Summit County 4-H Saddle Horse Association, Inc.



Article I

Meetings shall be called at the discretion of the president and/or the 4-H Extension Office. General membership meetings will be held on the third Thursday of each month but may be cancelled at the discretion of the membership present at the preceding meeting. In case of inclement weather, members should call a member of the executive committee to ascertain the status of the meeting, i.e., postponed, cancelled, to be held.

Article II

A quorum shall consist of a representative from one half (1/2) plus one (1) of Summit County 4-H saddle horse clubs, as determined by OSU Extension.

Article III- Elections and Duties of Officers

Section A. Officer Nomination and Election

  1. The President shall appoint a nominating committee of a chairperson and at least one other member at the July SC4HSHA meeting
  2. The nominating committee will select at least one nominee for each office. The committee will present the nominees at the August SC4HSHA meeting. Nominees may decline their nomination at the August meeting.
  3. Additionalself nominations may be made at the September SC4HSHA meeting.
  4. Election of officers will occur at the September SC4HSHA meeting.
  5. Elections will be run and overseen by the Trustees. After elections are complete and results are finalized and accepted, all ballots will be destroyed.
  6. Following elections, all previous officers’ files, both hard copy and electronic, will be turned over to the incoming officers at or before the October SC4HSHA meeting. Incumbent officers will conduct the September meeting and newly-elected officers will take over at the October meeting, with the exception of the Treasurer, whose term will run from January 1 to December 31 of the calendar year. Failure to turn over files will result in permanent revocation of membership in SC4HSHA and may result in prosecution.
  7. Officers must be members of SC4HSHAin good standingfor at least six months and an advisor in good standing.

Section B. If an officer resigns or can no longer serve as an officer, voting members will select a replacement with open nominations and elections at the Association meeting following the notice of the member vacating the office. All files for the office must be turned over to the Executive committee upon being relieved of office.

Section C. Duties of Officers:

1.President: The president shall preside at all meetings of the association and have in mind at all times the best interest of the association. The president shall appoint all chairpersons, the Summit County Agricultural Society (SCAS) liaison, and the point secretary(s). The president shall be an ex-officio member of all committees except the nominating committee. The president may not be chairperson of any committee. This is a non-voting position unless there is a tie at which time the president will cast the deciding vote.

2.Vice President: The vice president shall assist the president (including questions regarding Robert’s Rules of Order) and preside in case of the president’s absence. The vice president will be responsible for recording committee meeting dates, monitoring their progress, and reporting the committees’ progress at the monthly executive meetings.

3.Secretary: The secretary shall keep a record of all proceedings of the association, act as a correspondent, and keep a correct enrollment and attendance record of all members and clubs. The secretary shall be responsible to report membership status at each monthly meeting. The monthly minutes of the association will accurately record all expenses passed by a majority vote of the membership present at the meeting. In the absence of the president and the vice president, the secretary will preside over the monthly meeting.

4.Treasurer: The treasurer is elected for a two year term.The treasurer will record each deposit in the check ledger accurately and will keep an accurate record of the current balance after each ledger entry. The treasurer will record “paid to” and for what with every ledger entry.

The treasurer will record every checking account activity accurately and in a timely fashion into the checking account ledger. Every entry in the check ledger will be complete, accurate, and current. All checks written will have a matching expense invoice and/or receipts. All bank account statements will be reconciled monthly upon receipt and any discrepancies with the bank will be reported at the next regularly scheduled association meeting.

The treasurer’s monthly report to the association members will reflect the actual activity of the account. The written report will include any and all association accounts and holding(s). The written report will include the sources of deposit(s) and itemized invoice information pertaining to all checks written for that month. The association’s financial books shall be made available to the membership at every association meeting. Financial books do not leave the possession of the treasurer. No check will be written without a majority vote of the association members present at the regularly scheduled meeting of the association. In an emergency, and based on a majority vote of the executive committee, two officers with signing privileges (president, vice president, and/or secretary), in the absence of the treasurer, may issue a check in the amount of not more than $250.00$350.00 to a single person or business, and such expense will be reported to the association at the next regularly scheduled association meeting. No checks will be written of the budgeted amount to any committee or individual. No check will be issued without the proper itemized receipt and request form; the receipts will be attached to the request form immediately prior to the check being written with the check number noted on all receipts and request forms. All bills submitted to the association for reimbursement must be turned in to the treasurer within ninety (90) days of the date validated on the itemized receipt. All check requests must be submitted prior to the meeting being called to order for disbursement at the association meeting. Two signatures will be required on every check, one being the treasurer and the other being either the president, vice-president, or secretary. The treasurer, president, vice-president, and secretary will have signature cards on file with the association’s financial institution. All fundraising monies, not including show revenue, shall be tallied by the committee chairperson, one other committee member, and one other SC4-HSHA executive committee member.

