Supplemental Educational Services
Sample Individual Learning Plan
Student Name: / Student Birth Date / Teacher Name / SchoolProvider-Developed Student ID # (if applicable) / Parent / Guardian Name / Home Telephone / Work Telephone
Student Address
STUDENT INFORMATION Part 1: (Completed by Parent/Guardian or with Parental Input*)
Parent unavailable / *If unable to obtain parent/guardian input, the school (or provider acting on its behalf) may proceed with the plan, but must document the circumstances. The district or provider representative signs here.
STUDENT INFORMATION Part 2: (Completed by the LEA or with input from the School/Teacher/Principal. Student Privacy NOTE: The parent must provide the LEA with prior written consent to disclose information from the student’s educational records to the chosen provider. (This may be incorporated into the LEA’s SES enrollment form. If parental consent to release information is not incorporated in the SES enrollment form, please see SESRelease of Information at the end of this document.)
Student Race / Student Gender / Student Language / Language other than EnglishAfrican American/Black
Asian or Pacific
Native American
Other / Female
Male / English Speaking
Non English Speaking
Special Education / Limited English Proficient / 504 / Prior Grade
Individualized Educational Plan Goals ( Section 504 -If Applicable)
English Language Arts (ELA)
Assessment Results
Evaluation Results
Individualized Educational Plan Goals ( Section 504 -If Applicable)
Assessment Results
Evaluation Results
Individualized Educational Plan Goals ( Section 504 -If Applicable)
Assessment Results
Evaluation Results
Individualized Educational Plan Goals ( Section 504 -If Applicable)
Social Studies
Assessment Results
Evaluation Results
Assessment(Name/Type) / Pre Test / Post Test / Comments
Score / Date / Score / Date
Provider Instructional Material or Program / Content Area / CommentsELA / Math / Science / SS
/ / /
/ / /
/ / /
/ / /
/ / /
/ / /
English Language Arts GOALS AND OBJECTIVES
Prior to beginning tutoring and prior to sending out progress reports, review the evidence of student performance to determine which objectives the student has met. To meet an objective, the student must demonstrate the skill easily and independently over time and in different contexts.
- Use the following guide to record the objectives the student has or has not met:
- Use + to indicate objectives the student has met consistently without support or assistance
- Use - to indicate objectives which the student has met inconsistently, only with support, or has not met at all
- Leave blank those objectives that have not been introduced instructionally
In designing the learning plan select at least three (3) objectives that the student has not mastered. Select goals that can significantly contribute to a student’s success in reading and/or writing. All formative and summative assessments should be aligned to the Michigan Grade Level Content Expectations (GLCEs) or High School Content Expectations (HSCEs) and the district’s goals and objectives.
English Language ArtsDates Assessed
Student Progress toward Objective / GLCE (Grade 5)
R.CM.05.01 connect personal knowledge, experiences, and understanding of the world to themes and perspectives in text through oral and written responses.
R.CM.05.02 retell through concise summarization grade-level narrative and informational text.
R.CM.05.03 analyze global themes, universal truths, and principles within and across text to create a deeper understanding by drawing conclusions, making inferences, and synthesizing.
Michigan Grade Level Content Expectations:
MichiganHigh School Content Expectations:
Prior to beginning tutoring and prior to sending out progress reports, review the evidence of student performance to determine which objectives the student has met. To meet an objective, the student must demonstrate the skill easily and independently over time and in different contexts.
- Use the following guide to record the objectives the student has or has not met:
- Use + to indicate objectives the student has met consistently without support or assistance
- Use - to indicate objectives which the student has met inconsistently, only with support, or has not met at all
- Leave blank those objectives that have not been introduced instructionally
In designing the learning plan select at least three (3) objectives that the student has not mastered. Select goals that can significantly contribute to a student’s success in math. All formative and summative assessments should be aligned to the Michigan Grade Level Content Expectations (GLCEs) or High School Content Expectations (HSCEs) and the district’s goals and objectives.
MathematicsDates Assessed
Student Progress toward Objective / Math GLCEs (Grade 5)
N.MR.05.01 Understand the meaning of division of whole numbers with and without remainders; relate division to fractions and to repeated subtraction.
N.MR.05.02 Relate division of whole numbers with remainders to the form a = bq + r, e.g., 34 ÷ 5 = 6 r 4, so 5 • 6 + 4 = 34; note remainder (4) is less than divisor (5).
N.MR.05.03 Write mathematical statements involving division for given situations.
Michigan Grade Level Content Expectations:
MichiganHigh School Content Expectations:
Prior to beginning tutoring and prior to sending out progress reports, review the evidence of student performance to determine which objectives the student has met. To meet an objective, the student must demonstrate the skill easily and independently over time and in different contexts.
