Sun. 12th9:15 a.m. Bible Study
9:30 a.m.Sunday school
10:30 a.m.Worship Service
4 p.m.Financial Peace University CLC
7 p.m.Pinochle party at CLC
Mon. 13th7 p.m.Bible Study here
Tues. 14th7:30 p.m.Dorcas Circle meeting
Wed. 15th5 p.m.Midweek at CLC
6-8 p.m.Confirmation class at CLC
7 p.m.Adult Choir here
Thurs. 16th6:30 p.m.Breakfast Bible study at CLC
Sun. 19th9:15 a.m. Bible Study
9:30 a.m.Sunday school
10:30 a.m.Worship Service
5-8 p.m.Youth deliver cards and Bible
study at CLC with pizza
Mon. 20th7 p.m.Bible Study here
Wed. 22nd5 p.m.Midweek at CLC
6-8 p.m.Confirmation class at CLC
7 p.m.Adult Choir here
Thurs. 23rd6:30 p.m.Breakfast Bible study at CLC
Sun. 26th9:15 a.m. Bible Study
9:30 a.m.Sunday school
10:30 a.m.Worship Service with Holy
5-8 p.m.Youth deliver cards and Bible
study at CLC with pizza
Mon. 27th7 p.m.Bible Study here
Wed. 1st5 p.m.Midweek at CLC
6 p.m.Adult Choir here
6-7:30 p.m.Confirmation class at CLC
7:30 p.m.Ash Wednesday Services at CLC
Thurs. 2nd6:30 p.m.Breakfast Bible study at CLC
Reminder: Please let the office know if you are going into the hospital or wish Pastor to visit.
0FFICE HOURS 402-245-4643
Pastor 245-4618 or 402-360-4081
Wed. & Thurs. Afternoons at St. Paul’s Lutheran
Kathy 402-245-5459
Wednesday and Thursday 1-4 p.m.
Receiving Communion at St. Paul's
If you are a member of a Lutheran Church Missouri Synod congregation and wish to commune here for the first time, please see the Pastor or an Elder first. Persons who are baptized members of another denomination that is not in Altar or Pulpit fellowship are invited to come forward for a special blessing. Please, cross your arms over your heart indicating your desire to receive a blessing. Please announce for communion by indicating your intentions on the reverse side of the attendance sheet. (These will be gathered during the opening hymn.)
Special Services 2017
Mar. 1st Ash Wed. at CLC at 7:30 p.m.
Mar. 8th Lenten Service here at 7:30 p.m.
April 5th Questioning of Confirmands at St. Paul’s at 7:30 p.m.
Portals of Prayer
The Portals of Prayer January through March 2017 copies have arrived and are on the table in the Narthex.
Choice Dollars make a Difference!
In the year 2016 St. Paul’s received $3011 in choice dollars from you! These dollars have been given to so many people helping them and encouraging them. Remember that your remaining 2016 Choice Dollars will expire on March 31st. Make sure you direct your 2016 Choice Dollars today!
Sixth Sunday after Epiphany
February 12th, 2017
St. Paul’s EvangelicalLutheranChurch
65103 712 Road
Falls CityNE68355
Rev. Dan Gifford,Pastor
Rev. Kip and Ivy Hoech,
Missionaries to the Dungan People
Rev. Jeffrey and Michele Kuddes,
Missionaries to Madagascar
Our Mission ~ “To serve the needs of all members so as to grow in the true Word and Sacraments, so that we share God’s blessings among ourselves and reach out with them to those who need Jesus Christ’slove.”