The treasurer shall provide the association a report from QuickBooks during audit months.

5.Trustees: The trustees shall audit the association’s financial books quarterly in January, April, July and October. A copy of the January and July audits will be provided to the 4H office and the findings and recommendations will be reported to the association at the subsequent monthly meeting. The trustees will perform a physical inventory of the equipment that will be completed one (1) time per year and will be reported to the association by April 30th of each year. The inventory list will be kept by the treasurer.

Article IV- Point Secretary

  1. The Fair Point Secretary and Open Show Point Secretary are appointed by the president of SC4HSHA. The Point Secretaries may be the same person or two different people.
  2. The position of Fair Point Secretary and Open Show Point Secretary is unpaid.
  3. Duties of the Point Secretaries:
  4. Record and maintain entries into the computer
  5. Provide class lists and announcer reports
  6. Assist with calculation of year end and high point awards and versatility eligibility, including keeping information for special awards (ie: rotating trophies)
  7. Ensure compliance and eligibility requirements for exhibitors
  8. Complete review of points with Executive Committee prior to distributing awards.
  9. Maintain backup files for all point systems at least twice a day during an event.
  10. WrittenAll points records must remain in the Saddle Horse building.
  11. Fair points will be posted in a conspicuous place daily.
  12. If any issues are noticed with posted points, a formal written query must be filed with the fair chairperson who will bring issues to the attention of point secretary and executive committee.

Article V- Committees

Section A: Any committee that deals with the outcome of an award may not consist of more than 1 committee member affiliated with any club. A substitute committee member will be appointed by the president in the case of a conflict of interest. An applicant from the committee member’s 4H club is a conflict of interest.

Section B: Scholarship selection committee is composed of 3 members of SC4HSHA, with 1 alternate selected, and approved by the executive committee. The Scholarship Selection members must have minimal knowledge of the applicants. The scholarship selection committee shall follow the guidelines listed below to determine eligibility for the scholarship:

  • 4-H’er must have been a registered and active member of 4-H for at least 3 years, including the current year.
  • 4-H’er must have taken a horse project for the past 3 years minimum, including the current year.
  • 4-H’er must be a graduating high school senior or a first-year college or vocational student, meeting the 4-H age qualification.
  • 4-H’er must provide proof of attendance at their college or vocational school prior to the association issuing the scholarship check.
  • The scholarship check will be made payable directly to the college or vocational school.

Scholarship Judging Criteria for a possible 100 points total is as follows:

  • Interview = 30 points
  • 3 Horse-Related Questions = 5 points each (up to 15 points total)
  • 4-H Story Written Essay and Resume = 20 points
  • Local Club Work = 15 points
  • County and Community Activities = 20 points

Section C: Club Representation on Committees

  1. Every club must either:
  2. Have one representative at 75% of major committee meetings; OR
  3. Chair an active committee, major or minor
  4. Failure to participate as defined will result in the non-participating club’s advisers not receiving wristbands for the current year’s fair.
  5. Committees
  6. The major committees recognized by SC4HSHA are:
  7. Rules
  8. Fair
  9. Open Show
  1. An “Active Committee” is defined as
  2. A committee that meets during the year and presents minutes and attendance to the executive committee for review; OR
  3. Performs a function that maybe short-term or not require many members but is vital to the function of the association, and has visible results.
  4. Other standing committees are: Finance,Rules, Scholarship, Awards, Fundraising, Maintenance, and Academic.
  5. Co-Chairpersons are required for major committees. Co-Chairpersons are recommended for minor committees.

Section D: Committees and Financial Reporting

  1. All committees that receive funds intended for use to further the needs of SC4HSHA must follow the following procedure:
  1. Have two people, including the committee chairperson and one other committee member, count and record the starting balance of the funds, and sign and date the results.
  2. Log any expenditures out of these funds, including but not limited to receipts from purchases. If a purchase is made during the event and the purchaser either uses association funds or is reimburse immediately for the purchase with association funds, signed documentation of what was needed, reason for purchase, and authorizing agent must be included with the receipt. No expenditures over $100.00 may be made in this manner. If determined to be unnecessary by the SC4HSHA at the next regular meeting after the expenditure, the person receiving the funds may be responsible to reimburse SC4HSHA.
  3. Upon completing the event, two people, including committee chairperson and one other committee member, must immediately count and record all monies received by the committee at the event, noting any expenditures, receipts, and other miscellaneous financial transactions. The two individuals must sign they have done this.
  4. If any funds are earned or left over after the event, the committee chair must deliver the funds to the SC4HSHA Treasurer within 24 hoursor deposit funds at the financial institution and notify Treasurer of the amount of deposit by the next business day after completion of the event for deposit in the account. In cases of hardship, the SC4HSHA Treasurer may direct the committee chair to deposit the funds in the appropriate account by the end of the next business day. A deposit receipt must be returned to the Treasurer as soon as possible if the Treasurer does not make the deposit.

