Supervisor Review Tool Key

The act, failure to act, or pattern of behavior on the part of the caregiver that results in death, medical, sexual, or emotional harm or presents imminent threat of harm to child.
The presence of or imminent threats of serious harm
List measures taken to control the identified safety threat. / Describe the extent of the maltreatment.
Some Areas to Consider:
What is the extent of the maltreatment and your finding?
•Type of maltreatment
•Severity of the maltreatment
•Imminent threat of serious harm
•What happened
•Emotional / physical symptoms
•Identify victim and maltreator
Contributing Factors: issues that are part of the cause for a situation in protective services. These are observable environmental conditions and maladaptive/dysfunctional behaviors that present safety threats.
•Employment and financial status
•Substance use
•Mental health / physical health issues
•Domestic Violence
Underlying Factors:the causes or reasons that lie beneath the surface. In child protective services these are the root causes of safety threats that may not be readily observable, but must be addressed to sustain change.
•Maltreatment history
•How parent’s needs are met
•Reason for being a parent – Planned or accidental pregnancy
•Parent’s satisfaction level being a parent – Resentful, tired, burdened, verses joyful and glad, etc.
•Parent’s knowledge of child development and child caring skills
•Parent’s perspective on the child’s need for protection
•Cultural influences on the parenting approach
•How that parent was parented
•Parent’s concept, purpose, and method of discipline / Risk
Probability that any form of child maltreatment, regardless of severity, may occur or recur in the future
List services and/or strategies identified to increase protective capacity and/or reduce child vulnerability.
Protective Capacity
Individual and family strengths, resources or characteristics that mitigate threats of serious harm to a child or demonstrate that the child is being adequately protected. In this context, family strengths or resources refer only to those characteristics that directly affect the safety of the child. Can and will the caregiver protect the child.
The presence of or imminent threats of serious harm
List measures taken to control the identified safety threat. / Some Areas to Consider: The parent MUST be engaged in this assessment
•Parent’s expectations of the child
•Parental intent
•Parental impairment
•Parental behavioral, cognitive and emotional characteristics
•Parent’s perspective and attitude
•Parental motivation to protect
•Parent’s decision-making process
•Protective capacity reliably deployed
•Cultural influences on the parenting approach
•Environmental characteristics
•What type of support system the parent has and community involvement / Risk
Probability that any form of child maltreatment, regardless of severity, may occur or recur in the future
List services and/or strategies identified to increase protective capacity and/or reduce child vulnerability.
Child Vulnerability
Refers to a child’s capacity for self-protection. It is the degree to which a child can avoid, negate or modify safety threats, or compensate for the caregiver’s missing or insufficient protective capacities.
The presence of or imminent threats of serious harm
List measures taken to control the identified safety threat. / Some Areas to Consider:
Evaluate each child in the family individually.
•Each child’s general mood and temperament – provocative, irritating or non-assertive behavior
•Each child’s physical, cognitive, social and emotional development
•Each child’s role in the family
•Child visibility
•Accessibility by perpetrator / Risk
Probability that any form of child maltreatment, regardless of severity, may occur or recur in the future
List services and/or strategies identified to increase protective capacity and/or reduce child vulnerability.


PEAS & KAROTSBig Book of Why? Safety and Risk

March, 2010

Supervisor Review Tool

The act, failure to act, or pattern of behavior on the part of the caregiver that results in death, medical, sexual, or emotional harm or presents imminent threat of harm to child.
The presence of or Imminent threats of serious harm
List measures taken to control the identified safety threat. / Describe the extent of the maltreatment.
What are the contributing factors that may cause or be associated with child maltreatment and identified underlying factors? / Risk
Probability that any form of child maltreatment, regardless of severity, may occur or recur in the future
List services and/or strategies identified to increase protective capacity and/or reduce child vulnerability.
Protective Capacity
Individual and family strengths, resources or characteristics that mitigate threats of serious harm to a child or demonstrate that the child is being adequately protected. In this context, family strengths or resources refer only to those characteristics that directly affect the safety of the child.
The presence of or Imminent threats of serious harm
List measures taken to control the identified safety threat. / What is the protective capacity of the family?
List specific strengths, resources or characteristics that exist, or absenceof, that impact the protective capacity. / Risk
Probability that any form of child maltreatment, regardless of severity, may occur or recur in the future
List services and/or strategies identified to increase protective capacity and/or reduce child vulnerability.
Child Vulnerability
Refers to a child’s capacity for self-protection. It is the degree to which a child can avoid, negate or modify safety threats, or compensate for the caregiver’s missing or insufficient protective capacities.
The presence of or imminent threats of serious harm
List measures taken to control the identified safety threat. / Describe child’s vulnerability.
All children within a family setting should be assessed. / Risk
Probability that any form of child maltreatment, regardless of severity, may occur or recur in the future
List services and/or strategies identified to increase protective capacity and/or reduce child vulnerability.


PEAS & KAROTSBig Book of Why? Safety and Risk

March, 2010