All Dandenong High School students are required to wear the Dandenong High School uniform. The uniform is available from our uniform supplier Dandy SchoolWear, 8/169 Cheltenham Road, Dandenong. Phone: 9792 3187 (Melways Map 89 K8)


Set out below is the ONLY approved summer uniform for girls attending Dandenong High School.

  • Summer School dress – must be in the regular knee-length version with short sleeves or a long version with full length sleeves in school colours and approved Dandenong High School cotton material.
  • Shorts – approved royal blue, knee length, tailored shorts, mid-blue short sleeved open neck shirt with straight hem to be worn with shorts.
  • Trousers - approved winter school slacks, royal blue in colour, [tight fitting, stretch or navy blue/black slacks are not approved]. Mid-blue short sleeved open neck shirt with straight hem to be worn with trousers.
  • Short white socks to be worn with shorts [not anklets]
  • Plain white long socks only to be worn with school dress. Opaque white tights may be worn with summer school dress [optional]
  • Shoes - Flat heel, black polished leather lace-up school shoes only
  • Approved school jumper
  • Year 12 students may wear the specifically designed Year 12 windcheater in place of the school jumper
  • Dandenong High School approved waterproof jacket may be worn in class
  • Dandenong High School cap or hat or plain dark blue cap or hat may be worn out of class only [no logos]. No beanies allowed.

The School Council is culturally inclusive and has allowed some small variations to the summer uniform:

  • Long summer school dress with full length sleeves in approved Dandenong High School cotton material – available on order from the uniform supplier
  • White opaque tights
  • Navy blue headscarf


  • Short sleeve mid blue open neck shirt with straight hem which may be worn inside or outside trousers
  • Tailored grey melange school trousers or tailored grey knee length school shorts
  • Approved school jumper
  • Shoes - Flat heel, black polished leather lace up school shoes only
  • Long or short plain grey socks to be worn with school trousers or school shorts
  • Year 12 students may wear the specially designed Year 12 windcheater in place of the school jumper
  • Dandenong High School approved waterproof jacket may be worn in class
  • Dandenong High School cap or hat or plain dark blue cap or hat may be worn out of class only [no logos]. No beanies allowed


Set out below is the ONLY School Council approved winter uniform for girls attending Dandenong High School.

  • Approved winter school skirt OR approved winter school slacks, royal blue in colour, [tight fitting, stretch or navy blue/black slacks are not approved]. Approved school skirt and slacks are available from the school uniform supplier. The skirt must be worn at knee length or in the longer version.
  • Navy long socks or navy tights to be worn with the winter skirt. Navy short socks may be worn but only under slacks.
  • Mid-blue long sleeve business shirt [tucked in at all times]
  • Dandenong High School tie to be worn with the mid blue long sleeve business shirt
  • Flat heel, black polished leather lace up school shoes only
  • Approved school jumper
  • The Dandenong High School scarf is the only approved scarf that may be worn
  • Plain dark blue gloves with fingers may be worn [out of class only]
  • Dandenong High School approved waterproof jacket may be worn in class
  • Year 12 students may wear the specifically designed Year 12 windcheater in place of the school jumper
  • Dandenong High School cap or hat or dark blue cap or hat may be worn out of class only [no logos]. No beanies allowed.

The School Council is culturally inclusive and has allowed some small variations to winter uniform.

  • Navy blue headscarf
  • Approved school skirt in long version


Set out below is the only School Council approved winter uniform for boys attending Dandenong High School.

  • Long sleeve mid blue business shirt [to be tucked in at all times]
  • Dandenong High School tie to be worn with the mid-blue long sleeve business shirt
  • Approved tailored grey melange school trousers [not baggy, charcoal grey or elasticised waist].
  • Flat heel, black polished leather lace up school shoes only
  • Plain grey short socks to be worn with trousers
  • The Dandenong High School scarf is the only approved scarf that may be worn
  • Plain dark blue gloves with fingers may be worn [out of class only]
  • Approved school jumper
  • Year 12 students may wear the specifically designed Year 12 windcheater in place of the school jumper
  • Dandenong High School approved waterproof jacket may be worn in class
  • Dandenong High School cap or hat or dark blue cap or hat may be worn out of class only [no logos]. No beanies allowed


It is an expectation that all students in Physical Education classes at Dandenong High School, will wear the correct and approved PE uniform and footwear. Students will be issued with consequences if they do not bring/wear the correct uniform at all times.

Approved PE uniform:

There are no variations to this uniform and students must wear the complete PE uniform in all PE classes. Approved PE uniform items can be purchased from the school uniform supplier Dandy Schoolwear.

Approved Footwear:

During Physical Education classes, students are involved in a number of activities which if not wearing the appropriate footwear can cause injury and a risk to the students. Students are often playing on uneven surfaces, and varying surface types, and are engaging in activities where a constant change of direction is required, as well as shock absorption.

It is the policy of the PE department at Dandenong High School to only allow students to participate in Physical Education classes if they are wearing the appropriate footwear. The term ‘appropriate footwear’ does not just refer to shoes that are just a comfortable fit.

Appropriate/approved footwear refers to:

  • Shoes that offer support for the feet and ankles.
  • Shoes that have soles that cushion and have a non-skid surface
  • Shoes that have laces to provide additional support

Samples of approved footwear as below:

Non-approved footwear includes:

  • Slip-on shoes, including kick boxing, ballet or canvas style shoes
  • Shoes with little or no cushioning – flat surface such as chucks and volleys
  • Shoes without laces
  • Any fashion style shoe that is not designed to be worn for physical activity

Samples of Non-approved footwear as below


PE Summer Uniform

  • Dandenong High School PE top
  • DHS polar fleece jumper
  • DHS dark blue shorts
  • Dandenong High School football socks - boys
  • White socks – girls
  • Runners

Sun Protection – a Dandenong High School cap/hat or plain navy blue brimmed cap or hat should be worn during Terms 1 and 4. (No logo’s)

Bathers and a towel are required for the Year 7 swimming program.

PE Winter Uniform

As per summer uniform with –

  • DHS dark blue tracksuit pants and jacket
  • DHS polar fleece jumper

Evaluation: This policy will be reviewed as part of the school’s three year review cycle

School Council Endorsement Date:19th August 2014