Section E: Committee Budgets- All committee chairpersons will prepare a proposed budget to be reviewed by the Executive committee and approved by the Association. Any purchases that are expected to exceed $250.00$350.00 will require three written bids, to be turned in to the Executive Committee and become part of the treasurer’s record, unless it is reasonably impossible to get 3 written bids. In obtaining financial bids, the standards for obtaining fair and comparable bids and scope of work will be followed, in accordance with the required standards of the Summit County Agricultural Society.

  • Requests for work to be done must be approved by the association.
  • Bids must be itemized and state as estimate or fixed price..

Standard for scope of work is as follows:

  • Association committee will obtain a written contract that accurately reflects the accepted bid prior to any work being started, to include exactly what work will be done, the quality of the materials that will be used, warranties, timetables, the total price of the job, and the schedule of payments if applicable.
  • Any change order that the contractor requests must first be submitted to the committee chairperson and Executive Committee in writing by the contractor.

Section F: Participation in committee meetings and events does not require SC4HSHA membership. Committee chairpersons must be regular or sustaining members of SC4HSHA and approved as 4H volunteers by OSU Extension.

Section G:Role of the finance committee is to primarily provide financial oversight for the organization. The finance committee will assist in reviewing & finalizing budget proposals of the organization, ensure maintenance of accurate records of all income, expenditures, transactions, and activities throughout the year, and work with committee chairpersons as needed to get the best value for goods and services through obtaining at least 3 quotes and/or informed bidding processes for all major expenditures, as defined by the SC4HSHA bylaws.

Section H: Bereavement donations may be no greater than $50.00 and can only be donated in the event an active SC4HSHA member, or immediate family member of an active SC4HSHA member passes away. An immediate family member is defined as mother, father, spouse, child, child’s spouse, brother, sister, grandchild, and grandparent. Great-, in law, half, and step can be added to the above descriptions.

Article VI

Any person or persons who will be handling more than $1,000.00 $5,000.00will be bonded. The bond will be provided by the association and there will be no expense to the bonded person.

Article VII

No member of the organization shall enter into a contract or agreement with any person(s) or organization without review and approval by the executive committee. Any and all contracts or agreements must be reviewed and signed by the president and one (1) trustee prior to returning to the contracting party.

Article VIII- Grievance Board

The president of the association shall appoint the chairperson and the vice chairperson of the Grievance Board. This board will consist of one advisor from each current 4-H club and the members of the executive committee and the fair and open show chairpersons. This board shall function as outlines:

  1. Only one (1) vote per club represented will be allowed. A quorum of clubs is required.
  2. All project changes after July 1st must be requested in the form of letters from the 4-H member and/orparent/guardian and the advisor or an association member and provided to the Grievance Board chairperson or Grievance Board vice chairperson. A letter and proper documentation must be submitted to the grievance committee before a grievance is heard.
  3. This board will hear all requests for project changes regarding 4-H projects. All fair paperwork is due by June 1st.Projects may be changed up until July 1st. Any changes between July 1st and the start of fairthat are because of injury to horse and/or rider must be substantiated in writing by a veterinarian or a doctor. The injury will not disqualify the rider from eligibility for high point or versatility. Any other project changes between July 1st and the start of fair, no matter what the reason, will result in loss of high point and versatility eligibility.No project changes will occur after the start of fair for any reason.
  4. During the discussion, the 4-Her, his/her parent/guardian and the 4-H advisor must be present for the board to ask questions. Upon completion of questions, the 4-Her and his/her parent/guardian will be dismissed during the closed discussion and vote. Following the vote as to whether to allow the grievance or not, they will be brought back before the Grievance Board to hear the board’s final decision. Decisions of the board are final. If the 4-Her and his/her parent/guardian are not present for the grievance meeting, there is no grievance.
  5. This board will report its decision to the association and notify the parties involved of the action to be taken. The 4-H office will be kept informed.
  6. Before the deadline for project registration, there will be an open check-in day. The date/time/location will be announced at the April meeting of the association. All organizational advisors from clubs not represented at the meeting will be notified. Fair paperwork should be turned in by the club advisor to the fair committee and checked so there are no mistakes or misunderstandings.

Article IX- Protests