We remember in our prayers, especially our shut-ins:
Patsy Fritz, Marcella Niedfeldt, Evelyn Wissmann, and Esther Zentner
We pray for all members of our congregation remembering especially:Scott and Rita Kreifels; Kay Krogmann; and Dale and Darlene Moore
We remember in our prayers this week:
Curtis Braum, Sally Cook, Ronda Eagle,Debbie Ebel, Phyllis Eickhoff, Patsy Fritz, Bill Iliff, Donna Meyer, Mark Meyer, Rich Niedfeldt, Evelyn Wissmann, and Esther Zentner
We remember all military personnel and their families and especially the military serving overseas and our missionaries serving overseas
We remember in our prayers those of the Christ Lutheran family: Joyce Bek, Mary Lou Coonce, Alice Eickhoff, Ruth Groothuis, Patty Holtz, Bonnie Hossfeld, Linda Karst, Joan Magdanz, Darrell Rannebeck, Ron Schwartz, Irene Taylor, and Ken and Bonnie Zentner
Special Days to remember this week –Feb. 12th-18th
12th Luke Gifford13th Karson Simpson
14th Megan Eickhoff17th Lori Rech
14th Scott Kreifels
15th Evelyn Wissmann
16th Alexis Schawang
17th Marie Parsons
The Gospel at Work
Christ’s Servants Today: Our Efforts for our King:
Elder: Phil FritzAtt. For 2/05/17:79
Organist: Ray Huebner/Connie Rowland Offering on 1/29/17: $2732
Greeters onFeb. 12th:Dist. Mission: $
Trevor and Katelyn GodemannKuddes: $
Greeters onFeb. 19th:Hoech’s: $
Muriel Docker and Jean NiedfeldtNeed per week: $1965
February Ushers: Elwood Steinke, Harvey, Ryan and Jared Eickhoff
Communion ware on Feb. 12th:Katie Niedfeldt
Visits Welcome!
Phyllis Eickhoff is staying at F.C. Nursing and Rehab, 1720 Burton Drive, Room 116, and would love to have company!
Financial Peace University
A Financial Peace University Class is going to be held beginning this afternoon at 4 p.m. at Christ Lutheran Church. This 9-week class will teach people God’s way of handling money. Participants will learn from Dave Ramsey’s materials on saving, giving, and budgeting, just to name a few. If you are interested in participating contact Derrick Leyden, 402-450-3824, or to sign up go to and search for Falls City, NE.
SONG OF JOY Adult Choir
Sing to the Lord a song of gladness, sing to the Lord a song of joy.
Sing to the Lord for He is gracious. Sing to the Lord a song of joy!
Offer praises of thanksgiving to the Lord who reigns on high.
Lift your voices, sound the trumpet, strike the cymbal, play upon the pipe.
Gloria in excelsis Deo, sing hallelujah, praise the Lord!
Gloria in excelsis Deo, sing hallelujah, praise the Lord!
(Verse 1 and 3 sung simultaneously)
Joyful, joyful we adore Thee, God of glory, Lord of love.
Hearts unfold like flowers before Thee, opening to the sun above.
Gloria in excelsis, Deo, sing hallelujah, praise the Lord!
Gloria in excelsis Deo, sing to the Lord a song of joy!
Sing to the Lord a song of joy!
Servicemen Addresses
Addresses for our three men in the service are:
2LT Ethan Fritz Sgt. James, John (Feb. 28 bday)
ALPHA Battery2440 Ouagadougou
A BTRY 6/37Dulles, VA 20189
Unit #15405Burkina FASO
APO AP 96224
United States
PVT Gifford, Luke RN 156(Feb. 12 bday)
1st PLT
BRAVO Company 2-19th Infantry
5375 Hanson Drive
Fort Benning, GA 31905
Luke requests letters only, no packages, no pictures and no paper clippings at this time.
Divine ServiceIII– Page184
Ringing of the Bell
Opening Hymn………….LSB645
“Built On the Rock”
Inv, Conf. & Absolution…..P. 184
Kyrie………………………P. 186
Gloria in Excelsis…………P. 187
Collect……………………… Insert
O. T. Rdg..Deuteronomy 30:15-20
Epistle………1 Corinthians 3:1-9
Holy Gospel……Matthew 5:21-37
Nicene Creed……………P. 191
Hymn of the Day……….LSB394
“Songs of Thankfulness and Praise”
“Song of Joy” ...... Adult Choir
Offertory……………….LSB 805
“Praise God, From Whom All Blessings Flow”
Service of the Sacrament..P. 194
Distribution Hymns
“Renew Me, O Eternal..LSB 704
Oh, That the Lord….”...LSB 707
Nunc Dimittis...... P. 199
Benediction...... P. 202
Closing Hymn………….LSB921
“On What Has Now Been Sown”