Supplemental material-hydroxyurea adherence (inoue, S. et al)
Effectiveness of GlowCap™ in improving in adherence to hydroxyurea in patients with sickle cell disease
Barriers to Hydroxyurea
1.Demographic questions
Who is the main care giver for the patient?
Mother, father, aunt, boyfriend, grandmother, grand father
Other (who)
How many adults live in your household?
How many children live in the household (including the patient)?
Who is the main person to take care of this child?
What is the highest grade of schooling you achieved (if you are main care giver)
What is your household annual income (the income you can spend for yourself and your children, including all people you need to take care of?)
Do you have a lap top, or desk top computer or tablet such as Nook or I Pad?
Yes, No
2.Health belief system Questions
1: completely disagree, 2: disagree, 3: neutral, 4: agree, 5: completely agree
About sickle cell
Do you believe that sickle cell disease is a serious disease that sometimes causes death?
Do you believe that sickle cell disease can be cured?
Do you believe that sickle cell pain crisis can be treated well?
Do you worry a lot about your child (your) future because of sickle cell?
Do you believe that the pain medicines(s) your child (you) is taking work very well?
Do you believe that the pain medicine your child (you) is taking make him (her, you) an addict?
Do you believe that the pain medicine your child (you) is taking have too much side effects?
Is your child (are you) taking Hydroxyurea regularly?
Do you think that Hydroxyurea works to decrease sickle cell pain?
Do you think that Hydroxyurea works to decrease other complications of sickle cell disease?
Do you think that Hydroxyurea has too much side effects for you (your child) to take?
Do you think that overall it is worth for your child to take Hydroxyurea?
It is too much work to give my child (take) hydroxyurea every day
It is too much work to give my child (take) Hydroxyurea every day since it does not work
I would try harder to give my child (take) Hydroxyurea if it works better
Hydroxyurea has too much side effects
I think that side effects of Hydroxyurea are minimum
Sometimes, I don’t remember to give it or take it
I would try harder to remember to give it (take it), if it works better
It is too inconvenient to have the medicine refill every month
Transportation is a big problem for me to go to a drugstore or clinic
If the Hydroxyurea is delivered to my home, I would be giving (taking) it more regularly
If someone or something reminds me every day to give (take) medicine, I would give (take) it more regularly