Supplemental Material for Drouin and Tsang (JME, 2012)

Supplemental table 1. Accession numbers and references for the arrangement of 5S rRNA genes in Stramenopile, Haptopte, Cryptophyte and Metamonada species.

Organism / Linked To / Orientation / Ref / Accession #
Vaucheria terrestris
(stramenopiles; Xanthophyceae) / rDNA / Sense / Kawai et al. (1997) / Not deposited in GenBank
Vaucheria dichotoma
(stramenopiles; Xanthophyceae) / rDNA / Sense / Kawai et al. (1997) / Not deposited in GenBank
Ophiocytium sp.
(stramenopiles; Xanthophyceae) / rDNA / Sense / Kawai et al. (1997) / Not deposited in GenBank
Scytosiphon lomentaria
(stramenopiles; Phaeophyceae) / rDNA / Sense / Kawai et al. (1995) / D16558
Heterosigma akashiwo
(stramenopiles; Raphidophyceae) / rDNA / Sense / Kawai et al. (1997) / Not deposited in GenBank
Olisthodiscus luteus
(stramenopiles; Raphidophyceae) / rDNA / Sense / Kawai et al. (1997) / Not deposited in GenBank
Phaeomonas parva
(stramenopiles; Pinguiophyceae) / rDNA / Sense / Kawai et al. (1997) / Not deposited in GenBank
Phaeosaccion collinsii
(stramenopiles; Chrysophyceae) / rDNA / Sense / Kawai et al. (1997) / Not deposited in GenBank
Synura petersenii
(stramenopiles; Synurophyceae) / Not linked to rDNA / Kawai et al. (1997) / Not deposited in GenBank
Eustigmatos vischeri
(stramenopiles; Eustigmatophyceae) / rDNA / Sense / Kawai et al. (1997) / Not deposited in GenBank
Pseudopedinella pyriformis
(stramenopiles; Dictyochophyceae) / rDNA / Sense / Kawai et al. (1997) / Not deposited in GenBank
Sulcochrysis biplastida / rDNA / Sense / Kawai et al. (1997) / Not deposited in GenBank
Ditylum brightwellii
(stramenopiles; Bacillariophyceae) / Not linked to rDNA / Kawai et al. (1997) / Not deposited in GenBank
Nitzschia palea
(stramenopiles; Bacillariophyceae) / Not linked to rDNA / Kawai et al. (1997) / Not deposited in GenBank
Opalina sp.
(stramenopiles; Slopalinida; Opalinidae) / rDNA / Sense / Kawai et al. (1997) – Phylogenetic position not clear: not included in Fig.1 / Not deposited in GenBank
Proteromonas lacerate
(stramenopiles; Slopalinida; Proteromonadidae) / rDNA / Sense / Kawai et al. (1997) – Phylogenetic position not clear: not included in Fig.1 / Not deposited in GenBank
Achlya klebsiana / rDNA / Sense / Belkhiri et al. (1992) / Not applicable: PCR amplification
Pachymetra chaunorhiza / rDNA / Antisense / Belkhiri et al. (1992) / Not applicable: PCR amplification
Verrucalvus flavofaciens / rDNA / Antisense / Belkhiri et al. (1992) / Not applicable: PCR amplification
Phytophthora cryptogea / rDNA / Sense / Belkhiri et al. (1992) / Not applicable: PCR amplification
Phytophthora vignae / rDNA / Sense / Howlett et al. (1992) / Not applicable: PCR amplification
Phytophthora cinnamomi / rDNA / Sense / Howlett et al. (1992) / Not applicable: PCR amplification
Phytophthora megasperma / rDNA / Sense / Howlett et al. (1992) / Not applicable: PCR amplification
Saprolegnia ferax / rDNA– Phylogenetic position not clear: not included in Fig.1 / Sense / Howlett et al. (1992) / Not applicable: PCR amplification
Lagenidium giganteum / rDNA / Antisense / Belkhiri et al. (1992) / Not applicable: PCR amplification
Emiliania huxleyi / rDNA / Sense / Kawai et al. (1997) / Not deposited in GenBank
Rhinomonas pauca / rDNA / Sense / Gilson et al. (1995) / Not deposited in GenBank
Storeatula major / rDNA / Sense / Gilson et al. (1995) / Not deposited in GenBank
Komma caudata / rDNA / Sense / Gilson et al. (1995) / Not deposited in GenBank
Trichomonas vaginalis / rDNA / No / Torres-Machorro et al. (2009) / FJ492751
Trichomonas tenax / rDNA / No / Torres-Machorro et al. (2009) / FJ492747,
Trichomonas foetus / Ubiquitin genes (type A) and pseudogenes (type B) / Sense / Torres-Machorro et al. (2009) / FJ492749, FJ492750
Giardia lamblia / rDNA / No / Morrison et al. (2007) / AACB02000003, AACB02000013, AACB02000031, AACB02000054,