- Use the following guide to record the objectives the student has or has not met:
- Use + to indicate objectives the student has met consistently without support or assistance
- Use - to indicate objectives which the student has met inconsistently, only with support, or has not met at all
- Leave blank those objectives that have not been introduced instructionally
In designing the learning plan select at least three (3) objectives that the student has not mastered. Select goals that can significantly contribute to a student’s success in science. All formative and summative assessments should be aligned to the Michigan Grade Level Content Expectations (GLCEs) or High School Content Expectations (HSCEs) and the district’s goals and objectives.
ScienceDates Assessed
Student Progress toward Objective / ScienceGLCEs (Grade 5)
S.IP.05.14Use metric measurement devices in an investigation.
S.IP.05.15Construct charts and graphs from data and observations.
S.IP.05.16 Identify patterns in data.
Michigan Grade Level Content Expectations:
MichiganHigh School Content Expectations:
Prior to beginning tutoring and prior to sending out progress reports, review the evidence of student performance to determine which objectives the student has met. To meet an objective, the student must demonstrate the skill easily and independently over time and in different contexts.
- Use the following guide to record the objectives the student has or has not met:
- Use + to indicate objectives the student has met consistently without support or assistance
- Use - to indicate objectives which the student has met inconsistently, only with support, or has not met at all
- Leave blank those objectives that have not been introduced instructionally
In designing the learning plan select at least three (3) objectives that the student has not mastered. Select goals that can significantly contribute to a student’s success in social studies. All formative and summative assessments should be aligned to the Michigan Grade Level Content Expectations (GLCEs) or High School Content Expectations (HSCEs) and the district’s goals and objectives.
Social StudiesDates Assessed
Student Progress toward Objective / Social Studies GLCEs (Grade 5)
5 – U2.3.1 Locate the New England, Middle, and Southern colonies on a map.
5 – U2.3.2 Describe the daily life of people living in the New England, Middle, and Southern colonies.
5 – U2.3.3 Describe colonial life in America from the perspectives of at least three different groups of people
(e.g., wealthy landowners, farmers, merchants, indentured servants, laborers and the poor, women,
enslaved people, free Africans, and American Indians).
Michigan Grade Level Content Expectations:
MichiganHigh School Content Expectations:
(Completed by the Provider)
Total Number of Sessions to Be Provided / Beginning Date / Ending DateLocation of Services / Session Length in Minutes / Days of the Week Sessions will Occur
(Completed by the Provider)
Indicate how and when provider will communicate information about student’s academic progress to parents. Methods should include letters sent home, phone calls and flyers. Providers may be required to submit evidence of this communication. Providers must have a minimum of three documented contacts that shows parents have been invited to be involved in the student’s learning plan.
Frequency of contact / Type of Contact / Reason for Contact / Outcome / Follow-Up / Parent/Guardian SignatureCOMMUNICATION BETWEEN PROVIDER AND SCHOOL
(Completed by the Provider)
Indicate how and when provider will communicate information about student’s academic progress to the school. Methods should include electronic or hard copies of the student progress report..
Frequency of contact / Type of Contact / Reason for Contact / Outcome / Follow-Up / District Official SignatureSIGNATURES
I have reviewed the Learning Plan Agreement. I agree to the statement of goals and timeline stated in this agreement. I have been given the opportunity to participate in the development of this plan*.
*Lack of a parent signature on this form may not be used as grounds to deny SES to any student whose parents have otherwise indicated they wish for their child to receive services. Further, the school may not use the lack of a parent signature on this form to deny payment to the provider for services rendered. Please refer to MDE policy on ILP creation and parent consultation for further information.
Signatures indicate agreement with the Learning Plan
X / XProvider Representative Signature and Company Name / Date / Parent Signature / Date
X / X
Teacher Signature / Date / Principal Signature / Date
X / X
Other Signature and Title / Date / Other Signature and Title / Date
By signing below, I grant permission for my child to receive services from ______(Provider). I give permission for ______(District) to release educational information to design tutoring sessions that meet the needs of my child. This may include individual student information such as Michigan Educational Assessment Program (MEAP) or Michigan Merit Exam (MME) test scores, report cards and academic records, and attendance records. If my child receives special education services or services under Section 504, I give permission for the District to share his/her special education or Section 504 records, including his/her individual education plan (IEP) or Section 504 plan. I also give permission for ______(Provider) to share any information regarding my child with appropriate personnel of the District. Student records/information will be kept confidential and will not be disclosed to third parties or used for any purpose other than providing supplemental educational services, documenting student progress, and evaluating the program.
Signature of Parent or Legal GuardianDate