Date: June 29, 2015

Name of Person Reporting: Gary Prostak

Name of Department and/or Discipline: ESL/Dev Com/Learning Skills

Spring 2015 Assessment Report

  1. a. List the courses/certificates/programs your discipline/department assessed in the Spring 2015 semester.

Per our departmental 3-year Assessment Cycle:

Dev Com 1………………..SLO #1, #3, and #5

Dev Com 34………………SLO #2

Dev Com 36A………..….SLO #1 and #2

Dev Com 36B……….…..NONE

ESL 1…………………………SLO #2, #4, #5, and #6

ESL 2………………………….SLO #2, #4, and #6

ESL 3A………………………SLO #1

ESL 3B……………………….SLO #1

ESL 3C……………………….SLO #2

ESL 4A……………………….SLO #3

ESL 4B……………………….SLO #1 and #2

ESL 4C……………………….SLO #2

ESL 5A……………………….SLO #3

ESL 5B……………………….SLO #1 and #2

ESL 5C……………………….SLO #1 and #2

ESL 6A……………………….SLO #2 and #3

ES 6B…………………………SLO #1

ESL 6C……………………….SLO #1 and #2

ESL 8………………………….SLO #1, #3, and #4

LS 4…………………………..SLO #1 and #2

LS 73…………………………SLO #1 and #2

LS 10B………………………SLO #1

As is evident, many of the faculty, both full-time and adjunct, assessed more than the one SLO required for their course(s) for the semester per the 3-Year Cycle. This demonstrates a real commitment to fully engage with student success efforts in these Basic Skills disciplines.

The department does not have Program Learning Outcomes or Certificate Learning Outcomes.

ESL 8 participated in the assessment of the Written Communication ILO.

b. For each one, indicate whether the benchmark (standard for student success) was reached.

In all cases the benchmark was either met or exceeded.

  1. Summarize the major assessment results for courses/programs in your area.
    Students in these disciplines are most in need of structured and consistent intervention to improve success and retention. This is particularly evident in Dev Com. The college needs to move towards expanding on institutionalizing the tutoring, mentoring, and acceleration pilots that are currently in place or proposed.
  1. Summarize what changes have been made or are planned to be made as a result of the assessments.

Both the Dev Com and ESL disciplines continue to develop acceleration pilot courses that have most often not been implemented by the Office of Academic Affairs. This is extremely frustrating for those faculty who are eager to test these interventions.

  1. Follow up on previous assessments:
    (1) If an SLO was assessed previously, compare the results with the earlier assessments:

(a) Have the recommended changes been implemented?

Faculty consistently identify the need for tutoring in these Basic Skills disciplines. We have been able to provide some tutoring/mentoring in the ESL Writing sequence (ESL 4A, 5A, 6A, 8) and in Dev Com. As indicated earlier, these services need to be expanded and institutionalized.

Faculty have also identified changes to methodology and there have been some textbook changes.

(b) Has the follow-up textbox been filled in on the SLO online system?

We are making progress in having the follow-up textboxes completed. I am not sure of an exact percentage, but this will be a priority for the Fall 2015 Assessment Cycle.

(2) How have the findings led to improved student learning?

Broad and consistent participation in the assessment cycle has resulted in an increased awareness of and utilization of rubrics. Clearly identifying expectations with students makes success more likely.

  1. Have the results of your assessments been shared and discussed among the members of your program? (Provide dates and any minutes of meetings as evidence. Please also post relevant minutes in the Department Notes section of the SLO Online system.)

SLO/PLO/ILO is a standing agenda item at all department meetings. In Spring 2015 the faculty met on 2/25, 3/25, 4/22, and 5/27.

  1. Have the results of your assessments been shared and discussed with members of your advisory committee (if vocational program)?


  1. What resource requests are planned as a result of the assessments?

Expansion and ultimate institutionalization of tutoring and mentoring.

  1. Have the assessment results been posted on the online system?


Written responses to these questions are due by e-mail to the SLO Coordinator Pat Flood by Monday, June 29, 2015.

Please label your file with your department name and Spr 15 Assmt Rept; example: Business Spr 15 Assmt Rept.