in order to positively influence the patient’s level of wellness. The project itself is hypothetical but can be implemented by you in the future if you are able.

  • Together with your supervisor and colleagues in your clinical area, you will discuss and identify the need for a change in clinical area of practice
  • Utilizing the Goodwin College Wellness Model, criteria from Quality and Safety Education for Nurses and Systems and Change Theory, you will plan, and develop the identified change. Your 5 full page APA formatted paper, which will be submitted on line via Blackboard and will contain the following:
  • Introduction: Explain the rationale for the proposed change in third person (10 points) This is the first paragraph of your paper and should be 6-8 sentences that are right to the point without extra background information. Write this as if you are writing for another professional who will not know about your unit/specialty.
  • Review of the Literature: (25 points)

Utilizing the published nursing literature to review reports on an issue to determine Best Evidence-Based Practice, analyze 4-5 studies related to your topic. Summarize and give justification for the change you are about to implement based on the review of the literature. Relate the studies to your problem and goal/objective(s). This part will be 1-2 pages.

  • Describe how you would go about implementing your change. (30 points)
  • Identify your measurable objective(s).
  • Consider change theory-how you will secure “buy in” from colleagues.
  • Overall write a persuasive argument based on some standards of care and best practice such as: concepts of ANA ethics, scope of practice, standards of practice, QSEN, and evidenced based practice. 1-2 pages
  • Future Direction: How will this change be sustained in this clinical area of practice? Is this an appropriate change to be implemented in other clinical areas of practice? How would you go about doing this? Summary. (10 points) 1 summary closing paragraph
  • Grammar and spelling are worth (10 points)
  • APA format are worth (15 points)-please refer to the rubric on Blackboard for how the grammar and format of the paper are graded

Class presentation:

  • Send PowerPoint slides week # 14 so they will be posted to a Wiki for the entire class and instructor to view and be able to comment. No more than 10 words per slide. For your10 PowerPoints, please briefly describe the following:
  • Title
  • Problem/Purpose
  • Goal/Objective
  • Description of project
  • The support from literature
  • Relation to standards for best practice (QSEN etc.)
  • Potential Barriers
  • Interventions for Barriers
  • Sustainability
  • references

Class Policies:

  • Set aside approximately 9-12 hours a week for work on this course which allows time for readings, written work, projects, and on-line discussions. Your actual time may vary.
  • Routinely check your Goodwin e-mail account and the Announcements area on Blackboard for important messages and communications.
  • Complete and submit all assignments on time via Blackboard unless otherwise specified.

(5 points per day will be deducted for submissions after the due date).

  • Abide by the College’s Academic Integrity Policy.
  • Plagiarism will not be tolerated.
  • Assignments will be evaluated according to rubrics.
  • You are expected to be in the discussion room on 3 separate days beginning no later than Wednesday of the week we are working in. You will post 1 time to answer the question(s) and respond 2 times to peers and or faculty. See discussion board rubric.


Readings: Readings are either in Marquis and Huston, 8th edition, “Leadership Roles and Management Functions in Nursing” And/or Grossman and Valiga, The New Leadership Challenge, 4th edition.

Course Outline


Week/ Date
2015 / Institutional, Learning, and Program Outcomes / AACN Essential(s) / Topic(s) Covered / Assignments/Reading to be Completed Before Class / Assessment Schedule
Week 1 / I-1,2,3,4
E-2,5,6,8,9 / Introductions,
Course overview,
Leaders versus Managers / Marquis & Huston
Chapters 2-3
Grossman and Valiga, Chapters 1-3
PowerPoint / Discussion room
In classroom meeting rm. 502
EBP Project/Paper Topic approval
(NLT 1/18)
Select 1st scholarly article for project
Week 2 / I-1,2,3,4
L- 2,4,6
E-2,5,6,8,9 / Role Transition / Marquis and Huston,
Chapter 11
Case Study Article / Discussion room
EBP Project/Paper
Draft Due NLT
Jan. 18
Week 3 / I-1,2,3,4
E-2,5,6,8,9 / Organizational Structure / Marquis and Huston,
Chapter 12
PowerPoint / Discussion room
EBP Project
Select 2nd scholarly article for project
Week 4 / I-1,2,3,4
E-2,5,6,8,9 / Power and Politics / Marquis and Huston, Chapter 13
Lecture Notes
Video by
Steven Lewis / Discussion room
EBP Project/Paper
Begin draft paper
Week 5 / I-1,2,3,4
E-2,5,6,8,9 / Planning and Change / Marquis and Huston,
Chapter 8
Lecture Notes / Discussion room
Select 3rd
scholarly article for project/paper
In classroom meeting
Week 6 / I-1,2,3,4
E-2,5,6,8,9 / Delegation / Marquis and Huston, Chapter 20
Lecture Notes
Grossman and Valiga, Chapters 1-3
Marquis & Huston
Chapters 2, 3, 8, 11, 12, 13, 20 / Discussion room
Online Exam #1
Due NLT 11:59 PM Feb. 22
Week 7 / I-1,2,3,4
E-2,5,6,8,9 / Managing Conflict / Marquis and Huston, Chapter 21
Lecture Notes / Discussion room
Select 4th scholarly article for project/paper
Week 8 / I-1,2,3,4
E-4,6, / Communication Process / Marquis and Huston, Chapter 19
Lecture Notes / Discussion room
Week 9 / I-1,2,3,4
E-5, / Managing Costs and Budgets / Marquis and Huston, Chapter 10 / Discussion room
Budget Assignment Due no later than March 9
Week 10 / I-1,2,3,4
E-2,5,6 / Staffing and Scheduling / Marquis and Huston, Chapter 17
Lecture Notes / In classroom meeting
Discussion room
Draft of EBP paper due no later than March 16
Week 11 / I-1,2,3,4
E-4,5,8 / Managing Staff / Marquis and Huston, Chapters 18
Lecture Notes
Online exam
Marquis & Huston
Chapters 10, 17, 18, 19, 21 / Discussion room
Multiple Choice Exam #2
Week 12 / I-1,2,3,4
E-2,5,6, / Quality Improvement and Risk Management / Marquis and Huston, Chapter 23
Lecture Notes / Discussion room
Week 13 / I-1,2,3,4
E-2,6,8 / Ethics and Legal Issues / Marquis and Huston, Chapters 4 & 5
Lecture Notes / Discussion
EBP paper due NLT April 6
Week 14 / I-1,2,3,4
E- 6,8 / Problem Employees
Advocacy and Culture / Marquis and Huston, Chapters 24 & 25
Lecture Notes
Marquis and Huston, Chapter 6
Lecture Notes / Discussion
Class submission of EBP project slides to classmates
Final Exam #3
Week 15 / Wiki Participation
As Discussion Room
In classroom

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