Updated 8/27/2014
Bylaws for National Honor Society
at Niceville High School
National Honor Society Criteria for Admittance
National Honor Society (NHS) is more than just an honor roll. Each Honor Society chapter establishes rules for membership that are based upon a student’s outstanding performance in the areas of: Scholarship, Leadership, Service, and Character. These criteria for selection form the foundation upon which the organization and its activities are built.
Students who have a cumulative, weighted grade point average of 3.800 (no rounding) meet the scholarship requirement for membership. These students are then eligible for consideration on the basis of service, leadership, and character.
This quality is defined through the voluntary contributions made by a student to the school or community, done without compensation and with a positive, courteous, and enthusiastic spirit.
Student leaders are those who are resourceful, good problem solvers, promoters of school activities, idea-contributors, dependable, and persons who exemplify positive attitudes about life. Leadership experiences can be drawn from school or community activities while working with or for others.
The student of good character uphold principles of morality and ethics, is cooperative, demonstrates high standards of honesty and reliability, shows courtesy, concern, and respect for others, and generally maintains a good and clean lifestyle.
Juniors and seniors have the opportunity to apply in the fall. Sophomores can apply for entrance in the spring. Freshmen are not eligible for admittance in NHS.
Additionally, students must have attended Niceville High School for at least one complete semester. This prerequisite can be waived under certain circumstances.
A Faculty Council composed of teacher volunteers determines if students have met the above criteria based on:
-Academic and Discipline records
-Student Activity Form
-Student Essay
All of the above criteria must be met as determined by the Faculty Council. Just because a student might be exemplary in Service, for example, does not mean that they can be admitted if they do not show Leadership.
No late applications will be accepted. Applicants will be notified by the Faculty Council in writing before the Induction Ceremony. Those who are accepted are expected to participate in the Induction Ceremony in the Niceville High School Auditorium. If you cannot attend the ceremony, you must notify Mr. Reichard as soon as possible.
Policies and Procedures:
Meetings: first available Monday of each month in the cafeteria immediately after school. Most meeting last 15 – 20 minutes, and all members attending will receive 1 club point for their attendance. If you are unable to attend a meeting, you must retrieve the agenda from new.schoolnotes.com
- Instructions:
1) go to by escoffier)
2) click on page for Honor Society
3) Agendas are stored in the downloads section
Dues paid before the end of the 1st semester will be $10. All dues paid after the 1st semester will be $15. If this represents a financial hardship please see Mrs. Escoffier ASAP (room 624).
Community service is the focus of National Honor Society:
- Required 10 hours (10 points) per semester; 20 hours (20 points) per school year
-A portion of the 10 points may be earned with in-school service: attending meetings, school drives, donations
-A portion of the 10 points must be earned outside of school through various community- sponsored activities and recorded on the Out-of- School Volunteer Form (found on new.schoolnotes). Please return this completed form to room 624 when all hours have been earned for a semester.
Each member is responsible for checking the roster by the end of the 1st nine weeks to see if their personal information is correct. Please contact Mrs. Escoffier if the information is incorrect.
Probation will result if students have not paid dues AND completed 10 hours of community service by the end of the 1st semester. Students may also be placed on probation if they receive formal disciplinary action from the school. Students who allow their weighted GPA to drop below 3.8 will be placed on probation until the show Mrs. Escoffier proof that their GPA has improved (printed notification from Guidance).
-If $10 dues and 10 hours community service are not completed at the end of the 3rd nine weeks then the student will be removed from the club roster.
-Seniors, if your name is removed from the club you will not receive the NHS pin or be noted on the graduation program as a National Honor Society member.
- Officer elections:
- Campaigning will be limited to hand-made posters/flyers only. No food or merchandise may be distributed. Candidates may not refer to other candidates in their campaign material. Any student who violates any of these conditionswill be removed from the race at the discretion of the club sponsors.
- Any club members who are absent on the day of the election may cast their absentee ballot the following day (to accommodate testing schedules and other required instances of school leave.) Voting will not end until 80% of the membership has voted or abstained from voting.
- Any vote tally that fails to meet a clear majority (51%) will result in a run-off election. The top two candidates only will be included in this run-off.
- Any voting disputes within the club will first be presented to the advisors. The next action would go to the faculty counciland finally to the principal.
- The club advisors will conduct the election with a member of the faculty council present.
- Members of the faculty council will tally all votes.
- Discipline records will be viewed at the end of every semester. Any club member who receives an office referral (or ISS and/or OSS) will be removed from the roster and not allowed to reapply as determined by the Faculty Council. Each case will be reviewed by the Faculty Council before final actions are taken.
