Online “VTB Global Chess” Tournament

Open Individual Tournament


1. Event Management

Thetournamentisto be heldinaccordancewithFIDE (World Chess Federation) Chess Rules. Thevenue of the event is the ChessOK Playing Zone portal (

General event preparations and management are provided by the Organization Committee. TheOrganizationCommitteehastherighttomake amendments, additions and precise definitions to this Statute if necessary. Thetournament isorganizedandconducted by the Jury. The Head Arbiter of the event is chess master Sergey Abramov.

2. Time Schedule

Open Individual Online “VTB Global Chess” will be held on October 25, 2014 at 11:00 Moscow time.

The tournament is open for visitors of the VTB Group website, VTB Group staff members and their children. Participation or non-participation in this tournament has no effect on other tournaments for VTB Group staff members and their children.

3. Tournamentregulations, awarding winners

Every game is played according to the Swiss system in 11 rounds with time control 3 minutes for a game and no additional time with automatic pairings.

Inindividualclassificationthecriteriafordetermining places will be as follows in descending order of priorities:

-Points scored

-ModifiedMedian (Truncated) BuchholzTB (thesumofopponents’ scoresdiscarding two lest significant results)

-Progress TB

-Results between tied players.

The participants, who have won 1-3 places according to the number of points, are considered winners and receive valuable gifts.

4. Terms of Participation

Anyone who is willing, regardless of the country they live in, can participate in theOpen Individual Online “VTB Global Chess” Tournament[1]. Every registered participant undertakes to:

  • playby themselves without using prompts from computer programs, data bases, chess literature and other persons;all games are checked for the usage of the external help;
  • Usemoderncommunicationlinesthatsatisfythe followingcondition: averagesignal delay time during a game should not exceed 3 seconds for a move;
  • TheJurydecisiononanydisputableissuewillbe considered as final.

Everyparticipantmustdownloadsoftwarefromthesite andinstallitonthepersonal computer with access to the Internet.

IfyouuseWindows 7 orWindowsVista on you PC, it is recommended install the program in the D:/ChessOK or C:/ChessOK directory.

Afterinstallationtheicon “ChessOK Playing Zone” willappearonyourdesktop. Theprogramislaunched by doubleclicking on this icon after the Internet connection has been established.

Then to the participant should run the program and register "Login", providing the correct personal info: Name and Surname, gender, city and country representing in FIDE, e-mail.

To register in the International Internet chess tournament "VTB Global Chess" the participant should:

  1. Find the line “Open VTB Global Chess” for the date of October 25, 2014in the Tournament section
  2. Click the icon "Participate"staying on that line,
  3. Be logged into the playing zone when the tournament starts.

The choice of your opponent and opening of the game window for each round will be done automatically. You are to play with pieces at the bottom of the screen, either Black or White.

Moves are made by dragging a piece with your mouse in accordance with the rules of chess.

While playing the game the time for each player will be displayed in descending order. If during a game one of the players exceeds the time limit, he is considered defeated.

After the last game of each round is over there will be a break of 1 minute. A new game will
be opened in the previous game window.
If you have closed a window accidentally or wish to return to your default settings please choose the menu item View/Default.

Yourcangetacquaintedwithplayingzoneresources on your own by reading one of the manuals:

or by watching flash guides:

5. Official Information and Contacts

Official websites of the tournament:

ChessOK Playing Zone support:

Phone: +7 (495) 379-0690. E-mail:E-mail:

Skype: chessok

Contact for VTB Group emplyees:

Sergey Panitkin, e-mail: , inner phone number: 1 - 68 - 41

[1]No entry fees