Solar System Resources
Education Activities on the Solar System at LPI
Many of our activities are available for download at and at
Year of the Solar System
This site includes a variety of monthly topics (such as impacts, volcanism, scale) and provides a variety of activities, information, resources, and event opportunities for each. There is also a location where visitors can add information about their own events.
Jupiter’s Family Secrets
These activities were created for informal education audiences, but most can be applied directly to the classroom.
Astrobiology Educator Resource Guide
This site includes activities and powerpoints used in a NASA Astrobiology workshop given in Houston.
Solar System Cards
A sorting activity using cards of objects in the Solar System, produced by the Astronomical Society of the Pacific.
Gravitation 3.8
An interactive gravity modeler that can simulate a solar system, and allows you to drag the planets into new parameters.
Evolution of Our Solar System
Students work in groups or as a class to determine the order of events that formed our solar system. This is an excellent activity to begin discussion of events that shaped the solar system and how Earth's geosphere and biosphere have changed — in an interrelated manner — through time. It also is a strong assessment activity.
Project Spectra! @LASP
Project SPECTRA! is a science and engineering program for 6th - 12th grade students, focusing on how light is used to explore the Solar System. It includes the Goldilocks and the Three Planets activity.
Comets: Very Eccentric Characters!
Information and a large modeling activity for the orbits of comets, to be done outside with chalk and string.
Highs and Lows, Floods and Flows (5th–8th grade)
Teams of students become familiar with the topography of Mars, its geologic features, and patterns of features using a color-coded topographic (MOLA) map. They discuss the geologic processes that have or are occurring and assign relative ages. Based on their observations and interests, they propose a landing site for their exploration team. and
Astronomy Simulations and Animations
A compilation of various online programs on astronomical topics. This site includes a variety of higher-end simulations for solar system topics; not appropriate for elementary but some may be useful for middle school.
Websites --Information and Curriculum
Education Resources on the Solar System at LPI
We have placed today’s powerpoints onto our Web site so that you may access them for yourselves. Feel free to download and share with other teachers.
- The powerpoints are not intended to be used directly as they are in K-12 classrooms. You may edit them to use as appropriate.
The powerpoints are located under the Resources section at:
Year of the Solar System
This site includes a variety of monthly topics (such as impacts, volcanism, scale) and provides a variety of activities, information, resources, and event opportunities for each. There is also a location where visitors can add information about their own events.
NASA Astrobiology Institute
This site includes activities and powerpoints used in a NASA Astrobiology workshop given in Houston.
Solar System Simulator
This interactive can be used to visualize the locations of planets, moons, and spacecraft, and their distances.
A learning center for the young astronomer that presents space information for both young and older children, with a special section on our Solar System. StarChild includes student activities, graphics, and a glossary, and is offered in several languages.
NASA's Space Science Resource Directory
A useful tool for locating NASA Solar System resources, for particular grade levels or resource types.
The Nine Planets
By Bill Arnett's "Nine Planets" series
Contains detailed and consistently updated information on the objects in our Solar System, including a multimedia tour of our solar system, information about planets, moons, asteroids, comets, the Kuiper belt, and the Oort cloud that is most appropriate for young adults and adults.
Windows to the Universe—Solar System
A program of the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, launches you into a variety of Solar System topics and activities on all levels. The site is user friendly and includes Spanish translations.
This program includes a dvd with Native American myths and legends about the Universe. The SkyTeller’s web Site at the Lunar and Planetary Institute includes information, activities, and resources on a variety of astronomical subjects. Educators can also order the dvd and play the stories for their classes.
Solar System
Exploring Planets in the Classroom - Hands-on Activities
This site contains terrestrial planet geological process pages for teachers, student activity sheets and activities on meteorites.
NASA’s Solar System Exploration Forum
Provides the latest on missions (past/present/future) with images and releases, as well as up-to-date background information about our planetary bodies and moons. The education link includes materials, lesson plans, and resources for children and educators.
Zoom Astronomy
By Enchanted Learning, this Web site offers a compendium of information for all ages, allowing readers to “zoom” to the appropriate level of information for each topic. The user friendly site provides a wealth of information on the planets, moons, smaller planetary bodies, and the origin of the solar system. There are numerous crafts, activities, and coloring pages offered as well.
Paper Plate Education
Children ages 10–13 can build 3-D models of the planets showing the interiors of each. Using paper plates and colored markers, children draw the layers of the planet to correspond in scale to the planet’s interior. The idea is flexible, but instructions are minimal. Images of planetary interiors can be found at Cutaway Planet Interiors.
3-D Tour of the Solar System
By the Lunar and Planetary Institute, provides images of the Sun, planets, moons, and asteroids, and an overview of the entire solar system. Some images online at
CD available at .
The Planetary Photojournal
Provides excellent images of the bodies of our Solar System. This site is suitable for children 11 and up and is easy to navigate.
Planetary Science Research Discoveries
Offers the latest research on meteorites, planets, and other solar system bodies from NASA-sponsored scientists. The site has a good search engine and is designed for young adults to adults.
American Museum of Natural History’s Astronomy magazine
For children ages 10–13, this Web site allows viewers to meet people who study astronomy and learn all about our Sun, the Milky Way Galaxy, and the universe. Hands-on activities and games are included.