Belkhiri A, Buchko J & Klassen GR (1992) The 5S ribosomal RNA gene in Pythium species: two different genomic locations. Mol Biol Evol 9: 1089-1102.

Gilson PR, Adcock GJ, Howlett BJ & McFadden GI. (1995) Organisation and sequence analysis of nuclear-encoded 5s ribosomal RNA genes in cryptomonad algae. Curr Genet 27:239-242.

Howlett BJ, Brownlee AG, Guest DI, Adcock GJ & McFadden GI (1992) The 5S ribosomal RNA gene is linked to large and small subunit ribosomal RNA genes in the oomycetes, Phytophthora vignae, P. cinnamomi, P. megasperma f.sp. glycinea and Saprolegnia ferax. Curr Genet 22: 455-461.

Kawai H, Muto H, Fujii T Kato A (1995) A linked 5S rRNA gene in Scytosiphon lomentaria. J Phycol 31: 306-311.

Kawai H, Nakayama T, Inouye I Kato A (1997), Linkage of 5S ribosomal DNA to other rDNAs in the chromophytic algae and related taxa. J Phycol 33: 505–511.

Morrison HG, McArthur AG, Gillin FD, Aley SB, Adam RD, Olsen GJ, Best AA, Cande WZ, Chen F, Cipriano MJ, Davids BJ, Dawson SC, Elmendorf HG, Hehl AB, Holder ME, Huse SM, Kim UU, Lasek-Nesselquist E, Manning G, Nigam A, Nixon JE, Palm D, Passamaneck NE, Prabhu A, Reich CI, Reiner DS, Samuelson J, Svard SG & Sogin ML (2007) Genomic minimalism in the early diverging intestinal parasite Giardia lamblia. Science 317:1921-1926.

Torres-Machorro AL, Hernández R, Alderete JF & López-Villaseñor I (2009) Comparative analyses among the Trichomonas vaginalis, Trichomonas tenax, and Tritrichomonas foetus 5S ribosomal RNA genes. Curr Genet 55: 199-210.

Supplemental table 2. Accession numbers and references for the arrangement of 5S rRNA genes in Alveolates (Dinoflagellates, Apicomplexa and Ciliates).

