LVT’s Message
Supplement for BAIPHIL
I wish to congratulate the Officers, Directors, and Committee Chairpersons of the Bankers Institute of the Philippines as they formally assume their elected and designated roles today. I wish also to express my unequivocal agreement with your chosen theme: “ BAIPHIL : Reaching Greater Heights Through Continuing Education and Training .” I am a firm believer, based on experience, in education and training as a critical factor in boosting the performance of institutions and individuals . Our human capital must be nurtured and developed.
The inter-linked global economy and financial systems not only affect our interest rates, currency, financial assets and investments or our larger economy. These present more complex knowledge, systems, and processes that we need to know well and work with as institutions and individuals who perform not only in our country but also within Asean – specially with the forthcoming Asean integration – and the world . To be globally competitive is not just a preference but a necessity for those who wish to move forward or reach greater heights, as your theme exhorts.
Technology provides means to innovate; to increase productivity; to enable convenience and meet customer needs through better ways ; to improve speed and to enhance efficiency . But it also offers challenges in providing continuing reliability and performance. Equally important, we must engineer impregnable barriers against fraud and malfeasance from external and internal perpetrators. Excellent training and education, whether in complex systems or more simple processes, is important to inculcate professionalism and quality performance across all levels of the organization.
The efforts of BAIPHIL’s officers and members, in your work and your organization’s activities, specially your mission to provide quality education and training are deserving of recognition and support. It is ultimately the Filipino consumer who will benefit from your organization’s success.