As at April 2016
The name of the League shall be the “Sunday Cross Country League.”
The words “Executive Committee” (hereinafter referred to as the Executive) relates to the management committee of the Sunday Cross Country League as elected at the Annual General Meeting.
The objects of the League shall be: -
A) The promotion of cross country running in accordance with the Laws of the Governing Bodies of British Athletics.
The League shall consist of:-
Any club acceptable to the League and the governing bodies of British Athletics and that conforms to object 3(a) above, on payment of the annual affiliation fee both to the League and to the appropriate Governing Body for that club.
The Officers of the League shall be the General Secretary, Treasurer and Results Secretary. All Officers shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting.
An Annual General Meeting shall be held in April or May and written notice shall be given, by the General Secretary, to all members clubs at least 21 days before the meeting
The business of the meeting shall be;-
A) To receive and approve the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting and those of any Extraordinary General Meeting not already approved.
B)To receive and approve the General Secretary’s annual report.
C)To receive and approve the Accounts, Balance Sheet and Auditors’ Report.
D)To elect the General Secretary, Treasurer and Results Secretary as proposed by the members.
E)To agree dates and venues for the coming season.
F)To consider properly places motions as stated in the agenda.
A)All races shall be held within the laws and rules of the governing bodies of British Athletics and such local rules as the Executive shall determine.
B)Each hosting club shall be responsible for the course, marshals and officials.
C)There will be a combined race for men and women normally starting at 10.30am. Women and men will run in same distance in one combined race.
D)The team scoring shall be the first eight men from each club and the first five women. B teams will consist of the next five men and the next three women. In order to qualify for the B team competition, clubs must field a full B team in the opening match and at least a partial B team in subsequent matches. Masters/Veteran athletes will have their own team scoring, four for men and three for women, but they are also included in the senior competition.
E)Race cancellation or abandonment –five races should be held each season. If a race is cancelled or abandoned for whatever reason and a suitable alternative date cannot be found, team and individual positions will be decided over four races. If two races are cancelled, positions will be decided over three races, etc.
F)Club colours are to be worn.
G)Headphones –runners must not run wearing headphones or other impediments to their hearing. The Referee may disqualify any athlete who does not comply with this rule.
H)First Claim - where a runner is a member of more than one club that is a member of the League, they must compete for their first claim club. Any athlete who has resigned from their former first claim club and has switched to first claim membership of another League club is eligible to compete and score immediately, even if they are subject to aneligibility ban from the governing body.
A)The affiliation fee shall be an amount determined by a General Meeting of the League.
B)No representative of a club whose fees are in arrears shall be entitled to vote at any General meeting of the League.
C)The Executive shall have the power to suspend membership of, or expel from the League, any club whose affiliation fee is in arrears.
D)Affiliation fees shall become due before the start of the first fixture.
Resignation for the League shall be in writing to the General Secretary. Any club not having sent such notice on or before the start of the new cross country season shall be liable for the ensuing annual subscription applicable.
No rule of the League shall be altered nor new rule passed except when TWO THIRDS of the persons attending and entitled to vote at an Annual General
Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting called for the purpose vote in favour of the action.
A)The Executive shall be responsible for any matter not directly covered by this Constitution and Rules and have the power to take appropriate action.
B)The General Secretary shall send a copy of these Rules to every new club and subsequently any amendment to the Rules. Every club shall be deemed to have received these Rules and shall be bound by them.