Species / Linked To / Orientation / Ref / Accession #
Karlodinium sp. KAMS0708
(Alveolata; Dinophyceae) / rDNA / Sense / FN357291
Karlodinium veneficum
(Alveolata; Dinophyceae) / SL and unlinked / Antisense / Zhang H. (2009) / GQ199970 toGQ200017,
FJ434789 to FJ434800
Karenia brevis
(Alveolata; Dinophyceae) / SL and U6 / Antisense / Zhang et al (2009) / FJ434722 to
Pfiesteria piscicida
(Alveolata; Dinophyceae) / SL / Antisense / Zhang H (2009) / FJ434781-FJ434788
Prorocentrum minimum
(Alveolata; Dinophyceae) / Not linked / Zhang H (2009) / FJ434801 to
Prorocentrum micans
(Alveolata; Dinophyceae) / rDNA / Sense / Kawai et al. (1997) / Not deposited in GenBank
Polarella glacialis
(Alveolata; Dinophyceae) / SL / Antisense / Zhang H (2009) / FJ434764 to FJ434776
Heterocapsa arctica
(Alveolata; Dinophyceae) / SL / Antisense / Zhang H (2009) / FJ434818-
Amphidinium sp.
(Alveolata; Dinophyceae) / rDNA / Sense / Kawai et al. (1997) / Not deposited in GenBank
Perkinsus andrewsi
(Alveolata; Perkinsea) / rDNA / Sense / Pecher et al. (2004) / AY305326, AY305327
Perkinsus olseni
(Alveolata; Perkinsea) / rDNA / Sense / AF466527,
Perkinsus sp.
(Alveolata; Perkinsea) / rDNA / Sense / AF466533-
Perkinsus atlanticus
(Alveolata; Perkinsea) / rDNA / Sense / Robledo JA (2002) / AF509333
Perkinsus marinus
(Alveolata; Perkinsea) / rDNA / Sense / Robledo JA (1999) / AF497479
Plasmodium vivax
(Alveolata; Apicomplexa) / Not linked to rDNA (3 copies) / Carlton (2008) / AAKM01000002
Plasmodium knowlesi
(Alveolata; Apicomplexa) / Not linked to rDNA (1 copy) / Pain A. (2008) / NC_011904
Plasmodium falciparum
(Alveolata; Apicomplexa) / Not linked to rDNA (3 clustered copies) / Shippen-Lentz and Vezza (1988)
Gardner et al. (2002)
Pain (2002) / M19136
Theileria annulata
(Alveolata; Apicomplexa) / Not linked to rDNA / Pain (2005) / NC_011099
Theileria parva
(Alveolata; Apicomplexa) / Not linked to rDNA (1 copy) / Gardner MJ (2005) / AAGK01000002
Neospora caninum
(Alveolata; Apicomplexa) / Not linked to rDNA / BLAST at NCBI / FR823385,
FR823390, FR823391,
Toxoplasma gondii
(Alveolata; Apicomplexa) / rRNA / Sense / Gagnon et al. (1996)
Fazaeli et al. (2000) / X75429,
Cryptosporidium parvum
(Alveolata; Apicomplexa) / Not linked to rDNA (3 copies) / Abrahamsen MS (2004) / AAEE01000004
Cryptosporidium hominis
(Alveolata; Apicomplexa) / Not linked to rDNA (2 and 3 copies on 2 diff. chr.) / Xu P (2004) / NW_667385 and
Ascogregarina taiwanensis
(Alveolata; Apicomplexa) / rRNA / Sense / Unpublished / EF666482
Tetrahymena pyriformis
(Alveolata; Ciliophora) / Two 5S genes in between polyubiquitin genes / Sense / Guerreiro et al. (1993) / Z22614
Paramecium tetraurelia
(Alveolata; Ciliophora) / Not linked to rDNA / Findly and Gall (1980) / Not sequenced (Southern blots)

Abrahamsen MS, Templeton TJ, Enomoto S, Abrahante JE, Zhu G, Lancto CA, Deng M, Liu C, Widmer G, Tzipori S, Buck GA, Xu P, Bankier AT, Dear PH, Konfortov BA, Spriggs HF, Iyer L, Anantharaman V, Aravind L & Kapur V(2004) Complete genome sequence of the apicomplexan, Cryptosporidium parvum. Science 304: 441-445.

Carlton JM, Adams JH, Silva JC, Bidwell SL, Lorenzi H, Caler E, Crabtree J, Angiuoli SV, Merino EF, Amedeo P, Cheng Q, Coulson RM, Crabb BS, Del Portillo HA, Essien K, Feldblyum TV, Fernandez-Becerra C, Gilson PR, Gueye AH, Guo X, Kang'a S, Kooij TW, Korsinczky M, Meyer EV, Nene V, Paulsen I, White O, Ralph SA, Ren Q, Sargeant TJ, Salzberg SL, Stoeckert CJ, Sullivan SA, Yamamoto MM, Hoffman SL, Wortman JR, Gardner MJ, Galinski MR, Barnwell JW & Fraser-Liggett CM (2008) Comparative genomics of the neglected human malaria parasite Plasmodium vivax. Nature 455: 757-763.

Fazaeli A, Carter PE & Pennington TH (2000) Intergenic spacer (IGS) polymorphism: a new genetic marker for differentiation of Toxoplasma gondii strains and Neospora caninum. J Parasitol 86: 716-723.

Findly RC & Gall JG (1980) Organization of ribosomal genes in Paramecium tetraurelia. J Cell Biol 84: 547-559.

Gardner MJ, Hall N, Fung E, White O, Berriman M, Hyman RW, Carlton JM, Pain A, Nelson KE, Bowman S, Paulsen IT, James K, Eisen JA, Rutherford K, Salzberg SL, Craig A, Kyes S, Chan MS, Nene V, Shallom SJ, Suh B, Peterson J, Angiuoli S, Pertea M, Allen J, Selengut J, Haft D, Mather MW, Vaidya AB, Martin DM, Fairlamb AH, Fraunholz MJ, Roos DS, Ralph SA, McFadden GI, Cummings LM, Subramanian GM, Mungall C, Venter JC, Carucci DJ, Hoffman SL, Newbold C, Davis RW, Fraser CM & Barrell B (2002) Genome sequence of the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. Nature 419: 498-511.