- GPA’s will be reviewed each semester (in August and in January). Any student having belowa 3.8 (weighted) GPA at these times will be placed on probation and notified in writing. That student will have to bring proof of a satisfactory GPA (3.8 weighted) to the club sponsor (a printout from Guidance) before the next cycle (August/January, January/August). If no proof is shown to the advisor (Escoffier or Reichard), then that student will be removed from the roster.
- Any changes to the bylaws will follow this procedure:
- A committee will be formed to review the bylaws each year. This meeting will take place in April of each year to impact the following year. The committee will be comprised of the club officers, the sponsor, and three members from the club (one member from the 10th, 11th and 12th grade). These members will be elected by the general membership to represent the wishes of the general membership. An announcement will be made to the general membership to solicit ideas for bylaw amendments.
- Once the committee has decided what changes they suggest need to be made in the bylaws (if any), they will submit these suggestions to the Faculty Council in writing. The advisor will schedule a meeting for the Faculty Council to meet before the end of school to determine whether or not the changes will be endorsed (for the following year).
- No amendments will be considered that violate the National Honor Society Constitution.
- Any student who does not maintain the integrity of the club will be subject to removal from the club, as presented to and determined by the faculty counsel. Once this member is removed from the club, they will NOT be able to reapply.
- Attendance to the meetings is encouraged. All materials will be available online to accommodate students who may not be on campus orare unable to attend meetings.
- All club officers are expected to adhere to the bylaws of this club AS WELL AS the Constitution of the National Honor Society.
- The executive committee will consist of the officers and the advisor. All actions and recommendations of the executive committee shall be subject to the review of the general membership and Faculty Council.
Faculty Council
- The Faculty Council shall be appointed by the principal each year. All efforts will be made to select teachers from multiple subject areas. These members may serve consecutive terms.
- The club sponsor (advisor) will be a nonvoting member of the Faculty Council.
- The Faculty Council will meet for the following purposes:
- Once a year to review the procedures of the chapter
- Twice a year to select members
- As needed to review member status.
- The Faculty Council will also participate in any disciplinary actions taken concerning members. Students who are subject to disciplinary actions will be notified in writing and given sufficient time to correct the deficiency as directed by the advisor.
- In all cases of pending dismissal, a member shall have a right to a hearing before the Faculty Council. This will be presented in a written format for review by the Faculty Council.
Guidelines for Election of National Honor Society Officers
Any junior in the National Honor Society is capable of running for an officer position.
- Any interested candidates will receive a copy of the bylaws before elections and must sign indicating that they have read and understand these guidelines.
- Any interested member needs to write a paragraph indicating why you are interested in running for an officer position, any past experience you may have had in the club, and why your peers should vote for you.
- Your paragraph may not be longer than 100 words.
- You need to email this paragraph (or bring it in on disk) to Mrs. Escoffier at . No late speeches will be accepted.
- All responses will be combined on paper, and copies will be distributed at the meeting, when elections will be held. All members who wish to vote must attend this meeting.
- All newly elected officers must attend graduation.
- All elected officers must attend new member ceremonies.
National Honor Society Officer Positions
All elected officers are required to participate in the graduation ceremony.
President of the National Honor Society has responsibilities to keep the club running. The President’s job includes creating the agendas for the monthly meetings and leading the meetings. He/she must also organize club events and contact community organizations and charities for these events. The President has a role in the National Honor Society induction ceremony in the fall and spring and also helps out with the Facebook page and other club tasks. He/she should be willing to make a time commitment to the club and to work with Mrs. Escoffier and other officers.
Vice President of the National Honor Society is a key position in the club that comes with multiple responsibilities. As VP you should be prepared to help out the President with agenda making, to attend all meetings, and to be an active participant in all the drives and activities. You will also have the responsibility of inducting new members into the club in both October and April. As VP, you are a leader of the club and should therefore be a role model to other club members, encouraging all members to participate in the multiple NHS events. You should represent the club in the best way possible. You will work to communicate with general club membership along with the other officers. It is important that you are a dependable, approachable person with strong communication skills, as it is purely up to you to check in with the other officers and your sponsor (Mrs. Escoffier) on a regular basis to ensure that everything is going successfully.
The treasurer is responsible for updating the roster approximately every month (for dues and club points). This is a crucial job as it keeps the records of all of the club members. The treasurer is also expected to help the Vice president and president with tasks such as planning the agenda and communication with club members. The treasurer has a role in the fall and spring induction ceremony. He/she should be willing to make a time commitment to the club and work with Mrs. Escoffier and other officers.
**Note: These job descriptions are flexible – there are various ways to distribute the tasks. However, all members running for officer positions should have the time to put toward the club. They should also be prepared to work with Mrs. Escoffier and the other officers.