Gardner MJ, Bishop R, Shah T, de Villiers EP, Carlton JM, Hall N, Ren Q, Paulsen IT, Pain A, Berriman M, Wilson RJ, Sato S, Ralph SA, Mann DJ, Xiong Z, Shallom SJ, Weidman J, Jiang L, Lynn J, Weaver B, Shoaibi A, Domingo AR, Wasawo D, Crabtree J, Wortman JR, Haas B, Angiuoli SV, Creasy TH, Lu C, Suh B, Silva JC, Utterback TR, Feldblyum TV, Pertea M, Allen J, Nierman WC, Taracha EL, Salzberg SL, White OR, Fitzhugh HA, Morzaria S, Venter JC, Fraser CM (2005) Nene V (2005) Genome sequence of Theileria parva, a bovine pathogen that transforms lymphocytes. Science 309:134-137.

Gagnon S, Morency MJ, Bourbeau D & Levesque RC (1996) Toxoplasma gondii: structure and characterization of the 26S ribosomal RNA and peptidyl transferase domain. Exp Parasitol 83: 346-351.

Guerreiro P, Neves A & Rodrigues-Pousada C (1993) Clusters of 5S rRNAs in the intergenic region of ubiquitin genes in Tetrahymena pyriformis. Biochim Biophys Acta 1216: 137-139.

Kawai H, Nakayama T, Inouye I Kato A (1997) Linkage of 5S ribosomal DNA to other rDNAs in the chromophytic algae and related taxa. J Phycol 33: 505–511.

Pain A, Renauld H, Berriman M, Murphy L, Yeats CA, Weir W, Kerhornou A, Aslett M, Bishop R, Bouchier C, Cochet M, Coulson RM, Cronin A, de Villiers EP, Fraser A, Fosker N, Gardner M, Goble A, Griffiths-Jones S, Harris DE, Katzer F, Larke N, Lord A, Maser P, McKellar S, Mooney P, Morton F, Nene V, O'Neil S, Price C, Quail MA, Rabbinowitsch E, Rawlings ND, Rutter S, Saunders D, Seeger K, Shah T, Squares R, Squares S, Tivey A, Walker AR, Woodward J, Dobbelaere DA, Langsley G, Rajandream MA, McKeever D, Shiels B, Tait A, Barrell B & Hall N (2005) Genome of the host-cell transforming parasite Theileria annulata compared with T. parva. Science 309: 131-133.

Pain A, Böhme U, Berry AE, Mungall K, Finn RD, Jackson AP, Mourier T, Mistry J, Pasini EM, Aslett MA, Balasubrammaniam S, Borgwardt K, Brooks K, Carret C, Carver TJ, Cherevach I, Chillingworth T, Clark TG, Galinski MR, Hall N, Harper D, Harris D, Hauser H, Ivens A, Janssen CS, Keane T, Larke N, Lapp S, Marti M, Moule S, Meyer IM, Ormond D, Peters N, Sanders M, Sanders S, Sargeant TJ, Simmonds M, Smith F, Squares R, Thurston S, Tivey AR, Walker D, White B, Zuiderwijk E, Churcher C, Quail MA, Cowman AF, Turner CM, Rajandream MA, Kocken CH, Thomas AW, Newbold CI, Barrell BG & Berriman M (2008) The genome of the simian and human malaria parasite Plasmodium knowlesi. Nature 455: 799-803.

Pecher WT, Robledo JA Vasta GR (2004) Identification of a second rRNA gene unit in the Perkinsus andrewsi genome. J Eukaryot Microbiol 51: 234-245.

Robledo JA, Wright AC, Marsh AG & Vasta GR (1999) Nucleotide sequence variability in the nontranscribed spacer of the rRNA locus in the oyster parasite Perkinsus marinus. J Parasitol 85: 650-656.

Robledo JA, Nunes PA, Cancela ML & Vasta GR (2002) Development of an in vitro clonal culture and characterization of the rRNA gene cluster of Perkinsus atlanticus, a protistan parasite of the clam Tapes decussates. J Eukaryot Microbiol 49: 414-422.

Shippen-Lentz DE & Vezza AC (1988) The three 5S rRNA genes from the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum are linked. Mol Biochem Parasitol 27: 263-273.